Epic Failures of a Teenage Emo ***

It's Dark Despite the Light

Andy felt his head whip forward as a volleyball hit him in the back of the head roughly. They had only been playing volleyball in his gym class for ten minutes and already he had been hit about four times.
Andy turned his head around and looked at the smirking bronzed and blonde god behind him. Jocks were such asses. Andy rolled the ball back to him before turning back around into his stance. He was actually really good at this sport when they played fairly. This was only when their teacher, Mrs. Hayes, was actually in the gym. This wasn’t all that often.

Andy felt himself tense up as he heard the guy behind him serve. He saw the ball fly over the net silently, which meant that Mrs. Hayes was finally back.

“Andy. I need to see you in my office.” Mrs. Hayes opened the door to her small office that was in the far corner of the gym right next to the equipment room and the change rooms.
“Oh, alright Mrs. Hayes.” Andy grinned as he headed for Mrs. Hayes office. A few of the guys snickered or glared at him before moving to fill in his now empty spot in the volleyball game.

“Mrs. Hayes, I—.”
“Shut up and help me get these clothes off.” Mrs. Hayes said as she pushed Andy against the now closed door. Andy grinned and gladly helped her. They had these little sessions during gym class almost every day.

“Yes ma’am.” Andy pulled her face towards his and kissed her roughly as they pulled at each other’s clothes quickly. They only had an hour of class and they had already wasted 15 minutes of their time together.

Kimberly-Ann Hayes was fresh out of university when she was asked to take the job of a high school gym teacher. She was originally supposed to be the girls gym teacher as was customary, but with all female gym teachers, Kimberly had been given the boys gym class.

“Mrs. Hayes?” There was a rough knocking at the door. “Mrs. Hayes. I need to speak to you about the attendance not working…”
Mrs. Hayes swore roughly as she fumbled for her bra and shirt as Andy did the same for his gym strip.
“Of course Mr. Wells, just… a moment…” When she finally looked presentable, she opened the door. Andy quickly slid out past Mr. Wells and back into the gym where he rejoined his peers.

“Of course Mr. Wells, right this way. My computer is back here just behind—.” Mrs. Hayes shut the door behind them.

“Hey, emo-whore. Over here.” One of the boys threw a red dodge ball at Andy’s face. “How many teachers are you sleeping with?” He smirked and came over to pick up the ball where it had dribbled after impacting Andy’s face. “Probably the guy teachers too. You’re not too picky are you emo-whore?” Andy’s mind raced for the guys name. “I’m talking to you whore. Look at me.” Carter. Carter Orson.

“Screw off Carter.” Andy hissed, tossing the dodge ball back at him. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh really? And what are you gonna do about emo-whore.”

“Stop calling me that!” Andy felt his stance lower slightly, ready to throw his body at Carter. A part of his brain was telling him that he would barely dent Carter with his scrawny body. Andy was about 5’10” and 130 lbs with short dark hair. His bangs were always in his eyes and he wore his favourite bands on his shirts. His jeans were always frayed and tight because he liked how they fit. Girls were always trying to get with him so they could fix him because he was obviously broken to the rest of the world. He’d sleep with them and let them think they were fixing him, then he’d up and leave on to the next one.

“Don’t pretend you’re not. You’re fucking Mrs. Hayes and every other girl in this school. And if you even try to convince me that you’re not emo…” Carter laughed loudly and all the other guys joined in.

“I’m serious, go away.” Next to Carter, Andy looked even smaller and skinnier. Paler too. Carter was at least 6’2”, blond, tanned beyond all human need and built like a high school senior football captain… which he was.

“Aw, emo-whore is scared. You gonna call Mrs. Hayes to get you out of trouble?” Carter threw the ball into Andy’s chest, sending him back a step. “Can’t fight your own battles?”

Andy barely knew what was happening when he found himself throwing his small, pale fist into Carter’s face.
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This is chapter one of many. This is my first non-MCR story posted on mibba that I believe I'm actually going to commit too... Better not jinx it though.

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