Next Upon A Time (Goldilocks)


When she clambered up the hill, there was a sign for the cabin. It said:
“Something Like a Cabin on Top of a Hill”

“Humpff,” she said, “Weirdos.”

Goldilocks was about to knock on the door when suddenly the door opened (which gave her a big fright). There was an old woman who looked like a witch. They both stared at each other, with seriousness and curiosity.

Hours passed, wait, was it days? Or months? No, no, years? Oh, oh wait, I know: generations! Yeah, it was generations.

Then the old lady slammed the door. Goldilocks was so enraged. She kept hitting the door furiously.
Then the old lady opened it again.
“What?” shouted the granny, “Who are you? And what’s your prob?!”
“You wanna know what’s my prob, huh? You wanna know what’s my prob?! I’ll tell you what’s my prob!” exclaimed Goldilocks, “My GPS has lost its battery power, and now I am stuck in this forsaken wasteland!”
“Wasteland?! Come inside and I’ll make you regret saying those words! This place defines the word luxury”
Goldilocks was tempted to go inside because of hunger. So, she got in…not knowing what lies ahead.
“Well,” she agreed, “Oh, alright!”
And she went inside.