Hello Angel Tell Me Where Are You

The Butterflies In My Stomach

“I bet you I can go higher than you on the swings.” I looked at Gerard questioningly; there was a challenging look in his eyes.

“I bet you can keep dreaming, I am the undisputed champ of going high on the swings.” I returned his look, making sure my challenging glint was stronger; he scoffed and ran towards the swings, I walked the rest of the way, not wanting to induce an unnecessary asthma attack. When I finally reached him, he had started swinging and was already halfway towards the top of monkey bars. “I never said you could get a head start!” I shouted like a two year old, he looked down at me grinning, and I gave him a sad glare.

“Maybe if you would of ran instead of walking, you’d be up here with me.” He said smugly, I scoffed and walked away, I got what I wanted, the sound of his feet skidding across the sand underneath the swings in an attempt to stop told me, what I wasn’t expecting was to feel him pick me up, fling me across his shoulder and walk me towards his swing, and then sit me on his lap.

“What the hell?” I said, quite irritably, he gave me a mocking smirk and started swinging. “Let me off this deathtrap!” I screamed in his ear, he only winced slightly and went higher, we had gotten past the top of a nearby tree, and were getting closer to going over the top pole.

“When I say jump, let go,” he whispered, I shook my head and he raised an eyebrow. “So that means you want to go over the top?” I shook my head again; more deliberate now, and he widened his smirk. “Well then, let go when I say jump.” I debated my choices, let go and go towards sudden death, or go over the top of the swings and go flying 100 feet in the air, well either way I was going to die, might as well go the quicker way. “Jump!” I let go instantly, and braced myself for the impact.

“Shit, I’m not listening to you ever again, you just completely ruined your chances of me ever doing something for you ever again.” I said slowly, I had had the wind knocked out of me from the landing and was laying on my back in the grass by the tree we had went over just a few minutes ago, I heard him let out a breathless chuckle. “Don’t laugh at me, I was stating a fact.”

“I wasn’t laughing at you, I was laughing at the fact that you actually let go, I wasn’t going to jump if you wouldn’t have let go.”

“What?! I officially hate you now, our friendship is over.” I huffed and attempted to get up. “I can’t even sit up! Yeah, you blew it big time.” He looked at me out of the corner of his eye and laughed again, he slowly rose and came over to me.

“Now, Scarlet, how could you hate me?” He said, a hint of sarcasm in his tone, but a sad look on his face, he laid across my stomach, unable to support himself anymore.

“Actually, I could easily hate you, you almost got me killed, took me against my will, made me late for breakfast, and right now you’re suffocating me!” I shouted the last part as I wriggled out from under him.

“Okay, I know I’m not the skinniest person in the world but I can’t be that heavy.”

“Actually you can be, and I still hate you.” I said matter of factly, wanting to get the message through his head. He just gave me a strange grin and moved closer towards me, his face inched towards mine, he stopped when they were just centimeters apart. I stared at him and he smiled again, moving closer, finally his lips touched mine.

He backed away, “Still hate me?” I stayed there looking at him and nodded, he moved in closer again. “As long as you hate me I’m just going to keep kissing you,” at this I shook my head, my stomach couldn’t take it anymore, I needed to get away from him as bad as it sounds, he was killing me. “So you don’t hate me?” He asked, his face still centimeters away from mine, I nodded frantically and he backed away, I shot up and scooted quickly away from him, leaning against the fence, he gave me a questioning look and stood. “Are you okay, Scarlet?” I nodded again and shifted myself farther away from his nearing form, I could tell he didn’t believe me, he sat beside me, but keeping his distance. “I’m sorry,” he whispered half-heartedly.

“Don’t be, it’s my fault, not yours.” I heard the words but I didn’t realize they came out of my mouth until the sentence was finished.

…What am I talking about, of course it’s his fault…

…No it’s not and you know it, don’t be a bitch to him now…

…I’m not being a bitch, I’m saying the truth, it’s his fault I’m about to pass out…

…He didn’t mean to make you like this, he probably doesn’t even know…

…I hate you and your reasoning…

…I know…

“Scarlet?” Gerard’s voice had brought me out of my head, ending my conversation with myself.


“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked, looking at me with pure worry in his eyes.

“Yeah, I’m okay, I’m just having a…” RING I looked up and remembered what that intolerable ring just was. “As I was saying…” I glared up at the cafeteria building. “I was just having a moment, and now it’s lunchtime!” I said, my tone lifting as I thought of food.

“Wasn’t there supposed to be a snack in between breakfast and lunch?” He asked, helping me up off the ground.

“Sometimes we have it, sometimes we don’t, but either way, they don’t sound a bell for it, you either have to stay near or in the cafeteria to know when it is.” I realized I was
standing. “Thanks.”

“No problem, now let’s go so I don’t make you late for breakfast and lunch, then you really would have a reason to hate me,” he gave a sarcastic smirk and led me to the cafeteria. I squealed as we entered the lunchroom.

“Chick-Fil-A!” I ran to the front of the line, this time dragging Gerard behind me, and stole a bag and a soda for both of us. I ran through the door and jumped over the wall, barely making it, and collapsed under the tree, Gerard fell beside me; giving me the oddest look ever created.

“Someone’s just a little too excited about something like Chick-Fil-A,” he said, grabbing his bag and soda from me.

“Uhh, lived here my entire life…” I said matter of factly, digging through my bag. “Blech, this one has pickles,” I stole his bag from him and rummaged through it. “This is officially the best day of my life.” I took the sandwich out of the bag and hugged him tightly; I took a bite out of the sandwich and noticed him looking at me. “What?”

“You are something else my friend,” he said, still staring at me, I shrugged and felt the blush creep onto my face as he laughed and ate his sandwich happily.

The pain inflicted upon wasn’t intentional my dear…
♠ ♠ ♠
MY INTERNET LIVES! -happy dance-
So so so so sorry about the wait, obviously my internet was out, note the happy dance, so I couldn't update. I tried typing it up onto my parents' computer but that didn't work out too well.
BUT if I get one comment I'll update again. Maybe even two times if I like the comment enough. xD