Hello Angel Tell Me Where Are You

Come Screaming Down and Save Me


I stared out the window, not seeing the passing landscape before me, all I knew was that I had left Scarlet alone in that place, and I didn’t know why, but the guilt was killing me. I sighed as I tuned my hearing in to catch me grandmother’s words.

“Gerard, dear, I’m worried about you, I’ve never seen you this quiet.”

“I’m fine, grandma, I’m just thinking about seeing Mikey again is all,” she nodded and turned her attention back to the long stretch of highway ahead of her that led the way to Maryland, I sighed and looked up through the window, it was a beautiful day, if only my mood matched it. I looked over at the clock in the front of the car. 12:57, I had just left Scarlet almost four hours ago, but it felt like days. I sighed and readjusted myself in the seat so I could lay my head on the window and closed my eyes.


I lay on my bed, looking out of my small window, I had skipped breakfast and lunch and both of the snacks in between, I was hungry as hell and the pain in my stomach was killing me. This is worse than the butterflies. I shook my head and felt the tears well up in my eyes as I remembered all of those butterflies. I missed them now, they let me know when Gerard was here, I’d give anything to have them back now. I sighed and rolled over, staring at the ceilings, tracing the cracks with my eyes, I turned over and screamed into my pillow when they morphed into his face. “God I can’t take this anymore! You were right, I need him! Are you happy now?!” I sobbed into my pillow, screaming at myself, I turned over finally, taking deep, erratic breaths between each sob, I stumbled over to my dresser and opened the bottom drawer, I dug through it, almost possessed looking for what I needed. I sighed as I found pulled it out, I put the cold metal against my wrist and started crying as slowly slid it across, and as I saw the blood I weakly threw it across my room. “Why the hell am I doing this? I shouldn’t, I really shouldn’t be doing this…” I wrapped an old shirt around my wrist and laid across my floor, wishing at the ceiling for somehow, Gerard to come flying down, I winced as the fabric burned the wound on my wrist. God help me, please, just come screaming down and save me.


“Gerard, we’re here, dear,” I woke up slowly to my grandmother gently shaking me from the front seat, I nodded and she turned off the car and got out, walking towards the huge building we were parked in front of, I sighed as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and rose stiffly from my position against the door. I undid my seatbelt, and stepped out of the car. I felt the warm, sea-smelling air of Maryland hit my face and envelope me in its loving gentle embrace. I actually liked it here, but then I remembered Connecticut, and Scarlet. I sighed and mentally scorned myself for thinking of it, when I had forgotten it for so long, I sighed and shook my head as I walked towards the big building, and my spirits lifted as I saw my younger brother sprinting across the yard beaming at me. I caught him in a hug and raced him back to the building, letting thoughts of Scarlet and Connecticut evaporate from my mind, as I let the air of Maryland take them over the Atlantic.
♠ ♠ ♠

SO. Thank you for the comments! -hugs to everyone-
For the next few chapters, the points of view are going to be switching a lot.
I love how everyone's saying Gerard's going to come back.

But again, thank you, and I'll update again soon. ;D
(Mikey's here! Yay!)