Hello Angel Tell Me Where Are You

Here We Go, Leaving and Grieving.

“So, I guess I haven’t properly introduced myself,” the diamond eyed boy said, I grinned and shoved the rest of my clothes in my suitcase and laid it on the wood floor.

“Nope, you haven’t Mr.” I replied happily, sitting on my suitcase and struggling to zip it up, he smiled and came over, moving my hand and zipping it for me.

“Well, my name’s Bob, Bob Bryar,” he said after closing the rest of my suitcase for me.

“Well, then, thank you very much, Mr. Bryar for helping me with my luggage,” I grunted softly as I heaved myself to my feet. “I’m Scarlet, Scarlet Hallpith, or I guess Bryar now, huh?” He laughed and nodded.

“You can keep your last name you know, you don’t have to be called Bryar.”

“Hmm…I guess it would appear that way wouldn’t it? But I like Scarlet Bryar, it has a weird, but nice ring to it, and I have no reason to keep Hallpith, so Bryar it is, and plus, it’s a brand of ice cream!” He laughed loudly as he pulled my suitcase up from the floor and sat it

“So I guess I’m the flavor Bob and you’re the flavor Scarlet?” I nodded happily and skipped out of the room, waiting for him outside my door, he grinned at me and went on down the hall, I stole one last glance at my room, sighing in sadness but relief, and flicked the lights off, shutting the door behind me, and on my old life I had known for so long.


“Bye, hun, see you later,” I gave Becka a quick kiss and watched as she walked away, sighing as I walked away to my car. I quickly got in and settled into the heat as I drove away to meet Ray up at his job.

Why couldn’t he get a car of his own? I’m the only one, besides Matt, who has their own car, but then again, I do have to share this with Mikey…

I was pulled out of these thoughts by the vibrating of my cell phone in my pocket.


“Hello? Gerard?”

“Yes…” I turned the corner, wondering who this was, and how the hell they got my number.

“Umm…this is Ali…” I recognized the name instantly, it was someone I had met at the orphanage, my stomach did a quick somersault up into my throat and I pushed it back down to its proper place.

“Hi, Ali, what makes you call? And, well, not trying to sound rude, but how the hell did you get my cell phone number?” A little harsh, but not intended, I heard her take a deep breath and a small clanking of metal.

“Umm…I got it from Scarlet, I just wanted to tell you that I just saw her leave…with this one person, I didn’t find out who it was, but she’s being adopted by them…I think they’re going to Jersey…” I skidded the car to a stop in front of the store, my heart going a 100 miles per

“Thank you, Ali, thank you-“

“Umm, Gerard, I have to go, the headmasters coming, bye.”

I stared at the phone, and jumped when Ray opened the passenger door, Frank following into the backseat, I guess they saw me staring, open-mouthed and wide-eyed at the phone, with most likely the stupidest looking smile spread across my face.

“Hey, Gee, your phone call you a sex god?” Frank joked as he snapped in my face. I jolted out of my trance, casting a glare behind me as I drove out of the makeshift parking spot I had made for myself.

“No, you called me a sex god, because you know I am, right Frank?” He glared back at me, crossing his arms and pouting in the backseat, knowing he had been beaten, I smirked and Ray laughed.


I stared out my window, glancing over at Bob, who was sound asleep across from me, his mother was concentrating on the road so much she didn’t speak a word, she had obviously never been to anywhere but Chicago in her life, driving at least.

In just three hours, I had found out everything.

Bob was 17, his dad left when he was 10 and he hadn’t talked to him since, he was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, except for a year and a half in a small town way up in northern Illinois. They were moving to Jersey now because his dad had suddenly tracked them down and tried to rape his mother, whenever I had thought about this my stomach tied into knots, knowing that the woman in front of me had gone through that, and yet still had the softest features, I looked at my own jagged ones in the reflection of the window. My stomach growled loudly, causing her to look up at me and smile.

“Are you hungry, Scarlet? I can stop by somewhere and get you something if you’d like,” I smiled at her in the mirror and shook my head politely. I could deal with the hunger; I had for the past…month. Was it really a month since he had left me all alone, to go off to Jersey with his family? I swiftly wiped away a lone tear that had fallen over at the thought.

“You okay, Scarlet?” I flinched at Bob’s sudden nearness and a concerning look flashed over his face.

“Umm, yeah, I’m fine, really,” I mumbled to the window, causing it to fog from the warmth of my breath, he looked at me, obviously not buying it, but decided not to press matters any further, and moved back to his side of the seat. I looked back at him, regret pulling at me but then returned my glance to the fleeting cars and trees. A large green sign passed my eyes.

Welcome to New Jersey.
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-fangirl squee-
I'm just hyper from all the feedback this is getting. ;D