Next Upon A Time (Goldilocks)

Let's Go, Dawg! (Last)

But the most unusual person who went out was a witch (similar to the old lady in the cabin). Carrying an angry face that is. There was a man who screamed out at her, “DON’T USE WITCHCRAFT TO GET A GOOD VOICE!”
Soon it was already Goldilocks’ turn. When she came in she saw three people whom she thought were the judges.
“So…Chickenpox,” said one of the male judges (there were two men and one lady) looking at a paper, “What are you going to sing for us?”
“It’s Goldilocks, sir,” replied Goldilocks
“Yeah, whatever Curly locks. What are you going to sing for us?”
“Sigh. OK, I’m going to sing…hmm, what am I going to sing?”
One of the judges reacted as if she was an annoyance.
“Uh, OK, I am going to sing ‘My Heart Will Go On’,” she decided.
After the she sang the song, it was time for the judges to tell her what they think.
“We’ve got a hot one in here, tonight, dude pearl, yes!” commented the first judge
“Stinky Socks, a star is born! I love every single part of it!” said the female judge.
“It was pathetic! Anyone who listens to you will run all the way to Antarctica!” shouted the last judge.
“Aw, c’mon! It wasn’t that bad Simon!” muttered the other judges.
Then they fought and screamed at each other.
Poor Goldilocks, not having any money, she just decided to walk her way back home the hard way.