Touched By Angels, I Fall Out Of Grace

Party Time.

We both lay there trying to catch our breath. I suddenly shot up, tears springing to my eyes. "What did I do?" I whispered. Gerard sat up next to me laying a hand on my shoulder, "It's okay." No, no it's not." I said getting up to look for my scattered clothes, "What about Frank and Rachel?" Gerard walked over to me. "Abbie, it just happened None of us are going out. That would be a different story, but..." he trailed off looking at me. "It was just a one time thing right?" I asked, more like pleaded. He smiled and hugged me. I felt a little better but not by much.

We went downstairs and watched T.V. About an hour later Frank and the rest of the guys came over and watched T.V with us. Frank sat next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder. Gerard went to his house really fast becuase his mom needed to talk to him. He came back, bursting through the door. "Good news ladies, we're having a party tonight. Mom's going out of town on a buisness trip." We all smiled. Tonight was going to be fun.

"Mikey!" I shouted over the blasting music as I saw him sitting on the couch. I've been looking around for everyone for quite awhile now but I didn't have any luck until now. "Hey Abbie!" He shouted as I sat next to him. I smiled and raised my drink at him. I wasn't drunk but I sure wasn't sober. Just then Gerard came into the livingroom spilling his drink as he clumsily made his way to us. "Abbie! Mikey!" He shouted. He had a big goofy grin and his face was flushed. Suddenly we heard rap music start to play. We all looked at eachother and looked over at the entertainment center and someone was messing with the music. Gerard shouted, "Hey! None of that shit in my house!" The music was switched back and the party continued. "I'm going to go find Frank." I said getting up and heading to the kitchen. I walked in the saw him siting on the counter talking to Bob. I smiled and walked up to them. "Hey Frank." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Where's mine?" Bob whined. I laughed and gave him a kiss and he walked away. Frank slid off the counter and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Hey sugar." He leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss, not caring who was staring. We kissed eachother hungrly, pulling eachother even closer. I pulled away smiling. We heard laughing behind us and there stood Ray with his arm around a girl. She had shortish straight brwon hair and light brown eyes. She was a very small girl both in height and weight. "Frank and Abbie this is Amy." He said smiling at the girl. I smiled and hld out my hand. She lightly shook it and pulled on Ray asking him to walk her home. They walked away and I turned back to Frank smiling. I grabbed his hand and led him out of the kitchen, heading to the stairs. When we passed the livingroom we saw Gerard and Rachel cuddled up, Mikey with a girl with strawberry blone hair and bright blue eyes, and Bob with a girl also. She had long brown hair and sky blue eyes.

We made our way up the stairs and stumbled into a dark bedroom, most likely Mikey's before locking lips. Frank pushed me on the bed, kissing me needily. He moved down my neck and started to suck on it. My hands gripped his hair and he slightly nibbled it. I brought his mouth to mine. I scatched my nails down his back, catching his moans in the mind blowing kiss. We eventually pulled apart and fell asleep in eachothers arms.