Muder by little green bucket.

If I were to kill someone...

If I were to kill someone, I'd make sure that were a complete stranger.
But they would have to be a rich stranger. There's no point in just killing someone for the hell of it, they'd have to have money. Not that I'd ever kill anyone.

I'd volunteer to do some charity work.
I'd be one of those annoying bitches that knock on your door with puppy dog eyes and ask if they can have a minute of your time to help starving kids in Africa or whatever. They would answer the door, I'd let myself in and the rest would be history. But it wouldn’t because no one would ever catch me. Not that I'd ever kill anyone though.

As I said I wouldn’t just kill anyone. They’d have to old and filthy rich. I mean if they’re old they’re going to die any way. The rich old bitch would open the door and I’d it her over the head with my UNICEF bucket and then steal all her possessions, they’re no use to her now. They wouldn’t catch me because there would be no fingerprint because I’d be wearing gloves. There’s nothing wrong with wearing gloves in the middle of November. And any way why would a charity worker like me ever kill anyone. Not that I ever would.

I’d drag her to the bottom of the stairs. It’s not safe for someone of her age to live in a house with such steps. She must have fallen, what a tragedy.

Then I’d just leave. No one would see me because people like her have no friends. They’d find the body sooner of later not that anyone would care except maybe the poor bastards that I’d cheated out of their inheritance money. Not that it would ever happen because I would never kill any one.