Hello Angel Tell Me Where Are You

You Tried To Hit Me With Your Car!


It was a sunless day that almost perfectly matched my mood; I sighed and drove along to home. I looked down at the piece of paper in the passenger seat, the words looking me straight in the face and burning a hole in my heart.

Why does it matter so much? Why does it hurt so much? It’s been a month, she should be out of my head, I shouldn’t even remember her, and yet every single day, I do…

I looked up and slammed on my brakes as I saw someone walking out in front of me, they cast a surprised glance in my direction and ran the rest of the way across the street, I looked back at them, their face imprinting itself in my mind, it matched perfectly.


I abandoned my car in the middle of the street, jumping out and running after them, determined to bring her back, I was only a few feet away when she turned around, and stopped dead in her tracks, my feet slipped as I tried to stop myself, and I ran straight into her.


“Gerard?” She looked up at me; I nodded ecstatically as she hugged me. “I can’t believe I found you!” I laughed and helped her up, gathering up the books she dropped after I collided with her.

“I can’t believe you’re here!” I shouted a little too loudly, causing passerby to give me angry glances. She laughed and hugged me again, tighter this time. I realized we were both getting soaked in the sudden downpour and that my car was blocking traffic. “Come on, I
need to move my car before it gets ran over,” I said and swiftly pulled her across the street and into the passenger side of my car.

“You’re the one that almost ran me over!” she yelled as I moved the stuff out of the seat. “What’s this?” she bent down and picked up a piece of paper that had fallen onto the floor of the car.

“Oh, umm…that’s nothing,” I said quickly, trying to grab it away from her, she held it out of my reach while she read it, I quickly started driving as the honking behind me got louder.

“Gerard, this is amazing…” she looked at me and then at the paper. “Did you write this?” I nodded slightly and turned into my driveway, I had just realized how close I was to my house.

“Well, we’re here…” I finally snatched the paper from her hand, the words now seeming stupid and meaningless as I saw her staring at me in shock. “Sorry it’s just-“ I was cut off by her kissing me softly.

“I missed you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So school starts tomorrow, there's only two more chapters of this, Microsoft Word is being an evil tard and making me want to kill something, yeah, just a normal day ;D

I got damned for the cliffhanger in the last chapter. xD
There may be a sequel, depends on how school is, I've got the beginning in my head, it's just translating it. Hopefully, that will work out. xD

I really don't want to start high school.
I just have this feeling it's going to be a bad year.
I miss my old teachers D;

This was originally called Drenched Reunions, but how cheesy is that? xD