I'll Swim the Ocean for You

Chapter 9

“Guys you ready to go?” I heard Bryan call.
“Yeah on our way.” Mason called. “Are ya ready?” he said smiling.
“Sure am.” I said smiling back. He intertwined our fingers and we walked off the bus to the limo that would drive us to the awards show. Bryan got in first, then me, then Mason, and Johnny, then Paul and Martin on the end, nearest the door we’d get out on. There was no paparazzi, no cameras, nothing. Boys Like Girls and Metro Station, along with the other bands currently on the tour, we’re going to be there early, because of the tour. On the limo ride down I could basically see through Mason’s smile. He’s worried about it. I kissed his cheek and grabbed my phone sending him a text.
‘Hey are you okay?’ I pressed the send button and looked up at Bryan, who was staring at me the entire time. I mouthed ‘what’ and he mouthed ‘nothing’ back to me. My phone vibrated and I looked down at the message across the screen.
‘Yeah, just very nervous. :/’ I started to send another text when Mason slid my phone back and grabbed my hand, looking me in the eyes smiling. I smiled back and we joined in a conversation Boys Like Girls had started.
“But seriously guys! If they we’re going to dress a bear in a ballerina costume, why would they expect to not be killed?” Bryan said. I rolled my eyes and Mason let out a chuckle and leaned over to my ear.
“Does your brother have problems?” he whispered in my ears. I smiled.
“I have no clue.” I whispered back.
“Hey! Blaire! Mason! Are you done?” Johnny asked us. “We are debating whether or not you guys would realize we’re not moving.”
“Oh!” Mason said smiling and grabbing my hand. We waited for the others to get out of the limo, then I waited for Mason to get out and then I got out, smoothed my dress, and grabbed Mason’s hand, nodding my head forward for him to start walking. Bryan got out of the limo and caught up with us.
“Hey guys I’ll walk with you considering the rest of the band kicked out their bassist.”
“Okay. Well maybe they can only handle one Donahue.” I said.
“Nah, they’ll put up with two. If not, you’re walking to the concerts.”
“Where will I sleep?”
“On the street?”
“No she wont, she can sleep on Metro Station’s bus, and she will still have to walk to the concerts.” Mason said smiling.
“See, he does love you Blaire.” Bryan said laughing.
“You guys are having too much fun.” I said pouting with Mason and Bryan laughing.
“Okay, I’m done.” Bryan said.
“Me too.” Mason said.
“Yeah, I believe that.” I said sarcastically.
“Well I’m going to catch up with the others so we can get our instruments ready for our performance. See you love birds later.” Bryan said kissing my cheek and nodding to Mason and he ran off to catch up with the other 3.
“So…” Mason said starting to walk.
“So So…” I said walking with him with our fingers intertwined. I leaned my head on his arm, considering I couldn’t reach his shoulders, and he looked down at me smiling. Next thing we know a little girl came running up to us, along with a grandmother that looked familiar. The little girl ran to my leg and hugged it extremely hard. I started to lean on Mason as my right leg went numb and he must’ve had everything click in his head. I looked down at the little girl, and she was the girl me and Mason took home after her sister left her at one of the concerts in the last tour, he name was Kellie I believe. The grandmother looked up to us and smiled. We both smiled back as the little girl let go of my leg. I kneeled down to her level and handed her an extra pair of sunglasses I had. They were just plain black, but they would suit her just fine. The grandmother walked over to us, and smiled again.
“Mason you’re a smart boy, keeping a girl like her, don’t let her get away. But look at you all chubby, I’m surprised a girl like her would stay with you after these months.” I just cracked up laughing and Mason smiled.
“Don’t worry, I will not break her heart.” He said wrapping an arm around my waist. I got on my knees again, and took a piece of paper and a pen out of my purse and wrote my email on it. I gave it to the girl, and she grinned, and I gave her a hug. Then her and her grandmother had to leave before security got them.
“Wow.” Mason said.
“Yeah.” I said back regaining motion in my leg.
“Well, we’re at the award show.” He said getting nervous.
“Its okay, even if you don’t win, I’ll still love you. And I know you’ll win.” I said standing on my tip toes to kiss his cheek. He took a deep breath and walked forward into the building where everything was taking place.
“Mason!” Bryan called running over to us.
“Yeah?” Mason said looking over at my brother, who had a worried look on his face.
“Trace, Ant, and Blake can’t make it, their bus broke down, so if Metro Station wins, you’ll have to accept the award.” Bryan said as Masons face fell, speechless. My face fell too, and as I regained composure I rubbed Mason’s back. I knew it wouldn’t be the same for just him getting the award, when the entire band can’t be beside him. He must’ve felt horrible.
“Hey Bryan, can I talk to you for a minute.”
“Yeah. Mason we’ll be right back.” Bryan said as Mason sat down, still speechless. Bryan led me to an area where no one could hear us.
“What did you need sis?” Bryan asked me.
“Will they allow me to go up with him?” I asked biting my lip.
“I don’t see why not, why?” He asked as I turned and looked at my boyfriend, having everything him and his band dreamed of being ripped to shreds. Bryan rubbed my back giving me a hug. “You don’t want him to go up alone?”
“Yeah.” I said holding back tears. It may not mean much to many people, but this was the first award show for Metro Station, and three of them couldn’t make it. It was heartbreaking. “I’m going to go talk to Mason.”
“Okay sis.” Bryan said kissing my forehead as I walked to Mason sitting beside him.
“Bear hug?” Mason mumbled. I smiled and he gave me a huge bear hug.
“Bryan said if you win I could go up with you, if you wanted me to.” I said rubbing his back.
“Please, I don’t want to go up alone.” Mason said looking up at me.
“Okay.” I said just as The Academy Is… walked in the arena.
“MUSSO!” Sisky yelled running to him “Hey, what’s up?” He said casually as William came up to me and pulled me aside.
“Is he okay? He doesn’t seem like the Mason Musso I know.”
“The rest of the band couldn’t make it, so he’s the only Metro Station band member here.”
“What happened?”
“Tour bus broke down.” I said looking up at William.
“Oh. That must’ve broken his dreams apart.”
“Please William.” I said holding up a hand.
“Sorry Blairey.” He said pulling me into a hug. “Oh I was going to give you something.” He pulled out a copy of ‘Fast Times At Barrington High’.
“Oh my gosh thank you Billy-Boo!”
“I know how much you are dying to hear it.” He said smirking.
“You don’t know how much I have been! Why haven’t your merch tables had it? I took my pay over, but…what’s his face said it wasn’t out yet.”
“I have no clue, and its been out for a while now.”
“I hate your merch system.” I said glaring at Mike for no reason. He mouthed ‘what?’ and I just stuck my tongue out at him and he smiled and turned his attention back to whatever Mason was going on about.
Just then something happened and I found myself in a lip lock with Mason Musso.
♠ ♠ ♠
xD I love Bryan's part in this.
He's the big brother their parents would want him to be :3.
Thats why everyone loves him.
omg xD.
But school starts tomorrow :( So updates will try to attempt to be posted every weekend.
But double the updates this coming weekend because we have September 1st off I think :/
We go for 5 days then they send us home? That makes no sense,
but I'm all for it.
And September 12th my buddy is hooked up with a limo for her bday, so I stay after school and at 3pm I be off in a awesome limo around town for like 2 hours then we go minigolfing and gokarting and a arcade ALL IN ONE! :O oh yeah, be jealous cause my friends can afford that xD.
Even though I suck at minigolf, and someone's gonna have a broken bone before we leave xD

of for my friends in the time changed areas
Good afternoon
Now I'm off to slumber land and tomorrow I see Mrs. Reinforced paper and get yelled at because I couldnt find it anywhere and have to wait until the weekend or so to get it, because we found the price tab thing at a little office store so we're going back to get it soon.