Not So Nice

Chapter Ten

Nick's P-O-V:

I stared at the Starbucks napkin in front of me.

I looked back up at her.

'What?! I'm not-' I started looking back down at the scribbly handwriting. 'Carrying your bags, holding your purse, bringing you coffee every morning-' she cut me off.

'That's not what it said. It said 'at least once a week'. See?' she said pointing to part of the napkin where she had written those directions.

'Okay well I'm definitely not holding your purse.' I resisted crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair.

'Fine, will you at least hold my shopping bags when I change? Or a few while we're walking?' she asked.

'Fine. I will carry a few of your bags and I'll hold them while you change.' I said giving in.

'Sweet!' she said.

I chuckled at her "childish behaviors".

'You ready to go?' I asked grabbing the napkin and sliding it into my pocket.

'Yeah sure.' she said grabbing her coffee and standing up.

I stood up along with her and tossed my cup in the trash and we walked out.

'Hey can we go to the bookstore?' she asked randomly after a few minutes of silence and walking.

'Um, sure?' I said surprised.

'Don't be so surprised, Jonas. I do read. A lot actually.' she said rolling her eyes.

'Do you have a favorite series?' I asked.

'Eh. I read a lot of random books. A lot of suggestions. I read a lot of realistic teen fiction. I used to read a lot of fantasy until maybe sixth grade, and then I kind of grew up a little. I usually read the paper too.' she said as we crossed the street to Borders.

'Really? I can't picture you for the newspaper kind of girl.' I said.

'Well, usually when it's something about my school, like sports or something, or like school things in general, I read it. It's just good be in check with the world.' she said as I pulled the door open for her and followed suit.

'Oh.' I replied quietly as we crossed through the bookstore to the back in the Teen section.

I looked down, trying to cover my face slightly when I saw a girl, 12 or 13 maybe, she had red hair, with a Jonas Brothers tee-shirt on.

'What's the matter?' Hannah asked me noticing my sneakiness.

I pointed to the girl with the JB shirt.

'Oh my Gawd!' she said cracking up and I saw the redhead look up at us.

She quickly ran over to us and I tried to hide my face by turning to the books on the shelves and picking one up, pretending to read the summary on the back of the book.

'Oh-Em-Gee! You're the girl that used to be like best friends with Chloe Sullivan! OMG, I love her music so much!' she shouted excitedly.

'We actually still are. I came down for the summer to stay with Chlo.' she explained.

'Oh. Do you know what Chloe's working on now?' the young girl asked.

Hannah looked back at me and I nodded.

'Well, she's actually working on a collaboration with a. . . very popular band.' she said after pausing for a moment.

'Wait, where did you hear Chloe? She hasn't released her first album yet.' Hannah asked confused.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally an update. It's only been, forever! :]

Song: Hey Brittany;;Forever The Sickest Kids


xxooxx;;Hannahsaurus Rex!

Peace&Love Baby Cakes!<3