My life as a rock star's son


" Wake up, Joey!! It's the first day of school! I'm in sixth grade! Whoopie!" My little brother yelled at my face, while I was nice and snug in my big fluffy blanket. Jake was the hyper kid in my family, he never got into trouble; I was blamed for it. I'm Joey Armstrong, yes, I'm the son of the lead singer of Green Day. I had so called "friends", but they just used me for my dad. But my closest friends are Stella and Frank, also known as, 'Tre Cool's kid'. He hates when people call him that. Well, today is my first day of my Freshman year, I finally get called something.
" Get away! I wanna go back to bed, you little freak!" I yelled and cuddled back up in my bed.
" MOM!" Joey won't get up!" Jake yelled out of my door and my mom, of course, came in and told me to get up or else.
" FINE! I'm up, jezze." I said and sleepily walked to my closet to grab my clothes, took a shower and fixed my hair. No, I do NOT own a straighten, I'm not a girly-boy, I'm a punk.
I walked down stairs for some food before I left for school, mom was drinking her coffee.
" Hey, there is my little Freshmen! I'm so proud of you, you made it this far and not one bad grade. " She said with a smile. What the Hell does that mean?
"Yea. Aha, pancakes," I grabbed some and sat down with the family, I was glad my dad was there. Usually around this time of year, he is on tour, but not today. He wanted to see his first son begin he's freshman year.
" Oh shit. I mean, crap-o. I got to go, love you all." I said and headed for the door. But I felt a tug at my shoulder, hold and behold, it was my dad.
" Joey, I'm proud of you. You never failed, even with all the crap going on, it's plain amazing. I love you." He told me with a smile at the end. He said some other stuff but those words caught my attention.
"I love you too, Daddy." I said and left him standing there, I did feel bad, though. I mean, a lot has gone on over the summer... I 'll explain later.