Touched By Angels, I Fall Out Of Grace

The Talk.

Frank and all the guys left, leaving me and Rachel to talk. "So...who's this Frank guy?" she asked. We were sitting on the couch watching T.V. "Well, actually I don't know. I like him and he likes me. We even kissed, but I don't think I want to get serious yet." I said flicking through the channels. "So, did any of the guys catch your eye?" I asked pausing to look at her. She blushed, and looked away. "Well, Gerard..." she mumbled. "I am good! I am the master!" I said getting up and doing a victory dance. "What are you talking about?" she asked with a cofused look on her face. "I invited you over because I knew you would take an interest in him." I said smiling down at her. She shoved me and started giggling. "Well, I should get going." she said standing up and stretching. We hugged and she left, leaving me all by myself. I loved the summer. My mom had work late and started early in the morning so I practically lived by myself. I sighed and allowed myself to think back when I was kissing Frank. I've never felt so alive. Flames ignited in my veins, spreading fire through out my body. My finger tips ached to trace his body. My heart swelled to the point I thought it was going to burst. When we pulled away and rested our foreheads together I felt a thin sheet of sweat on his forehead. His beautiful eyes dug into my soul and seemed to curl into a pocket on my heart. I smiled and headed up to my room to go to bed.

I climbed into bed, happy to be under the warmth of my blankets. Just as I set my head down my cell started ringing. I sighed and answered, "Hello?" "ABBIE!" Gerard screamed. "Well hello to you to Gerard." I said laughing. "Oh, hi." He said giggling. "What did ya need Gerard?" I asked yawning. "What did Rachel think of me?" he asked quickly, like if he didn't say it fast enough he wouldn't be able to have the courage to ask again. I smiled, "She likes you." I replied. "YES!" he yelled. I took the phone away from my ear as he started screaming. I heard Mikey yelling and then some muffles. Mikey came on the phone, "I take it Rachel likes him?" he asked. "Yeah, and I take it he likes her?" I replied. He started laughing, "Yeah." "Well goodnight Mikey, tell Gerard I said goodnight too." I said. "Well do, Goodnight." he replied. We hung up, and I chuckled. I knew it was going to happen. Rachel was pretty inside and out. She had shoulder length dark red hair, brilliant green eyes, and the cutest little smile. She was the sweetest girl, and pretty dang funny too. And then you have Gerard. Longish black hair, amazing olive eyes, and the best laugh known to man kind. He was a little sweetie too. They were perfect for eachother.

I woke up the next morning and hopped in the shower. After I was done and stepped out I got dressed in ripped jeans, a black Bouncing Souls t shirt, and my beat up converse. I threw on some dark black eyeliner to make my bright green eyes pop out, put on some chapstick and braided my long dark brown hair into two ponytails. I smiled at myself and headed downstairs. I looked around and decided to go for a walk.