Status: Typing takes me forever, bear with me

Tangled Hearts

Time for me to Fly


[Becky has been guest starring in Hannah Montana for a few weeks. She has been staying at her new celeb friend Ashley Tisdale’s house. She is now at the airport, just getting back from visiting San Antonio, Texas (her hometown).]

Becky: Hello LA! It’s great to be back.
{Her cell phone starts to ring “He said she said”}
Becky: Oh it must be Ash. (She quickly answers her cell)
Ashley: Hey Becky!
Becky: Oh hey Ash.
Ashley: Are you off your flight yet?
Becky: Yeah I just got off.
Ashley: Good I can’t wait to see you!
Becky: Ash it’s only been two weeks.
Ashley: I know…Well I already called for your transportation.
Becky: Awww thanks.
Ashley: Ok well call me when you’re really close to my house okay?
Becky: Sure. See you soon!
{Hangs up cell}
[Becky then searches for her driver. She finally finds a small lanky man with a sign that says HERNANDEZ on it.]
Becky: Hello I’m Hernandez.
Driver: Well hello Miss Hernandez, I’m Tom your driver. Come this way to the limousine.
Becky: Thanks Tom for …what a limo?
Driver Tom: Yes a Miss Tisdale prearranged for you to be picked up in a “limo” and has already salaried, it was her pleasure to disburse.
Becky: (doesn’t understand anything he said) Umm yes ok.
Driver Tom: Please allow me to take your bags.
Becky: Oh thank you.
[They head off to the limo and start driving to Ashley’s house. Halfway through the ride Becky’s cell rings.]
Becky: Hello?
???: Hey girlie! What's up?
Becky: Oh hey Selena! [Selena Gomez]
Selena: Guess what!
Becky: What?
Selena: Me and Mitchel are sort of going out! [Mitchel Musso]
Becky: Omg that’s great!
Selena: Well we’re not yet official, but last night he kissed me.
Becky: What!.. noo way…how was it?
Selena: Amazing (she giggles) so what are you doing?
Becky: Oh..nothing..But you’ll never guess where I am right now.
Selena: Where?
Becky: I’m in LA!
Selena: (screams) Get out...OMG! We need to hang.
Becky: Yes we about tomorrow?
Selena: Yes, but I have to work on the set, How about we go to Starbucks in the morning.
Becky: Sure… besides I have to work on the set early too.
Selena: Ok well see you there!
Becky: Ok bye Selena.
[Becky finally arrives at Ash’s house]
Becky: Bye Tom…thank you! Oops almost forgot to call Ash!
[She dials Ashley’s number]
Ashley: Hello?
Becky: Hey Ash.
Ashley: Becky! Are you getting close?
Becky: Yup I’m standing outside your house.
[Next thing she knows Ashley’s running outside her house and almost tackled Becky to the floor.]
Ashley: OMG! I’m sooo happy you’re here!
Becky: It’s great to see you again...omg did you get a hair cut?
Ashley: like?
Becky: Uh yeah, I love it!
Ashley: Well let me take your bags…We have soo much to catch up on.
[Ashley and Becky talked till the sun died down}
Becky: So what is going on tomorrow?
Ashley: I wanted to go shopping with you…oh but I planed to hang with the Jonas Brothers. Do you mind them coming with us?
Becky: The Jonas Brothers! ( she screams her head off)
Ashley: So I take it you don’t mind huh?
Becky: Of course not it’s the Jonas Brothers!
Ashley: (laughs) You really want to meet them don’t you?
Becky: I have meet them in concert, but I want to be like best friends with them.
Ashley: Best friends or girl friend?
Becky: How about both! (they both laugh)
Ashley: So which one do you like the best?
Becky: Umm Nick duh!
Ashley: Too bad your co star Miley is dating him.
Becky: Yeah that just sucks.
[ Note: Ashley doesn’t like Miley that much, she just pretends to be her best friend in front of the camera’s because she has to.]
Becky: So when are we going to hang with them?
Ashley: Oh around two to three ish. Why?
Becky: Oh It’s just I’m going to eat with Selena in the morning and I have to work on the set from six {am} to twelve {pm}.
Ashley: Don’t worry you have plenty of time to get ready.
Becky: Yeah two hours minus traffic that leaves me with an hour.
Ashley: Don’t worry I’ll take you to get prettied up for Nick. Trust me we will be back in time, it seriously won’t take long to fix you up.
Becky: I think it will take days.
Ashley: Oh whatever Becky!
Becky: (yawns) Well I better go to sleep, it’s getting late and I have to be up early.
Ashley: Alright goodnight!
Becky: And goodbye! [Jonas Brothers’ song: Goodnight and Goodbye]
Ashley: (laughs) Have sweet dreams.
Becky: I will…about Nick. (She smiles)
[Becky goes up stairs to her guest room, where she dreams about how exciting the next day will be.]
♠ ♠ ♠
End of chapter 1, hoped you like it!
So I wrote this one so long ago so it's kinda lame.
But it gets better so please keep reading.

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© By Becky. All rights reserved.