I'm Burning Can't You See?

He Might Just Be

I woke up still tired and layed in my bed for a little while longer. When I decided it was time to get up, I slid my feet off first sitting up. I stood and walked straight into the bathroom. I got the idea the boys didn't use this bathroom considering it was empty other than the necessary tolitries.

I turned on the water to the shower, making sure the temperature was just right. I took my clothes off and got in.

After I felt clean and fresh I got out. I dried off and wrapped the towel around my body.

I grabbed the brush that I brought in last night and ran it through my wet hair. After it was brushed I shook it loose. I then started to brush my teeth. While my toothbrush was under the running water in the sink I heard a door open then close. I turned seeing a shocked face enter from the the hallway door. The shock quickly turned into a grin.

"Sorry I forgot you were here." Tom smirked looking me up and down, " I usually come in here because Bill takes up the one in our room."

I turned back to the sink expecting him to leave. I could see himm looking at me in the mirror. I turned looking at him again, but he was way closer than before. I opened my mouth to start talking when a girl walked in.

"Whats going on here?" She looked at me twisting her face in more disgust as she noticed I was only in my towel.

"Does it matter?" I'm really not a rude person but she was rude first.

"Are you trying to shower with my-" she stopped before finishing.

"Well, if you take a shower in a towel, then yeah." I gave her a 'duh' look.

"What are you even doing here?" She asked like I was the one night stand.

"I live here, and you?" I folded my arms iver my chest. She was having some problems answering back, "right, maybe you should leave."

She looked at Tom who was smiling. She rolled her eyes storming out, slamming the door behind her.

I went back to the sink and stuck my toothbrush in my mouth. I could feel Tom looking at me, but I was too mad to care. I rinsed my toothbrush off finally looking back at him.

He was taking his shirt off and noticed I was looking at him. He walked closer to me leaning next to me on the sink.

"Do you think you might need another?" He asked softly.

"I-I don't think so," I hoped my words came out right.

I turned to walk out but he grabbed my hand pulling me into his bare torso.

"You sure?" I could feel my heart pounding. I just nodded. He grinned and let go of my hand slowly. I turned and walked in my room.

Tom was cute... well a little more than cute, but I can't just jump in the shower with him right after he had slept with some girl. That just isn't me.

I pulled out a long-sleeved black shirt and some comfortable sraight legged blue jeans and of course my favorite necklace my mom gave me (the only time I ever take it off is when i get in the shower). The shirt was snug so it showed my figure nicely.

When I couldn't hear anyone in the bathroom anymore I returned with my straightener. After my hair was straight I applied my make-up. When I was finished I grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

I saw Simone open the front door.

"Guten- good morning," She corrected herself. "I have to go out, but the five boys are down the hall."

"Ok thanks, but I think I'm going to find the kitchen." I smiled grabbing my grumbling stomach.

"At the end of the hall to the left," She pointed. We said goodbye and she left.

I walked down the hallway to the kitchen when I passed a door to my left. I saw Bill acting out some kind of story. I could hear laughs from the other boys. I laughed a little when, what seemed like, he got to the good part of his story and started over acting. His head shot quickly to the hallway where he caught me watching him. I quickly started walking again, and I could hear him say my name which made me walk faster. When I was walking around the corner I could see him coming down the hall.

I looked in front of me finding myself in a huge kitchen. I had no idea how I was going to get started.

"Where you watching me?" Bill asked smiling as he walked into the kitchen followed by Georg.

"Nope, just looking," I smirked.

"Mhmm. What are you making?" Bill now seemed more interested.

"Whatever you make, make enough for me," Georg said leaning on the counter. I guess he hadn't eaten either.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"I don't care just as long as its good." He shrugged.

Georg and Bill watched me make breakfast as we talked. We ate still talking mostly about the band and pretty much just getting to know each other.

Gustav then walked in sitting next to Bill. As he sat down he rolled his eyes taking a deep breath.

"Are they comparing their stories again?" Bill asked Gustav who nodded.

"They?" I questioned. It clicked that Simone had 'the five of them' this morning.

"Andreas and Tom," Georg said.

"Is he in the band to?" I asked

"Oh Gott no!" Bill answered.

I heard laughing in the hallway as Tom and a blonde guy, obviously Andreas, emerged in. He was really good looking, his hair perfect as well as his smile.

"Andreas, Stephanie; Stephanie, Andreas." Bill introduced us.

He smiled as he sat next to Tom who sat next to me. I could feel my face deepening as he kept smiling at me.

I stood and grabbed my plate as well as Georg's plate to the sink. I turned on the water and was interrupted.

"You don't have to do that," Tom said to me.

"Its ok I think I can handle it," I smirked and winked at him. Even though I didn't want to sleep wit Tom didn't mean I couldn't flirt with him.

"I'll help you," Bill jumped up. He waited for me to wash a plate so he could dry it off. I turned the water back on and he started whispering to me.

"What was that?" He asked me so that only I could hear.

"What was what?" I whispered back.

"That thing you did with Tom?" It sounded like a question.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I smiled and turned the water off.

"Ok lets go back," Tom said getting up.

"Back where?" I asked. Tom suddenly grabbed my hand pulling me out of the kitchen and into the room I had saw Bill in before.

"Here," He said pulling me down next to him on the couch. I don't know why but being around him now was much better than the past times. Touching him made my stomach twist and turn, but in a good way.

Bill walked in and sat in a chair opposite of the couch, followed Andreas who sat in the one next to him. Georg walked in after him sitting next to me on the couch. Gustav grabbed the computer chair from the corner of the room where the computer was and pulled it over next to Andreas.

"So what part of America are you from?" Tom asked me.

"Texas," I replied.

"Have you ever listened to us before?"

I looked over at Bill who grinned and answered,"Yep."

My phone started to go off so I leaned towards Tom to get it out of my back pocket. My Screen lit up with the name 'Jessica' informing me that she was calling.'

"Hello!" I said happily.

"Tell me everything!" She replied. She knew me too well to know that nothing has happened.

"Ummm, hang on," I looked around seeing all eyes were on me. "I'll be in my room if you guys need me." I stood and walked to the door but before I walked out I looked back to a pair of eyes that didn't look away from me. I smiled at Tom as he returned it and walked out.

Once in my room I shut the door and started talking to Jessica.

"Are you there?" I asked

"Yeah. So tell me all about the boys." She sounded like she was getting excited.

"I miss you too, I'm good what about you?"

"Ok sorry. How are you?" She asked.

We talked for awhile and then I could hear her mom yelling at her.

"Well I gotta go. I miss you and love you," She said.

"Ok I miss and love you too." As I said goodbye to my bestfriend I hung up my phone.

I heard a knock on my door opened it. I wasn't really expecting to see him standing on the other side of my door.
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Hope you like it!
And this one is long making up for the long wait.