Fallen Angel

Chapter 3

I opened my eyes slowly. Not sure if I wanted to continue my life in this world. But, I sucked it up, and eventually, they were opened all the way. The bright light above me was blinding me so I tried to shield my eyes with my hand. Slight problem. My hand wouldn't move. It was all glued up and covered with wires. As I struggled to break free, I saw a figure coming towards me.

"Bella! Oh Bella I am so sorry!" The figure held my face with his stone hands in his unbreakable grip.

"Am I dead?" I asked. Even thought the light was still blinding, I could see his puzzled face.

"Um, no? You were in a coma for about a week though. Scared the haris out of me. Please try to be careful when you walk." I sighed, I will nevet forget this.

"What happened to me?" the light was finally starting to fade, and a face became clear. It was Edward. My Edward. The love of my life. My dream. My fallen angel.

"You tripped over a shoelace and fell in front of a moving truck."


"That's an understatement," he smiled his crooked grin. "Well Alice will be excited to hear you're awake. And will probably talk you into another shopping trip."

I groaned. Alice. I love her but, she drives me kooky.

--5 Days Later--

"Oh Bella! Your finally awake. You have no clue how boring you are when you're unconcious. Ugh. But now you're awake! What do you want to do?" Alice babbled on.

I responded as best as I could without crying. "Um Alice, I kinda want to go home first." She pouted. "Maybe later?"

"Yes! Thank you Bella!" Then she came over to my hospital bed and kissed me on the cheeks.

The ride home seemed never-ending. But with Edward near me, it was all better.

When we finally arrived at the Cullen house, I walked into the living room, where the Cullens were waiting with gifts and balloons and cake. Even Rosalie was holding a 'Get Well Soon Bella' sign that made me smile.

Esme was the first to hug me. "We are so grateful that you had a quick recovery."

"Thanks Esme, I really missed all of you."

Emmett came over with a cake that said 'Try Not To Fall Again.'

"Well appreciated, Emmett."

"Say Alice, why didn't you see this coming? I mean the fall. Not all the unnecessary attention."

She was quickly at my side. "I don't know, maybe because you weren't planning it?"

"But I was planning to go over and talk to Mike and Angela."

"Hmmm, unless one of your friends is a filthy dog, I don't know. Sorry."

Jasper took a step forward. "I do."
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Yeah! Cliffy! Remeber, 5 reviews! Thanks to my friends Emma, Audrey, Erica, Miranda, and Tori for the inspiration and support! And yes, I would gladly take posession of Edward.