Status: Typing takes me forever, bear with me

Tangled Hearts

Burnin' Up

*With Whitney & Demi*
[This is right after the concert and after Becky, the Jo Bros and all them leave.]

Demi: Where is Selena?
Whitney: I know they need to get here, I really want to see David.
Demi: How do you even know if he’s coming?
Whitney: I just know, It’s like we’re connected…or something like that.
Demi: Umm whatever.

[Selena enters]

Selena: Hey guys.
Demi: There you are, what took you so long?
Selena: Sorry I lost track of time.
Whitney: Where is David?
Selena: Chill he’s in the limo with the rest of the guys.
Whitney: So he did come…well what are we waiting for. Let’s go!

[Just as they were about to leave, Miley and Mandy walked in.]

Selena: Miley?
{There was a long pause followed by grimy glances between Demi and Miley}
Miley:(rolls her eyes) Uh yeah!
Demi: (In an offensive tone) what are you doing here?
Miley: What? I can’t be here?
Demi: You didn’t answer my question.
Mandy: Well she doesn’t have to.
Demi: Excuse me?!
Selena: Guys chill!
Miley: Where did they go?!
Selena: Who?
Miley: The Jonas Brothers…where did they go?
Whitney: Why do you want to know?
Mandy: Because we have the right to know!
Whitney: No you don’t!
Miley: Whitney right?
Whitney: Yeah.
Miley: Well listen can you us tell us where they went.
Whitney: Hmm no!
Miley: How about you tell me then I could hook you up with David Henry.
Whitney: The answer is still no!
Mandy: Forget it Miley, she’s not as dumb as we thought.
Whitney: Excuse me I am not dumb!
Mandy: Yeah but you still have an intention span of a rat.
Whitney: Okay that’s it! (She starts to get ready to pounce on Mandy but Selena pulls her back)
Selena: Whitney just let it go.
Mandy: Yeah let it go rat.

[Whitney gave Mandy a repulsive look and Mandy snickered with satisfaction.]

Demi: Listen….were not gonna tell you where they are, so just give up and leave!
Mandy: No one’s talking to you so back off.
Demi: Oh yeah, make me!
Mandy: Maybe I will!
Selena: Guys just stop right now!
Whitney: Can we just go.
Demi: Yeah let’s get away from these jerks.
Whitney: Finally!

[They start to leave when they are interrupted by crass Miley]

Miley: Selena if you’re my friend don’t go with them!
Selena: Miley don’t be like that.
Miley: Come on, who are you going to be friends with… me or those skanks.
Whitney: I am not a skank!
Mandy: You sure look like one.
Whitney: Oh look who’s talking miss playboy centerfold.
Mandy: Shut the he** up.
Selena: Miley no friend would make me choose between my friends.
Miley: So what are you saying?
Demi: She means your no friend to her, you got that jerk!
Whitney: Let’s go.
Demi: Come on Selena.

[They all leave to the limo.]

Miley: I can’t believe the nerve of those…those…
Mandy: Forget them.
Miley: Whatever already forgotten…so what do we do now?
Mandy: Let’s go find that curly haired dork.
Miley: I don’t know where he went. We came to late thanks to your damn slow driving!
Mandy: Ugh don’t you EVEN blame this on me; you’re the one who had that stupid BBQ.
Miley: Well where could they be?
Mandy: Let’s just drive around until we find their limo.
Miley: Sounds good.

[They head to Mandy’s car and drive away to find their limo.]

*With Demi and her Crew in the Limo*

Cody: So what happened?
Demi: What do you mean?
Cody: (He holds her) Well your expression tells me something is on your mind.
Demi: Well we bumped in to Miley.
Cody: What! When?
Demi: Right now, before we came out.
Mitchel: Miley was at the concert?
David: But she was at her party.
Selena: She just got there when we were leaving.
Whitney: Yeah her and Mandy were there, they kept asking about the location of the Jonas brothers.
David: Why?
Demi: Because she wants Nick back, but Becky is dating him but Miley doesn’t know that yet. But she does know Nick and Becky have a thing.
Cody: What?
Whitney: Miley wants to find Nick so she can ruin Becky and Nick’s relationship.
David: Ok well that makes more sense.
Demi: Well sorry I couldn’t be clear.
Whitney: (sings) It’s so clear to me now, I got a whole new perspective.
Demi: Whitney don’t sing that hideous song.
Whitney: Sorry I forgot we hate her.
Mitchel: (turns to Selena) So are you still cool with Miley?
Selena: No, I kinda walked out on her. She was going to make me choose between her or Demi and Whitney.
Mitchel: Well you made the right choice. (He kisses her forehead)
Selena: I know.
Whitney: Who in their right mind would pick Miley over us?
Demi: I know we are so much cooler that her.
Cody: I don’t know…
Demi: Excuse me?
Cody: I’m just joking. (He squeezes her tight)
Demi: (smiles) You better be.
Whitney: How about we forget this incident and just have fun.
Demi: Okay.
Selena: Sounds like a plan.
David: So what’s on the agenda?
Mitchel: We can go see a movie.
Selena: I’d like that.
Whitney: Sure.
Cody: Ok as long as we see a scary movie.
Demi: Ok we all get why you guys want to see a scary movie.
Cody: (smiles) What do you mean?
Demi: Don’t worry I’ll hold on to you if I get scared.
Mitchel: So we all agree on a scary movie?
Whitney: Yeah, I'm fine as long as I get to sit next to David. (She throws herself on him)
David: Umm ok. (starts to blush a little)

[They all get to the movie theater and sit in couples. David and Whitney really hit it off. And Demi and Cody flirted through the whole movie.
Mitchel held Selena during the scary parts. When the movie ended they left to the movie lobby where they signed some autographs.]

Whitney: That was a good movie.
David: Really you liked it?
Whitney: Yeah…did you think I didn’t like it?
David: Well yeah you screamed the whole time.
Whitney: Well that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it.
Selena: So what do we do now?
Mitchel: I don’t know.
Demi: Hey guys look.
Cody: What?
Demi: Isn’t that Joe and Willi?
Whitney: Omg it is.
David: Who is Willi?
Demi: She’s one of Becky’s friends.
David: Oh…is she dating Joe?
Whitney: No, but I think they like each other.
Cody: Should we call them over?
Selena: No because they could be on a date.

[They all walk outside to see Joe and Willi climbing in to the limo. When they opened the door they saw a glimpse of Becky and Nick.]

Demi: So they were on a date.
Whitney: Awww how cute.
Selena: Hey it that Miley.

[They turn to see Miley in the passenger seat of a red car, following the limo the Jo Bros were in.]

Demi: Oh no.
Cody: What?
Demi: There going to follow them.
Mitchel: And that means…
Whitney: She might do something to Becky.
Selena: Mitchel give me your phone.
Mitchel: I told you I left it at home.
Selena: Oh yeah.
David: Here use mine.
Cody: What are you going to do?
Selena: I’m going to call Becky and warn her.

[She dials Becky’s phone but her phone is off, she then tries Nick’s, and Joe’s but they are all off.] {Note: The phones are all off because they don’t want any disruptions since Becky and Nick seem to have bad luck with phone interruptions.}

Demi: What happened?
Selena: All their phones are off.
Demi: What about Kevin’s…his is never off.
Selena: I don’t have his number.
Demi: Then who would?

[They all turn to Whitney]

Whitney :(grabs the phone and dials) Hello? Hello Kevin?
{All she hears in a muffled hello}
Whitney: Oh no I lost signal.
Mitchel: So what now?
Demi: We pray nothing will happen.
Cody: I sure hope so, but Miley lives next door.
Selena: I know I know.

*At Ashley’s House*

[This is the next morning after the concert. NOTE: It’s 9:00 am Monday March 17th.]

Becky: (wakes up) Hey Willi.
Willi: Mmm 5 more...
Becky: (cuts her off) No…no 5 more minuets, wake up!
Willi: (wakes up) What, where am I?
Becky: You’re in bed.
Willi: Oh I knew that (gets out of bed) man last night was amazing.
Becky: I know it was like…
Willi: Heaven on ice?
Becky: Yeah …wow you know me too well.
Willi: Yeah, but you also over use that sentence.
Becky: So …that’s just the way I roll. (she says it in a Texan accent.)

[They both crack up causing Amy to wake up.]

Amy: (Texan accent) I like them shoes Joe…gotta get me a pair.
Becky: (laughs) You’re finally up.
Amy: Well you two are exceedingly loud.
Willi: Oh look who is talking your as loud as a beluga whale.
Amy: Oh just shut it Willi.
Willi: Whatever…is Ashley still here?
Becky: No I think she left early this morning.
Amy: Man I wanted to ask her how her date went.
Becky: Don’t worry she’s going to come back.
Willi: Little one guess what?
Becky: What?
Willi: You’re dating Nick Jonas!
Becky: (screams) I know…Oh my god!

[A small beeping came from Becky‘s phone, that sat on a dresser.]

Amy: Becky your phone.
Becky: Oh (she picks up her phone to examine it) speaking of boyfriends… it’s a text from Nick.

[She read the text message]

Willi: Well what does it say?
Becky: He said good luck at work?
Amy: What?
Willi: Wait…did you even tell him you quit Hannah Montana?
Becky: Umm…no.
Amy: Why not?
Becky: Well we were having a good time; I didn’t want to wreck the mood. Yesterday was about me and Nick… not Miley.
Willi: Well are you ever going to tell him?
Becky: I’ll do it right now.

[She goes to the bathroom and dials Nick’s number]

Nick: (very excited) Hey Becky!
Becky: Hey Nick {Even though she can’t see him, she could still tell he was smiling.}
Nick: So what’s up?
Becky: Well I kinda forgot to mention that …I quit Hannah Montana.
Nick: What?!
Becky: Uh yeah …I quit yesterday.
Nick: Well …I guess it’s okay. Now I don’t have to worry about you getting in a fight with Miley.
Becky: (laughs) Yeah.
Nick: So you don’t have anything this morning then?
Becky: Nope I’m free. What about you?
Nick: We have a radio interview.
Becky: Ooh how exciting.
Nick: Yeah, but I’m more excited about tonight.
Becky: Me too.
Nick: So are you still going to do that movie?
Becky: Yeah, pretty soon I’m going to have to leave for a few months to film it.
Nick: Oh.
Becky: Relax it’s not that long.
Nick: Yes it is.
Becky: Well you gotta hang in there.
Nick: Don’t worry I’ll make it.
Becky: Good…well I gotta go, so see you tonight.
Nick: Yup… remember I’m picking you up at 5.
Becky: Is there any chance your going to tell me the surprise.
Nick: Nope.
Becky: Fine be that way.
Nick: I will.
Becky: (laughs lightly) Bye Nick.
Nick: Bye Becky.

[She hangs up and exits back to the room.]

Willi: So did you tell him?
Becky: Yupers.
Amy: Well what did he say?
Becky: He was totally cool with it.
Willi: Well of course he’s fine with it…I wouldn’t want you to work with that skank for brains either.
Amy: True.
Becky: So what should we do until 5?
Amy: What’s at 5?
Becky: Oh well Nick is taking me to go see Switchfoot in concert.
Willi: Like a date?
Becky: Yeah…
Amy: Awww that’s so sweet.
Willi: You know what…we’ve been in LA for 6 days and we haven’t hit the beach once.
Amy: Dude let’s do it.
Becky: Okay do you guys have swimsuits?
Amy & Willi: No.
Becky: What! Well let’s go shopping then.
Willi: Ok well let’s hit up Pac Sun™ first.
Amy: Umm how do you suppose we get there?
Becky: Hello that’s what Tom is for. {She pulls out her phone}
Willi: Man we are way ahead of you Amy.
Amy; Whatever…at least I don’t have to go to summer school.
Willi: Tonight…you’re dead.
Becky: Enough with the death threats…let’s bounce.

[They both leave in the limo and head to Pac Sun™]

Amy: Ooh this one is in Kevin’s favorite color. I’m gonna get it.
Willi: You’re such a loser Amy.
Becky: Ok since I’m buying, you guys can get 2 as long as it’s not too pricey.
Amy: Don’t worry… when it comes to money I’m no Miley Cyrus.
Willi: Ooh good one Amy.
Becky: Come on guys let’s shop.

[They pick out there 2 swimsuits and head back to Ash’s house to change.]

Becky: Ok you got sunscreen?
Amy: Check.
Becky: Towels?
Willi: Sí.
Becky: What about an umbrella.
Amy: Under my umbrella….Ella Ella Eh Eh
[Note: She is singing the All Time Low version.]
Becky: Amy please stop.
Amy: Sorry.
Willi: Check on the umbrella.
Becky: Ok we’re all set…let’s head out.

[Tom drops them off at the beach. They hang out and chat away. They had a sand fight and some got in Amy’s mouth. Boy was she mad.]

Willi: Hey Amy do you want to be buried?
Amy: No you would probably pour it all in my mouth and ditch me.
Willi: Darn she found out our plan.
Becky: Man Nick is so hot.
Willi: Ok enough with the Nick is hot stuff.
Becky: What it’s true.
Amy: Well so is Kevin.
Willi: Please Kevin is a wannabe Drake Bell. {AN: I heard a little girl say this…so I had to use it. Sorry no offense to Kevin}
Amy: NO he is not…where the heck did you hear that from?

[All the sudden Becky’s phone stars to ring.]

Becky :{Looks at caller ID & answers} Hey Selena!
Selena: Finally you answer your phone!
Becky: You called earlier?
Selena: Yeah like 10 times!
Becky: Ooh I guess I didn’t hear my phone…sorry about that.
Selena: It’s okay.
Becky: Guess what; they finally mailed my script…I’m so excited.
Selena: (she sounds very urgent) That’s cool, but I wanted to know if your ok?
Becky: Yeah I’m fine…uh why? What’s going on?
Selena: Well last night we all went to the movies and we saw Miley follow you guys home from the theater.
Becky: What! Are you sure it was her?
Selena: I’m positive. I saw her and Mandy follow you guys In a red car.
Becky: That would explain the red car that cut us of. But she never came up to us…OMG!
Selena: What!
Becky: Do you think she spied on us when we got home?
Selena: I don’t know…but I have a feeling she did.
Becky: Oh no! Then she definitely knows me and Nick are going out.
Selena: OMG don’t tell me you guys were out side when you…
Becky: We were.
Selena: Well don’t worry she cant do anything to you.
Becky: Yeah…and besides I’m not afraid of her anymore.
Selena: That’s good.
Becky: Ok well I gotta go.

[She looks at Amy and Willi, who are overwhelmed with curiosity.]

Selena: Ok just be careful.
Becky: I will…I really appreciate you telling me this.
Selena: I’m just being a good friend by looking out for you.
Becky: Thanks…well be careful.
Selena: You too.
Becky: Bye Selena.
Selena: Bye.

[She hangs up and turns toward Amy & Willi.]

Willi: What the heck is going on?
Becky: Selena told me Miley was spying on us.
Amy: What!
Willi: When?
Becky: Last night.
Willi: How does she know?
Becky: They went to the same theaters as you and Joe. She said she saw Miley and Mandy follow our limo.
Amy: Well what did Miley see?
Becky: I don’t know…probably enough to know that I’m dating Nick.
Willi: Why do you guys insist on making out outside where Miley can see you two?!
Becky: We weren’t making out!
Amy: Becky you are such a bad liar.
Becky: No seriously, it was just one kiss so get off my back.
Willi: Dude what is her problem…Miley needs to vist an asylum.
Amy: Really she is so creepy. I can’t believe she stalked us.
Becky: Well let’s just forget about her. We’re here to have fun.
Amy: Yeah let’s just go back to our previous conversation.
Willi: You mean the one about how Kevin is a wannabe Drake Bell.
Amy: Oh just shut it or I’ll scarf you.
Willi: Really, you don’t even have your scarf.
Amy: That’s what you think.

[She grabs her coffee colored bag and pulls out her crimson heart scarf.]

Willi: Oh no!
Becky: You guys can be really lame sometimes.
Amy: So what was that about Kevin Willi?
Willi: He’s a wannabe Drake Bell!
Amy: That’s it.

[Amy runs after Willi with her scarf, Willi out ran Amy and Amy fell in to a sand hole. Becky just watched from the sidelines on her towel.]

Willi: Hey Amy are you okay?
Amy: (Lying in the sand hole) Ugh yeah. (She gets up and heads over to the towels)
Becky: Are you okay?
Amy: Yeah I just need to lie down.
Becky: Um okay, but that’s what you get for being violent.
Amy: Yeah well bite me.

[Willi comes and sits on her towel next to them.]

Willi: Amy your such a dork.
Amy: Yeah yeah.
Willi: Man Daniel was right about how nice the beaches here are.
Becky: I hate to admit it, but he is right about Corpus being a cheap version of Cali. The water is so clear.
Amy: Speaking of water, I have to use the restroom.
Becky: (Jokingly) Why don’t you just go in the ocean.
Amy: Uh no.
Willi: We can go to that store across the street.
Amy: Ok let’s go…I just drank my weight in Sunny D and I have to go pronto.

[Willi and Amy get up to leave.]

Becky: I’ll stay here and watch the stuff.
Amy: I don’t want to leave you alone…someone could kidnap you.
Becky: It’s okay, I’ll be fine.
Willi: Okay just don’t talk to strangers. Even if they do have the best candy.
Becky: (laughs) I won’t.

[Willi and Amy head across the street to the beach shop. Becky sat there and gazed at the ocean. She gets kinds bored so she starts to sing.] {NOTE: I really love to sing…it’s hard not to sing. So that’s why I might sing a lot in the story.}

Becky: (Sings)
You’re so activating, captivating.
You’re so fine I wanna make you mine.
Forever and ever till the end of time.
You’re so Electric, Eccentric.
All I want to do is cry out to the stars and sky.
And thank the lord for you and I.

© By Becky. All rights reserved.

???: Wow you have an amazing voice.

[She turns around to see who it is.]

Becky: Jessie?
Jessie: Hey.
Becky: What brings you here?
Jessie: Oh you know I just wanted to see the shore.
Becky: So where are your fans…I would think thousands of girls would be swarming you.
Jessie: Well I still had to sign some autographs. And the paparazzi are secretly following me.
Becky: Where I don’t see them.
Jessie: There behind that green car.
Becky: Oh now I see {She saw someone take a picture of them}
Jessie: (He sits next to her) Yeah sometimes I wish I could be alone.
Becky: I’m sorry about that.
Jessie: Hey it’s okay… It’s not all that bad.
Becky: So what have you been doing lately?
Jessie: Well I’ve been working on my new CD. It’s coming out In May.
Becky: Really, I’ll be sure to check it out.
Jessie: Yeah I just need to write one more song, but I was lacking inspiration. But I think I just found my inspiration. (He looks at Becky)
Becky: Well that’s good to hear I know how it feels to not having anything to write about.
Jessie: You write songs?
Becky: Yeah, but I’m more in to acting than song writing.
Jessie: I see… so are you doing any new acting gigs.
Becky: Actually I’m going to do a new movie.
Jessie: Really that sounds cool, where is it being filmed?
Becky: In Tucson, Arizona.
Jessie: Really that’s a really pretty place.
Becky: Yeah I can’t wait, it’s going to be so cool to stay there for a couple of months.
Jessie: Well maybe I’ll vist you there sometime.
Becky: Yeah that would be cool, just come anytime.
Jessie: That sounds like a plan. Well I better get back to the studio
Becky: Ok well I hope you finish that song.
Jessie: Yeah I’ll be sure to show you it when im done.
Becky: Okay.
Jessie: By the way…where are you staying at?
Becky: Oh I’m staying at my friend Ashley’s house.
Jessie: Tisdale?
Becky: Yeah.
Jessie: Ok well see you around.
Becky: Alright bye Jessie.

[Jessie leaves and once again Becky was alone. Finally Willi and Amy return.]

Willi: Did anyone try to steal you?
Becky: No it was pretty calm. I did talk to Jessie though.
Amy: Who is Jessie?
Becky: Hello Jessie McCartney.
Willi: Get out you know Jessie McCartney!
Becky: Yeah kinda…he was the one who came up to me.
Amy: Really…so have you met him before.
Becky: Yes but I only talked to him for like 2 minutes.
Willi: Talk about random.
Becky: Yeah it kinda was…but he seems like a nice guy.
Amy: Dude what time is it?
Willi: It’s 3:30
Becky: We need to go…. Nick is supposed to pick me up at 5 and you know it’s going to take forever for me to get ready.
Amy: Ok let’s go…I'm tired of sand anyways.

[They have Tom drop them off at Ash’s house. Becky takes a quick shower, and then when she is done she puts on a multicolored dress with her peace sign converse.]

Willi: You’re wearing that nice dress to a concert?
Becky: No I’m going to change once I get there. I just have a feeling Nick is going to take me somewhere nice before, and I want to look decent.
Amy: Is that why he is picking you up early?
Becky: Probably.
Willi: Why didn’t he tell you if you were going somewhere before?
Becky: He wanted it to be a surprise.
Amy: That’s just a typical thing for a guy to do.
Willi: I know, then they just expect you to get ready. Well it’s not that easy if you don’t know what occasion to dress up for.
Becky: Ok guys stop raging on my boyfriend. I really don’t mind bringing an extra pair of clothes. {She puts her clothes in her O’Neill tote.}

[Becky then curls her hair and makes sure she isn’t forgetting anything. Then the door bell rings.]

Willi: Hurry little one he’s here.
Becky: Ok how do I look?
Amy: You look amazing ...okay.
Becky: Thank you… someone go answer the door, and then I’ll come down the stairs very flawless looking. And Nick will be like …“wow”.
Willi: Umm that’s really lame, but because it Nick Jonas I’ll do it for you.
Becky: Thanks.

[Willi heads downstairs to open the glass French door.]

Willi: Hey Nick.
Nick: Oh hey Willi.
Willi: Come on in.

[Nick enters Ash’s house and stands by the staircase. After a couple of seconds, Becky strides down the stairs smiling at Nick the whole time. Nick’s eyes were hypnotized by Becky. When Becky finally got down stairs Nick stood there in awe.]

Nick: Wow…you look beautiful.
Becky: (smiling) Thank you…you look pretty dashing yourself.
Nick: Dashing?
Becky: You know what I mean.
Nick: Well are you ready to go.
Becky: Yes.

[Amy comes down stairs to see them off. Nick wraps his arm around her waist and leads her to the door. Becky looks back at Amy and Willi, they both mouthed good luck to her. Then the two of them were out the door.]

Becky: So where are you taking me?
Nick: You’ll see…It’s a surprise. So close your eyes.
Becky: (sighs) Fine.

[Nick leads Becky to the surprise, while Becky walks slowly so she doesn’t step on anything.]

Becky: Are we there yet?
Nick: Not yet…no peeking.
Becky: Ok just don’t let me fall.
Nick: Don’t worry I’ll never hurt you.
[Becky starts to smile as she continues to let Nick lead her. Finally they reach their destination.]

Nick: Ok open your eyes.

[Becky opens her eyes to see a picnic blanket spread out in the neighborhood park. The grapefruit colored sunset made the scene more romantic. Becky stood there in admiration.]

Nick: Do you like it?
Becky: Like it…Nick I love it!
Nick: (smiles) Good.

[He takes her hand and leads her to the blanket. Nick made delicious chicken cutlet. After they ate Nick held Becky in his arms as they were sprawled across the blanket.]

Becky: Nick?
Nick: Yes?
Becky: I wanted to thank you for all this…. It’s all so incredible.
Nick: Well your welcome.

[They laid there in silence for another couple minuets.]

Becky: Nick…what time is it?
Nick: Umm (he check his phone) Wow it’s almost 6…we’d better go.

[Nick cleans up and takes back the picnic supplies to his house. Kevin then drives them to the concert. The whole ride Nick couldn’t keep his eyes off Becky.]

*At the park*

[Miley walks out from behind a bush. She has a satisfying grin on her face. She pulls out her phone and starts to dial a number.]

Miley: Mandy come meet me in the park.
Mandy: Did you find them?
Miley: Yup and I think we should tail them.
Mandy: I love your malevolent ideas.
Miley: I know me too.

[She hangs up and builds a vicious smirk on her face.]

*With Nick and Becky*

[Nick and Becky go to the concert. Becky then changed into her awesome Switchfoot shirt and some black skinny jeans. Of course when they went backstage, Nick had to sign a few autographs. And some people even recognized Becky. When the concert started no fans bothered them. This was good because the show was all about Switchfoot and Nick didn’t want to take the attention away from them. Switchfoot came out and played some old songs like Dare you to move, Meant to Live, Gone, On Fire, and a Beautiful Letdown, then they played songs from their new album. They started to play This is Home when Becky’s eyes widen]

Becky: Oh my gosh …I love this song.
Nick: Really? too.

[They both sang along. Nick was really happy to see Becky having a good time. Sadly the concert came to an end. After the concert Nick and Becky were chilling backstage.]

Becky: So what are we doing now?
Nick: I’m going to have you meet Switchfoot.
Becky: Are you serious? Nick you’re the best. (She hugs him)
Nick: Hey I do what I can.

[He hugs her back then after a couple of seconds her lets go.]

Nick: Come on let’s go.

[He takes her towards the dressing rooms. Standing in the hallway were lead singer, Jon Foreman, and drummer, Chad Butler.]

Jon: Hey Nick.
Nick: Hey…you guys played a rockin show.
Chad: Thanks.
Nick: Hey I wanted you guys to meet my girlfriend Becky.
Jon: Hey it’s nice to meet you. I’m Jon. (He shakes her hand)
Chad: Yo I’m Chad.
Becky: It’s so nice to meet you guys. I’m a huge fan.
Jon: Thanks.
Chad: So did you like the show?
Becky: Yes it was amazing.
Jon: Well thanks…it means a lot coming from a fan.
Nick: Well we’d better let you guys finish packing up.
Chad: Yeah we still have some stuff left to do.
Jon: Well it was nice meeting you Becky.
Becky: You too.
Chad: Bye Nick, bye Becky.
Jon: See you later Nick.
Nick: Later guys.

[Nick and Becky head outside. They walk out to a near by shopping strip.]

Nick: Hey do you want to chill at Starbucks© why we wait for Kevin?
Becky: Sure that’s fine.

[Nick and Becky were walking to Starbucks© when Becky saw Jessie walking the other way.]

Becky: Hey look it’s-
Nick: (cuts her off) Hurry let’s go.

[Nick pulls her by the arm towards the Starbucks© entrance. Becky saw Jessie look at them. When they got inside Nick pulled her to a table where they sat down.]

Becky: What was that about?
Nick: I’m just not very fond of Jessie.
Becky: Not fond of him? You ran away from him.
Nick: I just don’t want to talk to him.
Becky: Why? What did he ever do to you?
Nick: Well…he was the one Miley cheated on me with.
Becky: Oh…I didn’t know.
[Note: Becky never knew about Jessie being the one Miley cheated on Nick with. So she is really shocked.]

Nick: It’s ok…I just don’t ever want to talk to him. Ever!
Becky: You’re not going to give him a second chance? Or just hear him out?
Nick: No!
Becky: But Nick-
Nick: (changes subject) So do you want anything to drink?
Becky: (goes along with the subject change) Umm sure. I’ll have a passion tea.
Nick: Okay.

[Nick goes and orders the drinks. The rest of the night Becky and him chatted away. Becky made sure not to brings up Jessie again, but she could already tell she upset him. Eventually Kevin came to pick them up. Once they got to Ash’s house, Nick walked Becky to the door.]

Becky: I had a great time.
Nick: Yeah me too.
Becky: So I’ll see you later then.
Nick: Yeah.
Becky: Nick.
Nick: Yes?

[She stares in to his eyes]

Becky: Oh nothing.
Nick: Tell me.
Becky: No really it’s nothing.

[He studied her face hard. He tried to figure out what she could be thinking.]

Nick: Well I’m sorry how I kind of snapped at you tonight.
Becky: What? Oh…it’s okay.
Nick: No it’s not…I shouldn’t have done that. It’s just that I really don’t like talking about that situation. But I promise I won’t do it again.
Becky: Ok.

[He gives her a soft kiss on the cheek and they say their goodbyes. Nick walked off to the car, then Kevin and him drove up the street to their house. When Becky enters the house she finds Ashley, Amy and Willi sitting on a couch. They were all watching a scary movie. As soon as Becky slammed the door shut, the three girls screamed their heads off.]

Ashley: Becky! You scared us.
Becky: Sorry…what are you watching?
Willi: The Abandoned.
Becky: Really? I love this movie.
Amy: Uh Becky you got problems.
Becky: No I mean this is one of my favorite scary movies. I’m not some weirdo that likes killing and stuff.
Amy: Whatever.
Ashley: So how was your date?
Becky: Oh it was…good.
Willi: How was the concert?
Becky: Well that part was so amazing. Nick introduced me to Switchfoot.
Amy: Are you serious…man lucky!
Becky: So Ash how was your date?
Ashley: Oh it was awesome. Jared took me to Dolce©.
Becky: Really…that’s supposed to be a really nice restaurant.
Ashley: Yeah it is.
Willi: Wow Jared is a nice guy.
Ashley: Yeah I’m so lucky to have him…well I better head to bed. Tomorrow I gotta wake up bright and early.
Amy: Don’t you stars ever get a day off.
Ashley: Eh not really.
Willi: Ok night Ash.
Ashley: Night guys.

[Ashley goes to bed, but the rest of the girls stay up to finish the movie. Once it was over they went upstairs to get ready for bed.]

*Upstairs with the girls*

Willi: So I see you changed…so did he take you somewhere before after all?
Becky: Yeah, we had a picnic in the park.
Amy: Aww that’s cute. Nick is such a nice guy.
Becky (says in an insensible way) Yeah…he can when he wants to be.
Willi: What’s with the ‘tude?
Becky: Well it’s just that…Nick kind of got upset with me tonight.
Amy: What? Why?
Becky: Because I told him he should give Jessie a second chance.
Willi: I don’t get it…Is he mad at Jessie or something?
Becky: Well he told me that Miley cheated on him with Jessie.
Amy: What?
Willi: And you said Jessie seems like a nice guy.
Becky: Well I think he is…I think Miley never told him about Nick. Because Jessie doesn’t seem like the guys that’s into having affairs.
Willi: So you think it’s really all Miley’s fault and not Jessie’s?
Becky: Yup…but Nick seems pretty darn convinced that Jessie is the bad one.
Amy: But you don’t know for sure that he isn’t.
Becky: Come on Amy…we’re talking about Miley Cyrus. She probably seduced poor Jessie.
Willi: Becky does have a point.
Becky: Of course I have a point.
Amy: But still you never know.
Becky: Well maybe someday I’ll ask him.
Willi: You’re still going to talk to him?
Becky: Yeah why not?
Amy: Um I don’t know…maybe because your boyfriend freakin hates him.
Becky: So…I don’t want to not be able to talk to people because of my boyfriend. I wanna have freedom.
Willi: I don’t know…it might hurt Nick.
Becky: Well he should just get over it…and just give him a second chance.
Amy: Wow I’ve never heard you this harsh about Nick.
Becky: I know…it’s just that it hurt me when he didn’t want to hear what I had to say. I know it’s a tough subject but he refuses to open up. So I’m just here standing in the dark. I don’t know sometimes he frustrates me.
Willi: Ok little one…you’re doing it again.
Becky: Doing what again?
Willi: You think way too much.
Becky: I’m a Virgo…we analyze things.
Amy: Um ok…well I’m getting tired of all this drama waiting to happen. So I'm going to bed.
Willi: Yeah I’m getting pretty tired talking about Nick.
Becky: Ok sorry I think too much for you guys. Alright I think I’m gonna go to bed too.
Willi: Ok night Amy….night little one.
Becky: Goodnight.

[Finally they all go to sleep. Becky still felt upset about what happened tonight. But she decided to shake it off. And for once instead of worrying she drifted to sleep.]

*At the Devil’s Chamber aka Miley’s house*

Mandy: So what did you find out from your pursuit?
Miley: Oh lots of stuff…
Mandy: Do I smell an evil plan coming along?
Miley: Yup and then I’ll win Nick back, and I know just how to do it.
Mandy: Ooh I can tell this is going to be interesting.
Miley: Yup it’s going to be interesting for everyone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading :)))

Stay tuned for the next chapter

© By Becky. All rights reserved.