

Scarlet looked around the huge room. She immediately found the man she was looking for. She knew his name was Acario Grendel. His first name meant ungrateful and ungrateful he was. Her employer was not very pleased with this man: Acario had apparently been betraying him with another woman.

She remembered the very exact words Lucas had said. 'Make him suffer like he made me suffer. Kill him slowly and painfully.' Slow and painful wasn't Scarlet's type at all, she was more into the whole kill 'em quick, leave no evidence and run away kind of thing.

She even told Lucas that. Big mistake. He had issued another assassin with her: James what's-his-face. She didn't like him though their was no denying that he was handsome. Right now he was flirting with some chick in a blue cocktail dress. His method of killing was slow and painful which earned him more money from Lucas than Scarlet got. All Scarlet had to do was capture the man somehow.

"Scarlet." James said softly. Sothe bastard he was back.

"What?" She asked. They were both in the back of the room where there wasn't enough light.

"How do you plan on catching him? With your 'looks'?" James asked using air quotes on the word looks.

Scarlet frowned. What was the deal with this guy? Ever since she first met him, James was always on her case about using her looks to kill. Scarlet never used her so called prettiness to kill but had James listened? No he didn't.

"How many times do I have to tell you I don't do that. I'm not some kind of whore who does that." Scarlet said glaringdaggers machine guns at him. She sat on the couch next to James.

"I'm sure you don't." He said whispering down her neck.

Scarlet involuntarily shivered and scooted away from him.

"What are you waiting for?" James asked as he got up. He held out a hand to Scarlet. She ignored his hand and got up.

"So do you spot him?" James asked. All the joking had gone away from his voice. This was serious.

"Three o' clock." Scarlet said as James looked the wrong way.

"Your other three o' clock, moron." She said the last word very quietly hoping James couldn't hear it.

He did. "Don't forget, I can kill you sweetheart." James said looking into her hazel eyes with his piercing emerald green ones.

"Don't forget I can too. Sweetheart" Scarlet said venomously.

James snorted. "Lets' just get this over with."

[Time Elapse]

Scarlet watched slightly sick at the sight of Acario's grisly dead body. "Ewww." She whispered as she and James went out the door, out of the party and into the mysterious car waiting outside for them.

"If you don't like dead bodies, why are you even in this business?" James asked as he reached for a bottle of Poland Spring water.

"Killing people quickly is my style, not torturing them." Scarlet grimaced.

"You're not all strong are you?." James said.

"At least I'm not an idiotic, self centered, egocentric maniac like you." She said.

He leaned close into her face. "You love it." He breathed. Their lips were inches away.