My life as a rock star's son


As I walked out of the garage, trying to squeeze through the two cars, and I saw my friends standing in my driveway. I always walk to school with them, they are my anti-drug.
" Hey Joey, what'd you do over the summer?" Stella asked me as we all looked at the sidewalk.
" Oh, nothing much. How about you?"
" Ditto. This summer sucked, big time."
" I know, " Frank chimed in, "Dude, I did nothing all three months. God, I thought we would all go on tour with our dad's, but no."
It was a long and silent walk to school, but once we hit the entrance, we all said good-bye and went to our homerooms. We all no classes together, same teachers, but different periods of the day.
I walked to my homeroom, and I crashed into a girl, by accident. When I gave her books, she was very pretty. And not all dolled up, like those preps. She had brown-greenish eyes, no acne on her face, and black spiky hair. She was wearing a Green Day shirt.
"Wow, I'm sorry I bumped into like that." I said not taking my eyes off of her.
" No problem. Where are you headed?" She asked, her voice was so sweet.
"Umm, 216. How about you?"
" Same. What is your name?" She asked, crap, was she cute!
" Joey Armstrong. Yea, Green Day's lead singers son."
" Wow, I love that band with everything I have. Oh, and the name is Sam." She smiled at me. She smiled at me!
" Oh, want to walk to homeroom with me?" She asked me, am I in love?


Me: " So, you love Green Day?"
Sam: " Yes. I have all of their CD's. I love them more than My Chemical Romance."
' I think I'm going to like this chick.'
Me: " Cool, I love both bands. What do you have first period?"
Sam: " Choir, you?"
Me: " SAME! I'm a tenor. You?"
Sam: " Soprano. Maybe I'll sit next to you?"
And we entered the class room, after attendance, I took her schedule and she took mine.
Wow, we have almost all the same class together. A few of them, I wasn't in with her.
The bell rang, Sam and I walked to choir together. I learned more about her, and I really was digging this girl.
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