Status: Complete.

You've Got So Much Love in You

This Time, This Place, The Memories We Can't Erase

(Kristy's Point Of View)

I was very, very angry at Zac for inviting my ex along to lunch with us. Now he was driving and I was stuck in the back seat with Hayley. I didn't want to talk to her, be near her, or feel her next to me but did I have a choice? No.

"So... how have you been?" she asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"I've had better days."

"Me too..." she mumbled. I looked over at her; I could see bruises on her arms. Her sleeves were pulled down earlier so one wouldn't see it. Now it was plainly visible to the naked eye.

"What happened to you?"

"I don't wanna talk about it..." she turned her head away, gazing longingly out the window.

"Yeah well? You don't have a choice," I said. I knew she wouldn't open up to me because of the past events that had went down between us.

"You can't force me to talk to you... I don't wanna vent to someone who hates me..."

"One, saying I hated you was one of the biggest lies I've ever told, along with saying you didn't mean anything to me anymore because you still and always will mean everything to me," I bit my lip. I just showed weakness and I knew she'd probably take advantage of that. She knew the things that could tug on my heart strings enough to make me get back with her.


Maybe I was wrong about her taking advantage. Maybe she was back to the girl I fell in love with.

"Yeah. Here, Zac let's eat at that Taco Bell," I said. My hand accidentally brushed Hayley's. Her head shot over to me, looking me in the eyes to see if I did that to show a gesture of love. She looked away when my eyes showed no emotion. I could see her lip quivering slightly. I wanted so badly to hold her close and take all her pain away but I knew it wasn't the time, not when Zac was around. We needed to sort this out in private, by ourselves.

"Okay," he smiled and pulled into the parking lot. Both Hayley and I got out quickly. Zac wasn't far behind when I could hear her start crying.

"Hayley?" I asked, moving over to her small form that was now curled up against the wall.

"Leave me alone..." she choked out. I shook my head and sat next to her.

"Here, come here," I said softly, pulling her into my arms. She shivered before relaxing in my grasp. I let her cry it out on my chest and finally asked her whats wrong when she calmed down enough to talk to me.

"I miss us..." she cried pulling out the ring from her pocket. I fought back the tears. It was still perfectly in tact from the day I gave it to her. I figured she'd gotten rid of it.

"I'm not the one who ended it..." I whispered. I wanted to keep my voice from cracking but at the same time I wanted her to be okay.

"I made a mistake..." she mumbled, burying her head further into my chest. I sighed. This was not what I wanted to deal with when I was just starting to be a little happy again.

"This isn't the place to talk about this, Hayles..."

"Can we go somewhere that we can talk about it?"

I swallowed hard. The only private place to talk is my house and I wasn't too sure if I wanted to take her there.

"I'll take you guys to Kristy's house," Zac broke in. I made a mental note to get him back for that later. He must've had a plan devised to get us back together.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was originally gonna end this with the next chapter but I decoded against it. I love this story too much to end it, although their would be a sequel. Hey, how about you guys help me out. Should I stop it with the next chapter and write a sequel or should I just leave it as is? I'm afraid of losing readers and everything if I do a sequel..

Anyway, enjoy the update and have a good day!