Got Me Going Crazy

Hand me the pizza, next time.

~~Lily's POV~~

I looked at my watch. It was 1:18 PM. I stepped into the kitchen and saw the toaster still on the counter. I guess my mom was taking longer than I thought on those plants. I walked over to the toaster and picked out two, burnt, strawberry Pop-Tarts. "Ew," I whispered to myself. I threw the pastries away and ran up to my room.

As I walked into my room, I froze. I remembered I hadn't shut my window yet. Joe could be looking through the window right now. But he wasn't.

In fact, he was staring the other way. He looked like he was in some deep train of thought. I walked into the room quietly; careful not to wake up my sister who was on the other side... we were separated by a weird, curtain thing; luckily. As I was about to close the window... Joe caught me. Great.

When he turned around to look at me, I almost screamed. His beautiful face looked horrible. His eyes were all red and teary... his face looked like he had slapped it or something. I gasped and put my hand to my mouth. Joe looked embarassed and pulled his sleeve up to wipe away his tears. "Lily... you don't wanna see me like this. Close your window. Slam your window if you want." I shook my head out of instinct; not thought.

"No, Joe..." He sniffled.

"Really, I look really bad right now..." I admit, he did look bad. But I didn't say it out loud. His beautiful, usually volumized hair was messy; like he was trying to tear it out.

"Joe... what happened?"

He gasped. Not the surprised gasp. The gasp you take when you've been crying for a long time. "Nothing." An idea lit up in my head. Even though I was mad at him, I couldn't see him like this! He could have hurt himself...and I still loved him.

"Wait, hold on, Joe... I'll be right back." He sniffled again.


I ran downstairs, opened the front door, and ran to the Jonas family's house. Surprisingly, the door was unlocked, so I snuck in. Fortunately for me, no one was there in the front... so I ran up the stairs and barged into Joe's room. He turned around real quickly and gasped. And I ran over and hugged him tight. "Joe... stop crying... please. You look horrible." He laughed.

"Am I really that ugly?"

I giggled back. At least he wasn't miserable anymore. "No, of course you're not ugly. You are FAR from ugly." I clamped my mouth shut after I let the last sentence escape from my mouth.

Joe mumbled, "Mom was right."

"Huh?" I whispered. He laughed.


We paused for a long moment. "I broke up with Chelsea," Joe said suddenly. Inside, I sighed with relief. I was overjoyed.

"Is that why you're crying, J.."

He looked down and interrupted me. "No."

I was confused. "So why were you..." This time, he cut me off by kissing me. Again, I couldn't pull away. This was my dream, right here. After a little while, he pulled away quickly.

"Because... I hurt you, Silly Lilly." I smiled at him to lighten the mood.

"Joe, that actually felt really good." He looked at me weirdly. "Huh?" I laughed.

"You're a great kisser, Joe." He grinned mischevously.

"Oh am I?" He leaned in for another kiss, but I pushed him away gently.

"Rule number one. Don't get into another relationship too soon after your breakup." I laughed. He frowned.

"But Lily..." He hugged me. I pushed him away and folded my arms across my chest; jokingly. He frowned some more and started to walk to the computer; probably to console himself with some video games. I laughed and pounced onto him.

"AHHHH!" he screamed as we both fell to the floor.

"Just kidding, JOEYY!" He smiled.

"I knew it."

"No, you didn't. You were completely fooled. I could see it in your eyes." He laughed.

"Okay, you got me." He lifted me from his chest and lay me on the ground next to the space under his bed. I peeked underneath.

"You still have Mr. Huggles?" I giggled when I saw the old, ripped up teddy bear that had been our 'baseball' when we were small. He blushed.

"Ummm... yeah... for keepsakes." I laughed and took Mr. Huggles out from under the bed.

"Why is his eye ripped out? It wasn't like that before you guys left, if I remember." He gulped.

"Chelsea uhh... kind of.. did that."

I stayed silent for a little moment while Joe got something out of a box from underneath the computer desk. "Uhh... she heard it was a toy that you and me used to play with, and she kind of doesn't like"

"Oh, well that's obvious."

I muttered. What did I do to HER? Gosh, I hope we wouldn't see her anytime soon. I couldn't stand the blonde devil. I heard little ringing sounds and looked to Joe. He was tapping on his tambourine with the tips of his fingers. "You play the tambourine?" I asked him. I already knew he did, but I wanted to see his reaction.

"Uhh.. yeah... look, I know it's kind of girly, but..." I smiled.

"No, Joe... it's very manly." We both stayed quiet then burst out into laughing.

"Manly, huh? Never heard that one before." A second later, Mrs. Jonas came in, turned her gaze from me to Joe then back to me, then smiled.

"Oh, hi, you two. I was just checking in. I heard some laughing." I smiled.

"We're fine, Denise. We were just discussing how manly Joe's tambourine-playing is." She laughed. I thought I saw her look towards Joe and mouth "good luck," but it could have been just me.

As soon as the door closed, I looked to Joe and asked, "Good luck?" He blushed again... it was so cute.

"Y-yeah." I reached over and took the tambourine from Joe's sweaty hands. Wait, why were they sweaty?

"Hey, Joe?" I asked him. I held my face really close to his. He couldn't resist that.. especially if it was me. I'd be able to get the truth out of him. I saw a drop of sweat in the corner of his forehead.

"Yes?" He was trying to keep his cool. I bit my lip to keep from laughing at his cute nervousness.

"What do you need luck for?" He stopped breathing. Silence for a moment.

"Ummm... something." I put my face closer.

"Do you want to tell me what that something is?" So far, the acting was working. He chuckled nervously.

"To tell you the truth, no I don't."

I pretended to pout and backed up away from him; still holding his tambourine. I tapped my fingers on the tambourine to make it look like I was disappointed. Joe bought it. "I'm sorry, Lily. It's kind of private." i looked up.

"You can tell me anything, Joe." He bit his lip and nodded.

"I know, but this..."

DING-DONG! The doorbell rang. Perfect. "Pizza!!" Joe screamed like a little kid. I sighed and followed him out.

"Nick, where's the pizza money?" Joe called out into the living room. No response. I picked up a note and read the words written on it in black ink.

Lily, Joe... went with Nick, Kevin, Paul, and Frankie to go get clothes for the rest of the tour.

I thought about it for a moment. Alone with Joe? I wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not.

I took some money out of my pocket and ran to Joe. "Joe, your family went out to go shop. Here's some money for the pizza."

He smiled a little at the idea that we were alone, and then asked me, "Is this your money?" I nodded. He shoved the money back into my hand. "It's okay, Lily, I got money." He ran to the vase that was filled with roses and water in the kitchen and lifted it. Under it, was a little stack of cash. I laughed.

"Stealthy, Joe."

He smiled and ran to the door. He opened the door and yelled to the pizza man who was already starting to walk back to his car. "Hey, wait!" The guy came back and was frowning. I guess we took too long trying to find money.

"Sorry," I apologized, "It's all his fault - we should have been prepared." The pizza guy (who looked about our age) smiled at me. I found it kind of creepy, and so did Joe; he was glaring at him. Joe handed him the money, took the pizza, and slammed the door.

"What was that all about?" Joe asked me; frustrated. I laughed.

"What, Joe?"

Joe looked at me. "That guy was all over you." I laughed again.

"Joe, that guy just smiled because I was being nice to him. Nothing's going on between us, I don't even know him."

Joe grabbed some paper plates and threw them to the kitchen table. "That's what they all say. Then next thing you know, you're dating." I smiled at Joe to make him feel better.

"I would never go out with anyone except you." His mood brightened instantly.


I smiled even wider. "Yup. Now gimme a piece of pizza." He chuckled and tossed me a piece of pizza... which landed straight onto my lap. Great, pizza sauce all over my new, white sweatpants. I gave Joe 'the look' as he stared at me while he chewed on his piece of pizza. He was clueless. Then he looked under the table at the piece of pizza on my pants and smiled.

"Hahaha, oops." I glared at him and ran to the upstairs bathroom. "Wait!" Joe called. He took my hand and looked at me. "I'm sorry, Lily. It was an accident." I burst out laughing and put my head against his chest while we both fell to the ground. I looked up at Joe. He was puzzled. "Huh?" I smiled at him.

"You're very gullible, Mr. Jonas." He smiled.

"I am, aren't I?"

I stood up and straightened my clothes out. As Joe stood up, I noticed something. I had stained his white skinny jeans. I pointed to his leg. "What?" Joe asked; puzzled once more. He looked down. "Aww, you ruined them." I giggled.

"Now we're even." I walked Joe up to his room with me and we both sat down on his fluffy bed. "Do you have any extra sweatpants, Joey?" He stood up and went into his closet. And when I say went, I meant WENT. His closet was huge. I giggled quietly to myself. This should be a girl's closet; not a boy's. I followed Joe into his closet. He looked up from the rack that held all his sweatpants. I guess he was trying to find one that matched my gray Rolling Stones shirt. "Geez, Joe... how many sweatpants do you need?" I saw him smiling.

"All of them. Okay, now which one do you want?" He pointed to a black pair of sweatpants, and another black pair of sweatpants. They looked exactly the same to me.

"They look exactly the same, Joe." He shook his head.

"No, this one has dark gray stripes on the bottom." I rolled my eyes.

"I'll take that one, I guess."


He threw them at my face and I stumbled backwards and fell on the stool behind me. "Ouch." Joe looked behind him and picked me up.

"Are you okay??"

I giggled quietly. "Joe, stop acting like your my mom." He frowned.

"I just want to make sure you're OK."

"Well I am, Mr. Overprotective." I kissed him on the cheek. "I am FINE." He smiled.

"Okay, I believe you." He grabbed the other black pair of sweatpants and we went back to his room. I gestured for him to get out, but he shook his head. "Lily, we're best friends. We used to undress NAKED in front of each other." I laughed.

"Uhh... well that was 13 years ago. Things have.. changed." He nodded and turned around. I quickly pulled my pants down and put Joe's borrowed pair on. I turned around to find Joe staring at me. Man, he changed fast. "Uhh... Joe??" He snapped out of his state.

"Oh, sorry. You have... really nice legs." I blushed.

"Thanks..." He smiled at the sudden redness in my face.

"Awww you're blushing."

We laughed then it got really quiet. I heard the door unlock downstairs. They were home. Joe looked at me.

"Hey, Lily, do you like me?" I laughed at his ignorant question that was more likely supposed to be serious.

"Of course I like you, Joe. You're awesome!"

He shook his head. "No, I mean, like... REALLY like me. Like..." He paused. " like me enough that you'd be happy if I was your boyfriend?"

I paused, too. "Ummm.. yeah, Joe." It was silent for a moment. I took advantage of the silence and looked at Joe. He was smiling like a dork. "What??" I asked him. He put his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh, nothing. Hey... let's go greet the shoppers! I wanna see if they bought me anything" He winked and I laughed. He took my hand and we ran downstairs.
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This was kind of short but oh well. :) I needed to update, lol.