Touched By Angels, I Fall Out Of Grace

You Shook Me All Night Long

"Abbie, who's Rachel? Gerard asked, giving me puppy eyes. "Aww, who could resist that face? It's one of my close friends." I said smiling at Gerard. Gerard smiled back, "Well what are you waiting for?" I chuckled and grabbed my cell out of my pocket, dialing Rachel's number. As it was ringing I looked around my livingroom. Ray and Mikey were sitting in front of the T.V having a debate, Bob was sitting in the lazy-boy dozing off, Gerard was sitting at my feet, looking up at me with a big grin plastered on his face, and Frank was sitting on the couch next to me with his head resting back, looking at me. Frank smiled, his eyes lighting up. His lip ring only made his soft lips more desirable. I was snapped out of my thought when I heard Rachel's bubbly voice, "Hello?" "Hey Rach!" I yelled. "Hey Abs, how's it goin'?" she asked. "Well actually I met some new people and I want you to meet them." I said. "When?" she asked. "" I replied. "Sure, I have nothing better to do." she agreed. I heard her yelling bye to her mom and a door closing. "Great, we are at my house." I said. "Okay, be there in a few." We hung up and I put my cell on the coffee table. I yawned and rested my head by Frank's.

About 10 mintures later Rachel walked through the door yelling, "I'm here!!!" I smiled and jumped up giving her a bone crushing hug, "My wife! I missed you!" "Me too! What has it been a whole two miserable days?" She said laughing. I grabbed her hand and lead her into the middle of the livingroom. "Rachel that's Mikey, Bob, Ray, Frank, and Gerard. Eevrybody this is the fabalous Rachel." I said moving my hands up and down, showing her like a new car. She spread her arms and cocked out her hip. We laughed and I shoved her playfully. She sat down on the floor next to Gerard. I few minutes later I sighed loudly. "I'm sooo bored! Music time!" I jumped up and ran to our entertainment center and put in a Cd. I smiled and turned around looking at Rachel. The song started and she smiled, getting up and standing next to me. We always sang this song when we were together. So basically everyday. We started singing What I like About You by Lillix as it blasted through the speakers.

The song ended and we started laughing. We looked around the all the boys were looking at us. "What?" I asked still laughing. "You guys are really good at singing." Mikey said pushing up his glasses. "Thanks Mikey." I said. I turned around and put on another song. I smiled when it started. I started walking over to Frank pointing my finger at him. He pointed his finger at his chest and looked surprised. He looked behind him and looked back at me pointing at himself again. I started laughing and pulled him up. We all started dancing around to ACDC's 'You Shook Me All Night Long'.