I'm Burning Can't You See?


Walking in the mall was fun, even though Andreas wasn't up for many stores. He just looked down at his phone texting most of the time.

"So how long are you going to be staying here?" Andreas asked putting his phone in his pocket.

"Uhh, until I get my degree. But I'm not sure what will happen after that." I really didn't know what I was going to do.

"So you're doing all this for nothing?" He now, for once, seemed interested.

"Well, I guess it really depends on what hospital will take me." I explained. His phone went off and he quickly grabbed it, then returned it to his pocket. He dropped his hand by mine brushing it slightly. He then grabbed it looking down at me to make sure it was ok.

"So uh, since you don't have a boyfriend..." He took his phone out of his pocket then continued, still looking at his phone. "Do you, you know, wanna got out?" Yes, he really did just ask me like that. I almost thought high school was over. But Tom... he said we were just friends.

"Uhh, sure." I have nothing better to do, right.

"So now we get to have sleepovers!" He smirked.

"Well I've only ever had sleepovers with my friends so sorry. I guess we won't have any." And he really just said we would have sleepovers. He is so lucky he is cute.


I woke up with the thought of last night replaying in my head.

I walked Andreas to his car as he was leaving. We said bye and that we would see each other soon, so I started to walk away. Then he smacked our lips together roughly forcing his tongue in my mouth and down my throat. His eyes were closed but mine were wide open. He finally stopped and just turned to get in his car without a goodbye.

I sat up in bed knowing I had to do all of my morning rituals. After my shower I threw on a shirt and some jeans. It was really quiet in the house considering no one was home, so I grabbed my favorite book to read. I grabbed my hoodie because it was a little cold, and headed downstairs.

I heard my phone going off as I made it to the last step. I looked at my screen seeing Andreas' name, I pulled it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey do you mind if I stop by?" He asked.

"Nope, I have nothing to do so feel free."

"K, see you in ten minutes," With that he hung up.

I walked into the den sitting in the middle of the couch. I pulled my knees up to my chest and laid the spin of the book in between them. I cuddled with my hoodie and began to read.

I heard someone walk into the room and I looked up startled to see Andreas. He laid his keys and phone on the coffee table. He leaned down kissing me, then sat next to me.

"What are you reading?" He asked sounding a little annoyed.

"Pride and Prejudice," I simply responded.

"Oh," He reached for his phone that was going off. I just looked back down at my book.

About five minutes later I heard a familiar laugh break through the door.

"Georg," I said aloud. I got up running to the door. I saw Georg walk through the house along with the others not far behind him. I ran jumping on Georg who caught me.

"Told you I wouldn't be gone for too long," He laughed.

"You have no idea how close I was to dying without you here!" I dramatically said as he put me down.

Bill was behind him. He grabbed my arm, not letting me greet the last two, and pulled me towards the den. "Tell me everything!" We got to the room and he saw Andreas, "Was?" He looked confused, but just shrugged.

I sat where I had been earlier and pulled my knees up but this time I couldn't read, so I just sat it in my lap. Bill sat in the chair across from the couch, the one he is always in.
Gustav followed shortly and sat in the chair next to Bill. I could hear Tom and Georg laughing from in the hall. Tom walked in turning back to Georg still laughing, then he looked around the room and saw Andreas. He looked confused as did the others and sat on the other side of me, while Georg sat in the computer chair.

"What are you doing here?" Tom asked Andreas.

"Hanging out with my girlfriend," Andreas smirked. I looked around at the boys who looked shocked.

"Are you serious?" Tom softly said, I nodded. Weren't we just friends anyway?

"So how was shopping?" Bill changed the subject.

"Umm it was fun?" It sounded like a question. What was it exactly? We began to talk about the stores and the people in the mall. But we were interrupted by Gustav.

"What are all these?" He asked pointing at the stack of CD's sitting on the computer desk.

"My CD's?" I asked he nodded. "I was putting them on the computer last night."

"Whose... Mariah Carey?" Georg asked looking at the booklet inside the case.

"Are you kidding me?" I let my jaw drop.

"Whoa," Georg and Gustav said in unison.

Tom's P.O.V

Stephanie leaned over me putting her book on the side table next to the couch. Which I didn't get because the coffee table was in front of her. Then she jumped up and went to the computer.

"Tom look," I looked up seeing a CD case flying at me. I opened it seeing a pretty girl with long light brown hair. But I prefer long blonde hair standing in front of me. I can't fucking believe Andreas.

"Oh, yeah." I said setting the case down next to me. But it was soon picked up by Andreas.

"Damn!" He looked mesmerized by the girl in the CD case.

"Thanks," I heard stephanie say sarcastically. "Umm, I haven't put it on here yet." She turned from the computer and walked over to the couch again. What is she doing, I thought to myself. She then put her knee on the empty cushion leaning over me again. She put one hand on my leg, making me hold my breath, and reached in front of me to the table.

"You know you're the only one I want," Andreas said smirking at me. Dick. She rolled her eyes then retrieved her IPod. She turned away from me as I felt a sudden cold wash over me.

Within a matter of seconds I heard music fill the room. I looked at her and she was staring at me.

"What's this called?" Gustav asked.

"Touch My Body." She glanced at the floor then back at me. I couldn't help but grin, which made her blush and hide behind her hair. Why was that so hot?

"So?" She asked after the song was over, she grabbed her IPod and started back to the couch.

"Its so... dirty!" Bill laughed.

Stephanie sat in between Andreas and me. Andreas whispered something in her ear which made her smile. I had to go do something. So I got up and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" Bill asked.

"Upstairs," I said plainly.

Stephanie's P.O.V

I leaned over to grab my book then rested my back on the arm of the chair where Tom had been.

"I'm hungry," Bill stood rubbing his stomach.

"Food sounds amazing!" Georg stood following him. Gustav just shrugged and followed as well.

Andreas sat forward setting his phone on the coffee table. He leaned on my legs then pulled himself in between them. He grabbed my book tossing it on the table. He put his hands on each side of me pulling his body up so his lips met mine. I put one hand behind his neck and the other on his jaw bone. He started to make the kiss deeper, oh god please don't let it be like last night. As his tongue slid over mine I kinda liked it, it was much more gentle than last night.He slid his hand down to my hip and under my shirt. He ran his hand up and down my side.He started to reach behind my back to push me closer to him, when his phone went off.

"Hang on," He said pulling away from me, I just sighed.

"Ja?" He answered. "Ich werde Recht dort haben." *I'll be right there* He hung up his phone. He leaned down giving me a quick kiss.

"We'll finish later." He smirked. Ok, I'm not some whore so don't treat me like you can get it all the time.

"Where are you going?" I propped up on my elbows.

"I uhh, gotta go do something for my mom?" He seemed like he was asking his self if that was right. He grabbed his keys and turned before he left, "I'll call you later." I nodded.

I reached for my book and sat how I did before.


I heard someone walk in the room. I looked up to a concerned looking Tom.

"Whats wrong?" He asked sitting next to me taking out his headphones.

"Oh nothing. Its just a sad part in the book," I laughed at how easy it was to make me cry in a book or movie. I started whipping the tears on my face.

He grabbed my IPod and began scrolling through it.

"Whats that girls' name?" He asked still scrolling.

"Mariah Carey?" I asked.

"Ja. Thats it." He smiled. I leaned forward grabbing his, that he sat in his lap. I stood walking to the door with his IPod.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To bed," I smiled. "Goodnight."

"Sweet dreams," He smiled but looked down at my IPod.

I walked to my room and changed. I grabbed Tom's IPod and laid down in bed. I hit shuffle on his songs and slowly drifted to sleep
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Comments please.
It makes me happy.