Haunted Ice Cream Shop

Haunted Ice Cream Shop .

“Why buy a mattress, anywhere else!” Joe sang along off-tune to the ad on the radio.

“Joe, would you stop singing?” Nick asked as he rubbed his temples.

“Stop singing!” He gasped. “Are you trying to steal my position in the band?!”

“No, I mean stop singing to the radio.”

“I don’t believe you!” He screamed. “You want to steal my fame, so I would just go die in a hole and never be loved again from any one in this selfish world!”

“Okay…” Kevin rolled his eyes as he continued to drive.

“Whatever Joe…” Nick added.

“OH MY GOD, WATCH OUT!” Joe yelled as Kevin slammed on the brakes.

“What was it?!” Kevin asked worried.

“God Kevin why did you slam on the brakes!” Joe yelled.

“Because you told me too watch out for something.”

“What?! Are you out of your mind?” Joe asked.


“Wow Kevin, you have some problems…” Joe said as he began to look out his window.

Kevin sat there confused, but shrugged it off and started driving again.

“KEVIN STOP!” Joe warned.

Kevin slammed on the brakes.

“What was it?!” Kevin asked alert.

“Wait here.” Joe said unbuckling his seatbelt. “I really need an ice cream cone.”

Joe ran out of the car and into the ice cream shop. Ten minutes later he didn’t come out.

“God what is he doing in there?!” Kevin asked impatiently.

“Being Joe.” Nick stated.

“Can you go check up on him?” Kevin asked Nick.

“Why do I have to do it?” Nick whined.

“Because you’re younger, and I’ll die before you. Now go!” Kevin said.

“Fine.” Nick pouted and walked out of the car.

Once he arrived into the ice cream shop he noticed the place was deserted.


He began walking around the shop until he found a doorway that led to a basement. Nick began walking down the steps into the dark basement, and once he got to the bottom, he heard strange noises coming from another room.

He cautiously began walking across the basement floor, and towards the door that led to the other room. He reached the door handle and began turning it. He slowly opened the door and walked into a strange room. There were freaky paintings covering up every single inch of the four walls in that room. The weirdest part of that room is actually the furniture. There was one stool in the middle of the room, and nothing else.

Nick looked around the room, and stepped inside. He walked over to a random painting and the door behind him slammed shut. He jumped at the sound, and went to go open it, but it wouldn’t open. Nick started to panic; he was stuck in this freaky room that was bound to give him nightmares for the rest of his life, and he couldn’t find Joe.

“Anyone! Help!” He yelled and started banging on the door.

“Help me!” He yelled louder, but the place was deserted, or had he thought.

Nick sat there on the floor knocking the door lazily. He decided no one was going to hear him so he gave up. He decided to take this time and relax, even though he was in the worst situation to be relaxing, he didn’t care. His eyes were shut, and he fell into a deep sleep.

“Nick… Nick, wake-up!” A voice woke him up.

“Joe, is that you?” He asked half asleep.


“Where am I?” He asked.

“You’re dead.” He stated simply.

“What?” He laughed.

“Fine then, don’t believe me.” Joe moved out of Nicks face. “Believe me now?”

Nick was surrounded by very bright white clouds and angels playing harps.

“Is this really what heaven is like?” He asked amazed.

“No.” Joe stated simply. “The devil just wanted to trick you for a couple seconds. You’re not in heaven,” The beautiful sight changed into a horrible dark place. Everything looked dead, and there was not one nice cloud in the sky. “You’re in hell.”

Nick looked around frightened at the sight before his eyes.

“Don’t worry about it Nick, look at the bright side… oh wait, there is none…”


“Nick wake-up!” Kevin shook him awake.

“Kevin?” Nick opened his eyes to see that he was back in the car. “Oh thank god! I’m alive!”

“Uh, okay… You’re starting to sound a little bit like Joe…”

“Joe! Where’s Joe?!”

“Still in the ice cream shop…” Kevin was confused by Nick behavior.

“I’ll be right back.” Nick stated and ran out of the car and into the shop.

“Joe?” Nick called as he walked through the door.

Strangely, again the place was deserted. He looked around the shop again, but this tie heard talking noises from the bathroom. Maybe Joe was in there.

Nick walked into the bathroom; too see no one in there. Where the heck was Joe? Nick turned and his reflection in the mirror made him jump a little. He shrugged the spook he had just got off, but once he started walking out of the washroom, he noticed something strange. He moved back to where he was standing in front of the mirror to see his reflection hadn’t moved one bit. He started moving his hands randomly, but his reflection didn’t move. Nick began to run out of the room, but again the door was locked. What’s with this place? He thought. He began slamming on the door, and running into it hoping it would open, but it didn’t.

Nick heard a strange noise from behind him. He hesitantly turned around to see a scary little girl behind him. Her hair was the darkest black, and it was covering half of her face, which was scared, and bloody. Her eyes were so dark it looked as if she didn’t even have any. She started moving closer to him, pulling out a knife from behind her. He backed away terrified, and his back hit the back of the door. He bent down and begged her to stop. The little girl came closer, and closer, only inches away from him. She lifted the knife in the air and-

“Nick, wake-up!” His brothers shouted.

“Oh my god, don’t kill me!” He shielded himself.

“What? Nick, you fell asleep in the car, and we couldn’t stand your screaming so we woke you up, we have no intentions of killing you…” Kevin said confused.

“Oh, it was just a dream…” Nick said to no one in particular.

“Or was it.” The little girl in his recent dream had appeared out of no were in the back seat sitting beside him. She reached behind her and carried the same knife she had before. Nick looked over to Joe and Kevin who seemed to have noticed nothing.

Nick began to panic, and the little girl was about to stab him when-

“Nick! Are you in there?” Someone was banging on the door.

“Huh?” He was woken up in the room of paintings.

“Joe is that you?”

“Yes, back away from the door, you’re looked in there; I’m going to break it open.” Joe said from behind the door.

Nick did as he was told and Joe began to slam himself against the door. The third time it broke open and Nick went up too him brother.

“Wow, this is the weirdest room I’ve ever seen.” Joe took a look at the room.

Yeah, yeah whatever, let’s just get out of here!” Nick grabbed Joes arm and he ran up the stairs and back into Kevin’s car.

“What took you guys so long?” He asked.

Joe began explaining the story while Nick sat in the back seat staring out his window. There was a girl across the street waiting to cross with her mom. Nick looked at the girl carefully thinking he had seen her before. The girl and her mom had started walking across the street when an uncontrollable vehicle was speeding down the street. Nick saw the scene and knew it wouldn’t have ended well.

“Get off the road!” Nick shouted to the girl and her mom as he ran out of the car.

“Hurry, get off the road!” He shouted. The little girl and her mother stared at him confused.

Nick was frustrated with their uncooperativeness, but he wasn’t able to save them. The drunk driver had sped up and hit them, making his windshield break into tiny millions of shattered pieces.

Nick ran of to the girl and her mother who were full of blood. He got a good look of the girl and now knew who she was. She was the little girl from his dreams. He stared at them as the ambulance came and hurriedly rushed them into the ambulance car and sped off to the hospital.

“Nick, are you okay?” Joe and Kevin asked as they rushed up to him. His face was completely blank, and white as a ghost.

Nick turned back to the ice cream shop, and in the window he saw her staring at him, with her mother beside her.

He closed his eyes, and shook his head. He looked at the window again, but they disappeared.

“Yeah, Uh… I’m fine. Let’s just go home.” Nick shrugged everything off hoping to forget it, but…who can really forget the dead.
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That would be awesome !