I'm Burning Can't You See?

Tokio Who?

I landed in Germany at 1:08 in the morning. I was very tired but as soon as I landed I was wide awake.

I walked through my gate and had no idea on what or who to see when I reached the other side. There wasn't a big crowed so it was easy to see a gray haired gentlemen holding a sign with my name on it. I walked over to the man and he nodded as we went to get my luggage.

The airport assistants had it already on a cart that transported luggage. Wow. This place knows how to treat a guest! It looks like I have a driver and I don't even have to get my own bags. I smiled as I thought to myself.

I followed the men outside of the airport to see them walking towards a really nice black sports car. Ok so it's not a limo but its still really nice. They started to unload my stuff in the trunk of the trunk, I wasn't sure if there was enough room back there. I looked up seeing a very tall boy get out of the drivers side talking animatedly on his phone. HIs hair was big and sticking out at all sides, but it didn’t look bad at all. He had on eyeliner, again not looking bad. He was very cute there was no doubt about that. He began walking towards me.

He hung up his phone and smiled at me.

“Hallo.” He held out his well manicured hand.

“Hi,” I put my hand in his.

“Stephanie?” He asked slowly as if trying to remember, I just nodded. “I’m Bill.”

“Nice to meet you.” We said in unison awkwardly.

“Ok, lets get going.” He said opening the passenger door for me. I slid in the leather seats as he jogged around the front of the car and into his own seat.

There was silence but not an awkward silence. It was broken when Bill started to ask me questions.

“So why exactly are you coming here?”

“Well, its kinda this tradition on my moms side of the family that to go to the same collage out here.” I replied.

"Oh, what exactly are you studying for?" He seemed now more interested.

"Medical. I always said 'when I grow up I wanna be a doctor', and now it's happening." I looked over at him.

"Really? A doctor?" He glanced between me and the road, I just nodded. "Huh, I would have guessed something.... Easier?" He sounded like he was guessing for the right word.

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing bad, I just wouldn't want to go to school for that long." He answered quickly.

He started to relax a bit and leaning on the middle console he let one hand steer. Even though he was leaning his posture was still straight. I liked hearing his accent and didn't want to stop talking so I started with the question this time.

"Are you going to collage?" I noticed a smile forming on his face. What did I say that was funny? "Why are you smiling?"

"I guess you can say that I don't have much time for school." He glanced at me.

"Oh, so your job takes up most of your time?" I looked at him confused.

"Yeah. Don't you know who I am?" His smile got bigger but his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Umm.... Bill?" I guessed and his smile was now a laugh.

"Yes, but no." I was so confused and he could tell. "I like this." He still laughed.

"Like what? Bill please tell me what the hell you are talking about." I couldn't help but smile a little, it was funny seeing his face.

"Sorry, I just don't get to explain myself a lot. I'm in a band."

"Oh so are you trying to make it big?" I think I got it now.

"Well, no." He thought this was funny.

"Please help me out here. I'm completely lost!"

"Ok, I'm the lead singer of Tokio Hotel...." I think he was waiting for me to explode, but I have never heard of them before. "And you don't know who that is do you?" I just shook my head, I think I've done enough talking. "Ok, listen." He was still laughing so that was a good thing. He put a CD in and music started to play.

"This one is called Scream." He let it play for a while. I didn't know how I have never heard of them before, it was really good. He turned it down and looked at me.

"So?" He asked.

"Uhh..." I paused and looked down at my lap. Then looked at him and he looked a little hurt.

"No, no! Just kidding! That was amazing!" I smiled and so did he.

"Good because you might get a little annoyed, we're at my mom's house a lot." I gave him a confused look. "You are now living with my mom and the four of us love her, so we go to her house a lot." He said in a 'duh' tone.

"And 'the four of us' would be?" I was probably asking another dumb question.

"Me, Georg, Tom, and Gustav." He was still leaving some stuff out so I just nodded slowly. "Ok, 'me' is Bill, Tom is my twin brother and lead guitar, Georg plays the bass guitar, and Gustav is drums." He explained simplifying it down for me.

"Thanks, but I could have done without the sarcasm." I smirked, he grinned and winked at me.

We pulled into a driveway that led to a beautiful house. He parked in front of the house and started to open his door.

"Wait! Let me get your door, my mom is probably watching and if I act like myself she'll have this long talk with me about being a 'gentlemen' and treating guests with the upmost respect." He mocked a deep voice after the word gentlemen. He quickly got out and walked to the passenger side of the car. He opened my door and dramatically put out his hand for me to grab.

"We'll get your stuff after you meet everyone." He more pulled me than led me to the front door.

We walked in and I saw nobody, all I saw was a hall with three different doors in front of me then to my right was a staircase. It was very nice. I didn't want to touch anything and leave my fingerprints on it. So I just stood next to Bill with my hands down at my side.

"We're home!" Bill said in a loud sing-song voice. In a matter of seconds an average height woman walked out if one of the doors in the hall. She smiled big, her blonde hair was short and straight. Her slender body walking fast at me with open arms. After her followed two boys.

When she reached me she wrapped me in a hug. Even though this is the first time I've ever seen her, I felt like I've known her all of my life. She pulled back and rested her hands on my shoulders still smiling.

"Its been seventeen years I think. And she wasn't lying when she said you grew up. You were the prettiest baby ever," Bill made a noise from beside me. "But your still beautiful, you look just like your mother." She put both of her hands on me face.

"Thank you." I smiled. She stepped back and took a full figured look at me.

The other two boys stepped forward.

"You must be Georg?" I asked to the taller of the two. He smiled trying to keep a laugh from escaping his mouth.

"Nien, I'm Georg." The shorter one stated. My face started to warm up and I looked down at me feet completely embarrassed.

"I'm Gustav." The other one grinned. They were both smiling.

"Sorr-" I was cut off.

"Its ok, just a little funny. Usually we don't get mixed up, and its nice to know that you don't know everything about us. We get to tell you all of our crazy stories ourselves." Georg was now laughing slightly.

"Just don't let her get Tom's name mixed up, he'd freak if a girl didn't know who he was." They both started to laugh. I couldn't help but smile at their faces.

"Excuse them, they're easily entertained." Bill whispered loudly.

"Hey!" They said in unison.

"Just come help me get her things." He rolled his eyes at them. They walked out loudly.

"Now that you know there names, mine's Simone." She grabbed my hand taking me upstairs.
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Sorry I haven't updated in a long long time, but I had some family issues then my computer freaked out.... So now I will hopefully update a lot more!

So tell me what you think!