Breaking Me Slowly

Breaking Me Slowly
By: VioletShadows01


Matt Sanders, Brain Haner, Zack Baker, Johnny Sewerd and Jimmy Sullivan are known as the five bad asses of Baxter's School Of The Performing Arts. Their reputation placed them as the most feared group at the school.

So when Baxter's School Of The Performing Arts merges with St. Maxwell's Visual Arts Academy, Matt Sanders finds himself butting heads with a girl, who's reputation places her right next to him as the most feared student at the newly formed Baxter-Maxwell Academy Of The Arts.

Meanwhile, Brain Haner finds himself becoming close with one of the Maxwell students. He finds the shy, but hyperactive teen intriguing and can't help it when he finds himself falling for her mannerisms.

Pranks between Matt and his new found rival become widely known, and the deeper the rivalry goes.

But Matt learns something and in the heat of the moment, reveals his rival's darkest secret to the school and in return, finds himself riddled with guilt.

Brian and his newfound interest make plans to get Matt and his rival to see beyond their own pride.

Disclaimer: I do not own a7x...never will...although I wish I did. haha...I would torture them, and they would enjoy it.

Original Characters:

The Rival
Name: Violet Drayden
Nicknames: Violent Violet, Double-V, Vi, Vee
Age: 17
Hair: Shoulder length black hair, bold streaks of purple, thin streaks of neon green
Eyes: blue-green mix with silver starburst around pupils
Likes: Drawing, Painting, Fashion Design, Rock Music, Guitar, Smoking, Coffee, Mountain Dew, Twizzlers and Sour Patch Kids
Dislikes: Drinking, Racism, Homophobic People, Ignorant People, and people who think they know everything
Personality: Violet is known for her lack of control of her anger. She is known to be protective over friends. Quiet. Good Artist. Has a soft spot for kids.

The Love Interest
Name: Lauren Green
Nicknames: Ren, Renny, Ren-Tard, Renny-Cakes
Age: 17
Hair: Shoulder length brown hair, bold purple streaks
Eyes: dark doe-like brown eyes
Likes: Drawing, Fashion Design, Guitar, Rock Music, Coffee and Skittles
Dislikes: Racism, Homophobic People, and Ignorant people
Personality: Lauren is known for being shy. She is Violet's best friend, even though many people can't figure out how the two ever became friends. She is also known for random outbursts and getting into arguements with people over music.

The Best Friend
Name: Christopher Cheriff
Nicknames: Chris, Topher, C.C.
Age: 18
Hair: Black, usually spiked
Eyes: Blue-grey
Likes: Smoking, Drawing, Rock Music, Sour Patch Kids, Skittles, Mike and Ikes
Dislikes: Racism, Homophobes, Ignorant people and people who mess with Violet or Lauren
Personality: Perveted, amusing and loudest of the threesome. Known to break Violet from her silence. Has a thing for piercings and tattoos. Known for comments that end up having Violet saving his ass.

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