Put Your Circuts in the Sea

Chapter Two

He ran out of the house and into the grassy trail. His feet continuously slapped the ground, faster and faster as he ran back.

And as he got closer, he stopped. What if this could kill him? He was immortal but not indestructible. He had heard legends of mythical beings killing people like him.

What if this was one and instead of warning everyone else, his curiosity doomed them all?

He approached cautiously. His curiosity was too grand to turn back on. He began to see a pulsing glow as he walked closer. He stood there behind the trees mesmerized by her. He didn't know what she was or how she got here. She levitated about the water, her eyes closed shut. A voltage ran through her skin. Her hair swirled around her.

Her skin was pale like his, and it glowed. He urged to touch her. He was like a moth flying towards the fickle flame too intrigued to realize the danger.

Her eyes opened suddenly and electricity bolted from her hands, striking the trees near him. The trees erupted in flames swallowing them almost whole. He stood there frozen in panic; she neared him, her eyes on him. She placed her hand on the fire and they diminished, she lowered to the ground near him.

"What are you?" he whispered.

Her brown hair fell on her shoulders. Her radiant glow was fading and leaving her body with a light tint of pink on the apples of her cheeks. She walked closer to him; a sudden jolt ran around her hand.

"Are you going to kill me?" he whispered again. He didn't know if she spoke English; she wasn't even human. She moved her hand close to his face, the electricity close to licking his face.

"No." she whispered back.

He stared at her; her eyes were down on the ground beneath them.

"You're human." She murmured.

"Yes and you are?"

"I am not human, I am what you call a -" she had stopped mid sentence.

"A what?"

" Shh." She said quietly, her eyes darting around the place. "We're not alone."

"We can go to my house." He offered.

She threw him a bewildered look.

"To hide."

She nodded and followed him through the trail to his house.

"You're bleeding." He said noticing the cut on her calf.

"Oh" She said looking down. He watched as her skin regenerated around the wound closing, leaving only a trail of dried blood as proof. He felt her watching him as he lit a fire in his fireplace and some lamps around them. He saw her more clearly in the light. She was standing there with nothing on.

His face flushed red. "Do you want some clothes?"

"What?" she asked quietly then looked down. " Am I making you uncomfortable?" she teased. Andrew's tongue was caught in his throat. " I'll take that as a yes." She continued and began weaving thread around her till, her body was covered, by a loose dress.

"So…what are you?" he asked when he had finally found his voice again.

" I am an energy god." She said sitting down. " I take energy from everything around me and can make anything or destroy anything."
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Ahh, so i am sorry to leave off at a weird place, but i left my notebook in my locker at school, which contains the rest, and thats all i had typed. so once i'll get it back, i'll write more.
ah and also look out for my new story...its about Travis Pastrana!