
Happening's in the Night.

I stared at him, shocked at what he asked me. I didn't know how to respond. If I told him the truth, he would surly tell my father or one of the other members. But I cant lie to him, he would see through it! He sat there, waiting for my response, his eyes burning through me almost as if they were fire.

"I, I'm sorry but, I had nothing to do with it. I'm or was her best friend! I would never make her go away! How could you suspect something like that of me when we only just met!" I shouted, getting to me feet. I was upset and angry now. I no longer cared if he could see through my bluff. But he simply sighed and nodded his head. He stayed seated and I waited for his answer.

"I apologize, its not my place to make accusation's." He said coldly. My anger and sadness washed away instantly. I suddenly became afraid of what he thought of me. I sat back down but was in front him instead.

"I'm sorry I exploded on you. I didn't know how else to react." Hayden still stared off the other way in the distance. I sighed and moved over to sit next to him. We sat there in silence that was filled with tension. By each passing moment, I became more and more paranoid. What was he thinking, does he still suspect me? What will he do? I kept asking my self these sort of questions that only made these moments worse to bare.

"Ivy, do you hate me for asking you that?" Hayden's question came almost out of nowhere. I turned my attention towards him. He was still turned away but I could tell he was waiting.

"No, of course I don't hate you. Hayden, I'm an emotional person, I react strongly to those sort of questions. If I hated you, I wouldn't be here right now, sitting next to you!" I said. There was a few more moments of silence until her turned to face me.

"Of course, I'm sorry. I-" He was cut off with someone yelling.


"Ugh, its my mother, I'm sorry but i think she wants me home. " I stated and got up.

"Wait just a moment!" Hayden said, grabbing my hand.

"Okay." i said, uncertainly.

"Ivy, please stay a few more moments. I don't want to be alone and I surly don't want to go home yet."

"IVY GET HOME RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" I heard my mother scream even louder than before.

"Hayden, I'm sorry but I have to go home. If I keep my mother waiting any longer she will be furious." I explained, yanking my h and to try to break free.

"Okay, then just promise me that you will come here tomorrow morning after breakfast." He said with a sigh

"I promise" I said and ran towards were I heard my mother's voice.

"IVY, where have you been? What took you so long?" She snapped at me as soon as i got into hearing range.

"Sorry, I was just with Hayden." I mumbled, unsure on how she will react.

"Hayden, Hayden Waters! What was he doing with the likes of you!" She screamed, almost waving her arms in the air.

"Nothing happened! All he wanted was to make sure I was OK, he just wanted to help me thats all!" I shouted and ran into the house before she could answer. Once I got into my room I slammed my door shut, and locked it.

"That was close" I said with a relived sigh and collapsed on my bed.


"Ugh, did I fall asleep?" I mumbled sleepily. I got up and stumbled towards the window to look out. It was pitch dark out. Defiantly night time. Since I was still in my day cloths I got changed into my night gown and got back into bed.

When I was almost asleep I heard a noise from out side. I ignored it but then I heard it again, but louder. I opened my eyes to look around and when i saw or heard nothing I closed them. But yet again I heard the noise.

"Ermm, how annoying" I grumbled and got up out of bed. I stumbled towards the window and peered outside. Outside there was a tall, dark figure. I couldn't tell if the figure was human for the black cloak draped over in a strange fashion. It almost look like it had a distorted back with spikes poking through the back of it. Then, it began to come closer and closer to the window. My heart began to race. What was this thing, it was most defiantly not human. It was almost in front of the window now. But for a strange reason i couldn't see it.

Then, it became clear, the creature looked or had Lily's face.

"LILY!" I shouted, tears were streaming down my face. "What happened to you?" The figure didn't say anything but began to open the window.


My eyes flew open and it was morning. My heart was still racing and I was sweating. Was all that a dream? Or did it really happen?

"Ivy, get up out of bed! Its almost breakfast time!" I heard my mother's voice from the hall way. I took a deep breath and got out of bed and mindlessly got dressed and went out into the hall way. The hallway felt nice and cool compared to my hot and stuffy bed room.

"Good morning Ivy. Are you okay, you look a little pale." My mother asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, just had a nightmare, thats all." I mumbled, unsure what it really was.

"Alright, whatever you say dear." My mother said, still spectacle. I sat down to breakfast and ate it without relish. Father didn't attend for there was an emergency meeting at sunrise. I got up once I was done, said good bye to mother and ran off to meet Hayden.

What will he say about the nightmare?

To be Continued...
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Okay heres Chapter 3. I hope this one is okay. im half and half on it.

Comments Apperciated <3