I'm Burning Can't You See?

Guess Who?

I woke up the next morning feeling beaten. After Andreas left I just laid in bed. Moving seemed impossible. I'm almost positive I have some bruises, my body ached so bad.

After crawling out of bed I got dressed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Simone was walking out when I got down the stairs.

"Hey hun, I'm going to go get Gordon from the airport. Then we are going to go out to a few places." She told me.

"Ok, I can't wait to meet him. And you look nice," I smirked at her. She rolled her eyes smiling and walked out of the door.

I searched for something to eat and decided to just make some eggs. After I ate them I cleaned my mess.

I moved too quickly and groaned feeling the soreness in my hips. I grabbed a cup filling it with water. Then I went to the medicine cabinet, I grabbed the Tylenol and started pouring some in my hand.

"Are you ok?" I jumped as I turned seeing a concerned Bill.

"Oh Bill," I sighed putting my hand on my chest. "You scared the shit out of me. But yeah I'm fine, just a little sore."

"Why?" He asked.

"Umm, I-I..." I stammered trying to think of something to tell him.

"You?" He waited.

"I had a-a well..." I turned back to the counter.

"Oh come on, you can tell me anything." He walked closer to me.

"Fine. I didn't have a good experience last night." I continued to take the pills. I turned to Bill and he was trying not to laugh.

"You mean with Andreas?" He smiled.

"No Bill. My other boyfriend." I said sarcastically. He gave me a questioning glare. "Yes Bill. With Andreas." He began to smile again. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my cup on the counter.

I thought Bill was walking closer to me until I felt hands run from my shoulders to cover my eyes. I put my hands over the hands that were gently over my face.

"Guess who?" I knew exactly who it was.

"Hmm, Georg?" I ran my hands up his arms then back down.


"Gustav?" I reached my hand to his face touching his cheek.

"Nien." He said again.

" I give up I have no idea who it is." He let go and I turned around to face him. Tom was smiling down at me. "Wait who are you?"

"Not funny," He laughed pulling me into a hug. It felt so good to hug him again.

"Hey you didn't give me a hug, you were too busy-"

"Bill ok!" I let go of Tom and gave him a hug.

"So what were you too busy doing?" Tom asked.

"She had a-" Does he ever shut the hell up?

"Bill! Didn't I tell you your mom wanted to see you in her room?" I lied.

"No," He bounced off towards his mom's room.

"Her car isn't here though." Tom smiled at me.

"I know. Its because she isn't either." I smirked hearing my name being called from the hall.

"There you are," Georg sighed. I laughed and gave him a hug. Then Gustav who was behind him.

"You lied!" Bill yelled coming in the room.

"Well, I had to get you out of here somehow." I smiled walking out. I walked into the den where I was sure the boys would follow.

I sat in one of the chairs as the boys piled in.

"So why did you lie to Bill?" Gustav asked. I looked at Bill who began to smile.

"It doesn't matter," I said trying to get them to drop it.

"I would tell you but she might hurt me," Bill said. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Tell us she won't hurt you." Tom winked at me.

"I'll just say three words." Bill started but looked at me. Then of course Bill opened his mouth, "Last night bad." Before he even got out 'bad' they all began laughing.

"Shut the hell up!" I tried not to smile. "It's not funny!"

"Ok, ok. Tell why it was so bad." Tom tried to stop laughing.

"No way!" I said.

"You have to. Bill already started for you." Georg said.

"I have one question first," I looked at Bill and Tom. They looked back at me waiting. "Is he, well was he, a you know...has he ever done it before?" I asked as seriously as I could.

"Oh Mein!" Tom started laughing harder.

"I think so," Bill answered.

"Like before me?" I asked again.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure." Bill said again.

"Oh. He was little- I mean a little..." I tried to correct myself.

"Oh mein Gott! He's little too!" Tom could barely get out.

"You didn't let me finish!" I tried to look serious. "Ok stop. Its not funny and its not his fault."

"No it isn't, its his parents'," Georg laughed too. My phone began to ring and I saw Andreas' name pop up.

"Guys shut up! Its him!" I shouted over their laughs. "Hello? Ok see you soon." I ended the call then looked at the hysterical boys.

"He's coming over?" Bill smiled.

"Yes, but no one is saying a word to him...Please?" I pleaded.

"We won't," Georg assured me.

About ten more minutes of the boys making fun of me,well more of Andreas, we heard the door open. I looked at the boys who began to grin uncontrollably.

"Hey, how much did you miss me?" Andreas walked in.

"This big-I mean much." Tom held his index finger and thumb about two inches apart. My eyes went wide. He just smiled and winked at me.

"Thanks," Andreas said sarcastically. My phone went off displaying 'mom' on the screen.

"Hello?" I answered,"Mom hang on." I put my hand over my phone and began talking to the boys.

"I kinda have to talk to her, so I'll leave you guys to whatever you guys do." I stood and Andreas leaned in to kiss me. He tried to make the kiss deeper but I pulled away. Then walked out.
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