Hello Angel Tell Me Where Are You

Something You'll Never Know.

“Scarlet! Wake up!” I heard the shouts in my ear, and felt someone shaking me violently. I was not looking forward to this, and was not exactly happy by this rude awakening from my warm, almost peaceful sleep.

“Go away Gerard.” I said groggily, waving my hand blindly in his direction.

“I am away,” I reluctantly opened my sagging eyelids and saw that he was standing on the other side of the room, going through my makeshift closet and randomly throwing clothes on the wooden chair near it. “What are you doing?” I asked, slightly annoyed.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m picking out your wardrobe for today,” he turned around smirking evilly as he threw an outfit at me.

“Do you know how unbelievably gay that sounded?” I said, throwing the covers off me and standing in front of my bed, looking at the clothes he had just thrown at me, they actually weren’t that bad, but they were something I would never of picked out by myself. “I am worried about your sexuality Gerard, because this is actually okay looking,” I said, shifting my gaze from him leaning smugly on my dresser to the clothes.

“Do you really think I’d give you something ugly to wear?” He asked smirking wider than before and gesturing towards his jeans and jacket, “I mean, look how well I dress myself, really Scarlet, you’d think you’d have more common sense than that.” I glanced at him, and then towards the door.

“I’m not changing until you leave,” I said smartly, he continued to stand.

“Well, I’m not leaving so I guess you’ll just have to go to breakfast in your pajamas,” he raised an eyebrow at my spotted pants, black slippers and ratty tank top, I gave him a glare and gave in.

“Fine, but you have to cover your eyes and promise not to peek, either that or you can go in my closet, which has a lock by the way.”

“I choose the first one,” with that he put his hands over his eyes and smiled widely, he heard the silence, “What are you waiting for? I’m not a pervert Scarlet, promise.” I sighed and slipped off my slippers and quickly changed my pants, but seeing as the pants he’d chosen were skinny jeans, I wasn’t as quick as I had hoped to be. After I sat down on the bed in an attempt to rest from the battle with the pants, which were too long, I changed my shirt with ease and walked over to where Gerard was standing, he uncovered his eyes before I got to him.

“You were peeking!” I yelled accusingly, he only grinned and sat on the chair.

“I lied about the whole not being a perve, sorry.” I huffed and grabbed a pair of socks from a drawer and put them on, I never ceased glaring at him as I walked back over to my bed and slipped my tattered vans on, I walked towards the door, grabbing my jacket and storming out into the hallway. I heard my door close and running footsteps come behind me. “Look I can’t say I’m sorry for peeking because that’d be lying, but I don’t want you to stay mad at me for it, it’s not my fault you give into me so easily.” He ran in front of me and grabbed my shoulders, “I am sorry for making you mad, though, forgive me?” He was really much too good at making a pathetic look come across his features, and that’s how he always got me, I sighed and nodded. “Yay!” He jumped and enveloped me in a deathly hug.

“Can’t.Breathe.Need.Air.” I said, trying to get away from him.

“Oh, sorry,” he grinned sheepishly and let go, he kept an arm around my shoulders and we walked down the corridor to the cafeteria.

[[After Breakfast]]

I sat on the swings with Gerard beside me; he was swaying absentmindedly from side to
side, sighing every few minutes. I sat on the swing I had been sitting on when he arrived, just a week earlier, but that week had felt like years, I sat there almost admiring his features, until I realized he was staring at me intently.


“Gerard.” I replied, kicking myself back into the real world, but I continued to stare at him, he took my look the wrong way.

“Is there something on my face, or something?” He asked, quickly rubbing the end of his jacket sleeve across his face.

“No, no, there’s nothing on your face.” Except for flawless beauty… I shook my head of my thoughts and stared at the ground, slowly feeling the butterflies erupt as I felt his eyes on mine.

“Are you sure you’re okay, hun?” The butterflies worsened as he spoke, they were too painful, I couldn’t take anymore of this, I flew off the swing and bolted for the vine covered building that housed the dorms, I could feel the shock radiating from him as I raced across the yard, flying through the heavy wooden doors and almost hurling a group of 8 year olds across the lobby. I didn’t bother taking the elevator and ran up the 2 flights of stairs, down my corridor and through my door, flinging myself onto my bed. I lay there, my face in my pillow, waiting. I suddenly went into a spasm of wheezing and coughing, tears erupting over the brims of my eyes, I couldn’t move to get what I needed, the sweet remedy of the gas that filled my lungs with just a simple push of the trigger, I lay there, surrendering to the attack, until I heard the unmistakable footsteps of Gerard coming through the corridor. “Scarlet! What the hell happened? Why’d you just run off like that?!” He stopped ranting when he saw me being taken over by the attack, he started to run over to me, but then saw where my eyes were locked in focus at, he noticed my inhaler and ran to get it, he held it for me as I breathed in the sweet air. I took another deep breath from the inhaler and he set it on my nightstand, he gave me a worried look and smiled slightly.

“How’d you know what to do?”

“My brother used to have asthma when he was younger, and I was usually the only home to take care of him when he had attacks.” I nodded as he lay next to me on the bed, which was a tight squeeze, considering it was twin sized.

“Thank you, I’m sorry for running off like that, it’s just that…” I sighed and looked up at the numerous cracks in the ceiling.

“Just what?” He asked, wrapping his arm around me, pressing my body against his, I felt the butterflies come again, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep them suppressed and they tightened my lungs, causing me to wheeze again, he looked at me and immediately grabbed the inhaler, I took it and proceeded on my own, I handed it back to him and he returned it to it’s place. “Is there something about you that I don’t know about?”

…Yeah, something you’ll never know…

…Don’t talk like that, he’ll find out eventually, I mean, you aren’t the most subtle person…

…He will not, you know when you insult me, you insult yourself…

…I know…

…God I hate you so much, I hope you know that…

…Oh, trust me, I know…

I shook my head in disgust, and caught his questioning glance. “Oh, sorry, you were saying?” I asked, adverting his gaze as well as I could.

“I was saying, there’s something about you I don’t know,” he paused and looked at me almost evilly, “But it is something I intend to find out very, very soon.” I gulped and he laughed, not knowing I was serious, if there was one thing I did not want him to know about me, it was that every time he looked at me, or touched me, or sometimes just spoke to me, it made me fall with the pain of the butterflies that exploded and ricoched with the force of a thousand rockets off the walls of my stomach, I almost threw up at just the thought of it. I felt him staring at me questioningly, and I turned towards him and smiled.

“So, what do you want to do until lunch?” I asked, wanting to get his gaze off me, he sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

“I don’t know, what do you want to do?”

“Anything that doesn’t involve moving, I feel sick as hell right now,” he chuckled softly and turned over on his side, so that our faces were only inches apart. Oh God, not again, please, please not again, I can’t take it… He almost heard my thoughts, a slight frown played on his lips as he scrutinized me thoughtfully.

“Am I really that ugly?” He asked, shocked, I laughed and shook my head; he nodded skeptically and took my chin in his hand, “Do you really mean that? You can say I’m ugly if I really am…”

“No, I mean, you are not ugly whatsoever.” I said, shaking my head in his hand. He moved his mouth to my ear.

“Good, because you’re not either,” he let go of my chin, and returned his head to the pillow, his eyes never leaving mine, I stared at him, into his eyes, even this close, I couldn’t determine their color. I preoccupied myself with this so the butterflies wouldn’t return. “What are you looking at?” He asked, never moving his gaze from mine. I sighed and shook my head, he looked at me more seriously and I saw his eyes turn more to the hazel side, “I’m dumb but not that dumb, Scarlet, I can tell there’s something wrong.” I lied, well, almost, I told part of the truth…

“I’m trying to figure what the hell color your eyes are, first they’re hazel, then they’re green, and then they’re both.” I sighed, pretending to be frustrated, he snickered, and instantly
made me hungry, “You just made me really hungry now,” he looked at me and then realized what just happened.

“Oh, sorry about that, and to be honest, I don’t even know what color they are, it confuses me too, but it’s the same way with yours.” I looked at him shocked, ignoring the rumbling in my stomach as I thought of the song for Snickers. “When you’re surprised, your eyes go to the green side, when you’re angry, they go to the hazel side, and when you’re happy, they go to the blue side, and when you’re in a different mood, they’re all three, with a little bit of gray, they’re really quite interesting…” He went on with this, scrutinizing my eyes even more as I looked at him in shock. “Right now, they’re mostly green, with a little bit of blue, so you’re happy, but mostly shocked right?”

“You really scare me, I mean, I didn’t even know that.”

“But it’s true, I’ve noticed more about you than probably people who’ve known you your entire life, because honestly, you’re different than everyone else, you’re not fake…” I looked at him, pretty sure that my eyes were all green, if his statement was true; he looked away, embarrassed by my expression.

“Happy peanuts soar, over chocolate covered mountaintops and waterfalls of caramel…” I
looked at him and noticed he had both eyebrows raised a mile high. “What? I’m hungry and I really want a Snickers bar at the moment,” he snickered again and I gave a pained expression.

“Sorry! I can’t help it sometimes, you’re just really entertaining.” I scoffed at this and continued singing, he got up and walked towards the door. “Stay here, okay?”

“Like I have a choice…” He laughed and walked out, I waited until the door closed and silently got off the bed, and crept into his room, he was rummaging through the smallest suitcase, I thanked God when he didn’t notice me come into his room, I crept over to his closet and opened the door. “Whoa.” He turned around immediately and a betrayed expression flooded his face, although the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. “Are you a jacket whore or something?”

“Actually,” he said, walking up and hugging me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder, and I somehow managed to push the rising butterflies down. “I’m more like a jacket slut.” I burst out laughing, causing him to let go of me as I collapsed on the floor, him staring down at me worriedly yet with an amused grin tugging at his lips. “It isn’t that funny Scarlet, honestly,” he said, laughing nonetheless, he grabbed my hands and pulled me up, when he sat me down on his bed, he slipped something into my hand.

“Oh my God! I love you Gerard!” I said hugging him tight enough to make his face turn blue, I eventually released him from my death grip and started unwrapping the Snickers bar and shoving half of it in my mouth, and swayed the other half in the air, singing the song. He stood from the bed and joined me, and I heard some people walk by, stopping in front of the room and whispering, surprised at the sound coming through the door of 232.
♠ ♠ ♠
You have got to love that interview. xD

Okay, so comments on the undeniable cheesiness of this chapter are [incredibly] welcomed.