Put Your Circuts in the Sea

Chapter Four

Andrew recognized the name. Willow was the women which people whispered had suddenly disappeared and later found dead, with burns all around her body. They said she had practiced old forbidden magic. She was the first of their kind found dead.

"There's a story about her." He whispered.

"I bet."

"I am sorry Phoenix." He mumbled

" It's alright Andrew, you were curious."

His hand was so close to hers, he could feel the warmth it emitted, he yearned to touch it. He saw her eyeing him carefully; she looked back at the fire that was slowly dying. He studied her silhouette against the orange glow of the fire. His small finger hovered around the small patch of her skin. He saw her hand tense into a fist and relax. Her hand slipped from under his and onto her knee.

"What are you doing here?" Andrew asked.

"I was collecting energy."

"That's why you were all -"

"Glowing and things?"

He nodded," Do you do that often?"

"When I need it. I also check on the village, while I am down here."

"Will you leave soon? Why haven't I seen you before? Why haven't I heard of you before?"

She chuckled at his sudden curiosity. "I can leave anytime I want Andrew, I am a god. And I am really not suppose to have meet and greets with the village, I usually go unseen. And about you not knowing about me, I guess you haven't caught up on your oral myths."

"Oh…" he replied embarrassed. "Phoenix."


"If I was to touch you…would I get shocked?"

Phoenix looked at her skin. "Depends."


"If you were normal, it would certainly kill you."


"But, you mimic. Does it hurt you when you mimic fire?"


"Can you mimic fire only or every element?"

"I've never tried to mimic anything else but fire."

"Well try. I am curious, I've never heard of a human who could mimic."

She lifted her hand and a current raved out, it spiraled outwards toward him. He noticed how Phoenix's eyes would turn from her brown shade to a topaz. He noticed how her hair began to swirl around her.


He nodded and extended his hand slowly, each finger tip moving closer to hers. Focus he thought. Just like the fire, the electricity jumped to his finger tips and danced erratically. There was no pain, besides the slight tingles the currents gave off on his skin.

"Impressive." She murmured. The current lingered on her hand and slowly died out. Andrew closed his hand and faded the current out. He held out his other hand, palm up towards her.

"I don't know Andrew."

"Why not?" Andrew chuckled lightly. "C'mon."


"It won't hurt me."

"I don’t know that for sure." She snapped.

"Phoenix I can mimic you. It won't hurt me."

She looked at him through her thick eyelashes. "I have to go Andrew." She quickly got up and dusted herself.

"Phoenix wait." He called reaching forward towards her and then retrieving his hand back. But she wouldn't turn back, or stop. She kept going, her pace quickening. He ran to keep on her tracks but he couldn't catch up.

"Phoenix." He breathed, slowly he stopped and she was gone.
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sorry this took so long to have out.

i love you all.

by the way please make sure you often check my homepage, regardless if theres updates on the stories or not because i do try to update that as much as i can, and i do post info about the statis of the stories.

i also love comments!

thank you