A Fire Inside Of Me

A New Face

As I walked into the Starbucks, I was greeted with a strong smell of coffee, and felt the warmth of the fireplace in the corner. I got into line ordering a double shot latte and a cinnamon roll, and took them once they were finished and sat down in the only empty seat that was left, the love seat.

I set my feet on it too, making sure I wouldn't have any too friendly guests by me. I pulled out my Ipod and began searching for songs that I wanted to listen to.

Thats when I heard the door jingle again, from someone entering, and I looked up with curiousity at who it might be. My eyes widened, and my heart beated faster and faster, I had to remind myself to breath. He was the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen in my life.

He wore, dark skinny jeans, a studded belt, a white tight fitting t-shirt, and a black and white striped hoodie, and the hood was pulled up. His blond bangs partially covered one eye, but as he pulled back the hood, I realized that he had mostly light brown hair. He had a childish look to him, like deep down inside he was a playful little boy. But his body said other wise, he was about six feet tall I would say, maybe more, and a jawline that said the opposite of boyhood.

His sparkling brown eyes suddenly wandered toward me, and he locked eyes. He flashed a smile, showing white teath, and waved at me. I quickly looked down, peeking up to see him still watching me, so I looked back up and smiled and waved to him. That made him even more eager.

I went back to my Ipod just trying to ignore him and started singing along quietly.

"I need to start to be myself,
cause I'm sick of everybody else..."

"Wow, you have a great singing voice!," he said, he was still grinning at me. At least I thought he was talking to me, I quickly peeked around to see if there was anyone else he could be talking to. No he was definately talking to me.
"Is this seat taken?" he continued.
"Erm..well...I-I guess n-not." I quickly moved my feet, so much for overlyfriendly visators, but this guy, well he was just different. I could tell that right away.
He smiled and sat down with his cup of black coffee.
"So, the name's Jade!" he held out his hand eagerly for me to shake.
"Oh, erm, I am, Amber." I took his hand and gently shook it.
His eyes widened.
"Now wow, thats an amazing name!"
I laughed nervously and thanked him.

"Hey, can I see your Ipod? Now don't worry I won't steal it!" His big, brown eyes went into puppy dog mode and totally won my heart over. So I handed it to him. He would run his fingers through his bangs, and did this cute little twitch to get his hair out of his eyes as he looked through my Ipod.
"See anything you like?" I asked quietly.
"Yeah! You got great taste in music!" he replied. "Nirvana! Guns and Roses! Wow, you got some good tastes!"
The way he said that reminded me of a little boy excited for his first trip to Disneyland, I couldn't help but giggle.

He pulled his sleeves back, revealing tatoos. He was amazingly good looking, I haven't seen a guy like him in, well, I have never! I began daydreaming, and was totally lost in thought.

Suddenly I woke up out of it and he was looking at me, one eyebrow raised.

"You okay Miss Space Cadet?"
"Oh yeah! Sorry! Just lost in thought thats all!"
"Aaawww, a girl who thinks! Now theres my kind of girl!" He laughed, I just blushed.

Jade handed me back my Ipod, and got up slowly. He grabbed my cell, and started punching buttons. Then he winked at me.

"Call me sometime, alright Amber? It was a pleasure meeting you!"
"A-a-alright! Nice meeting you too, Jade!"

He looked back at me one last time and smiled before he walked out the door. I had his number. The only problem was getting the courage to actually dial the numbers, and do the calling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwwee...Amber is in looooove.
So cute!
I need inspiration! Should I keep going or not?
