Put Your Circuts in the Sea

Chapter Three

"I am an energy god." She said sitting down. "I take energy from everything around me and can make or destroy anything."


"But I see you can do that too."

"No, I can just mimic."

"That’s something."

"What's your name?" he asked her quietly.

"Phoenix." She said starring into the flames, "and yours?"


"Andrew oh Andrew, lover of mine." Sang a voice outside on cue.

Andrew covered his face with his hands, Ben had such bad timing. Andrew looked through his fingers and saw Phoenix looking through the window.

"Oh Ben." Andrew sighed.

"Andrew!" Ben slurred.

"Ben." Andrew said opening the door.

"Andreeew." Ben smiled widely. "Let's go to the lake, man. Violet's going to be there, ooooo." He had obviously had too much to drink.

"No thanks man." Andrew mumbled, he looked back at Phoenix, she starring at the fire.

"Whose she?" Ben asked looking over too.

"No one Ben, no ones there. You're hallucinating. "

"Well let's go then man, have some fun!"

"Bye Ben."

"Uh fine."

Andrew closed the door and sat down next to Phoenix, she played with a loose thread, looping it around her fingers. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay." She whispered.


"Where are your parents?"

The question startled him. "My parents?"


"They live on the other side of the village."

"Do you see them often?"

Andrew felt his stomach sink. "Not really."

She nodded.

"Do you have parents?"

"Not exactly." She chuckled. " I am the new physical shell of the previous god."


" Only one energy god can live at a time, the electricity that runs through my veins , carries the memories of those before me and now mine."


" And when that god is ready to evolve, they die like mortals and a new physical shell is created."

"Can a previous god come back?"

"We always come back, but not with the same shell. Say if I died. The memories of me meeting you, would stay in our blood. The new god would have a déjà vu feeling that they've met you before. "

"So you have déjà vu all the time?" he asked quietly.

"Sometimes, other times I am just like you.

"How do you die?"

"We allow our bodies to die. What keeps us alive is energy. We stop drinking energy and our bodies begin to age. It's like you with the moon."

Andrew looked at her surprised. " You know about the moon?"

"Mhm, I saw it once."

Andrew recalled to his first moon bringing. He was 10, his father and other men pulled down the moon. It glowed, beaming its white light to their faces. He saw one of the men cut it open, and its blood rush out. Multicolored substance, the people passed around drinking and smearing on their skin. He remembered the taste, cool and sweet, like the rarest fruit. For a few moments it was his body that shone with the moon, the warmest feeling rushing in his blood. He was to experience that every 5 years after that.

"Did you drink some?" he asked curiously.

"No. It's pure poison to me."


"It's hard to explain, but if I was to drink from it,, not only would I die, but so would my memories, my blood would turn back to energy and die out."

"How could you possibly know that?"

"There used to be two energy gods at one point, one was too greedy he wanted to be stronger than the other god. He saw the moon bringing occur. He went down and drank some, for an instant he felt the energy, but very quickly it turned to poison. It sucked his energy dry, blocked all his veins and his air ways. When his fellow god came and found him he was dead. Not evolving, dead."

"Have you ever been tempted?" he asked cautiously.

"Never." She replied sharply.

He watched as the fire in the fireplace, lowered and rise
"Are you doing that?"

"What?" She asked turning to face him; at once the fire resumed its natural state.

"Were you controlling the fire?"

"Was I? I don't realize that I do that sometimes."

He stayed quiet for a second. "Were you always like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Were you ever a child?"


"And you never had parents?"

" I had only, I guess, a mother. She was a poor woman; she died when I was 10."


" I got my powers at that age. I couldn't control myself. My blood turned to electricity. It was painful; she came in and held me. None of us knew how powerful I was or the risks of her touching me…" She trailed off, her eyes on the fire again. "She lived among your kind."

Andrew stayed quiet waiting for her to continue.

"I buried her, scared of what I was, I ran away. I didn't need food or anything. I thought I was a monster but then the memories came, and it all made sense."

"What was her name?" he asked softly.

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sorry, i take so long to post chapters =(
i am just extremely busy with school. Junior year is so difficult. i am trying hard to keep my head above the water.