Status: Typing takes me forever, bear with me

Tangled Hearts

One Day at a Time

{Note: It’s Sunday March 23rd .It’s 8:00 am.}
[Becky, Willi, and Amy are packing to leave to San Antonio since they have school.]

Amy: Man this was the best spring break ever!
Becky: I know too bad it had to end.
Willi: I know, I don’t want to leave.
Amy: I don’t want to leave Kevin.
Willi: Yeah and I don’t want to leave Joe.
Becky: Relax; you guys could come back in the summer. Then you’ll see them for a whole 2 months.
Willi: No just a month because they have the Burning up tour.
Becky: Oh yeah I almost forgot. It’s so hard to date Nick, he is always busy. How is this going to work out?
Amy: Once again you’re getting too worked up on this. Instead of worrying about the future just take your relationship one day at a time.
Becky: I guess your right…I should just enjoy it for what it is right now.
Amy: The damn skippy I’m right.
Willi: So is Tom taking us to the airport?
Becky: No, Ash is dropping us off.
Amy: Really she’s taking time from her schedule to drop us off?
Becky: Of course…She just wouldn’t let us leave without saying good bye, she’s too attached.
Willi: Yeah I’m going to miss her.
Amy: Me too.
Willi: When is Joe coming?
Becky: They said they would come over at 9:00 (am).
Amy: It’s going to be hard to say goodbye to Kevin.
Willi: I know you’ll probably never let go of him. We might have to pry you off with a crowbar.
Amy: Shut up Willi, that’s what you’re going to do to Joe.
Willi: Uh no, I have all my money on you freaking out when you have to leave Kevin.
Amy: Well I bet my money on you doing that.
Willi: Ok deal.
Becky: Ugh guys, why must you always have to bet on something?

[Becky’s phone starts to ring Hello Beautiful by the Jonas Brothers.]

Willi: Don’t tell me that’s your ringer for Nick.
Becky: Yeah and what about it?
Willi: Nothing it’s just a little weird.
Becky: No it’s not. (She goes to the bathroom, and answers the phone) Hey Nick.
Nick: Hey Becky…I was wondering …do you have to leave?
Becky: (smiles) Yes, Nick I already told you it’s only a couple of months.
Nick: I know, I was just joking. But I wanted to know if we could come over now.
Becky: You couldn’t wait till 9 could ya?
Nick: Yeah… (He says it in defeat)
Becky: Yeah it’s fine.
Nick: (gets really happy) Ok…I’ll be there in a few.
Becky: Ok bye Nick.
Nick: Bye.

[She hangs up and goes back to the room]

Becky: Hey guys, the guys are coming over now.
Amy: What!
Becky: Yeah Nick couldn’t wait to see me. So I told him to come over now.
Willi: Omg, I’m so not ready to see Joe.
Amy: Ahh my hair, it looks horrible. And I’m still in my Pj’s.
Becky: Well at least I’m ready.

[Amy and Willi scramble to get ready. They both run to the bathroom, but Amy booty bumps Willi to the ground and gets to use the bathroom first. Willi just runs to the other bathroom in the hall. Becky was just laughing at the whole scene. After a couple of minutes the door bell rings. Becky goes downstairs to open the door.]

Becky: Hey guys, come on in.

[The guys enter.]
Becky: Can I get you anything to drink or eat?
Joe: Nah we already ate, but thanks.
Kevin: I can’t believe you guys are leaving. I don’t think I can take Nick’s moping around phase.
Nick: Hey…I’m not going to mope.
Joe: Then what do you call yesterday?
Nick: I call that Saturday.
Joe: Sure…whatever your say Mr. President.

[Amy and Willi come downstairs and Kevin’s and Joe’s faces lit up.

Kevin: Hey Amy.
Amy: Hey Kevin!
Joe: Hey there’s my girl (He hugs Willi)
Willi: (smiles) Hey Joe.
Becky: (whispers to Willi) Wow you guys get ready quick.
Willi: (whispers back) For Joe, I can do anything.

[They all chilled with each other and played Guitar Hero 3. They put a lot of effort to make this day fun, since it was their last day together. Nick and Becky flirted a whole lot. Joe even exchanged numbers with Willi. Amy got a chance to hug Kevin and never let go. Eventually they got her off. Kevin didn’t mind Amy’s obsessiveness, he actually enjoys it. Sadly their time together was ending. Ash got home to take the girls to the airport.]

Nick: Why do you have to leave so early?
Becky: Well our flight is at one so we have to be at the airport by 11:30. So we can make sure we catch our flight.
Nick: I know it’s just that…I’m really going to miss you.
Becky: I’m gonna miss you too.
Nick: You better not meet another guy.
Becky: Of course not…Nick you’re the only one for me.
Nick: Good. (Smiles)
Ashley: Come on guys let’s load up.

[The boys help the girls load their luggage into Ash’s car.]

Nick: Man Becky you pack a lot.
Becky: I do not.
Nick: I’m just kidding.
Becky: Ha ha you’re very funny. I’d like to see how you pack.
Nick: I pack light.
Becky: Oh really?
Nick: Yup.
Becky: We’ll have to see about that.

[They both smile at each other.]

Joe: I guess I’ll see you later Willi.
Willi: Yeah bye Joe.

[Joe gives Willi a big hug.]

Joe: I’ll call you.
Willi: Okay.
Joe: You better come back soon.
Willi: Of course.
Amy: Kevin! I can’t believe this is goodbye.
Kevin: No Amy it’s not goodbye… I’ll see you again.
Amy: But I can’t wait that long…I wish I didn’t have school.
Kevin: (laughs) It’s not that long…you could come during the summer.
Amy: That’s 2 ½ months away!
Kevin: Well that’s not too bad…I’ll call you so you won’t miss me.
Amy: (smiles big) Okay that sounds good.

[He hugs her and Amy squeezes him tight. Kevin just laughs at this. Willi then whispers to Becky.]

Willi: Looks like I won the bet.

[Becky laughs and Amy looks at them harsh.]

Willi: Oops looks like she heard us.

[Nick pulled Becky aside from everyone else.]

Nick: Since your going away for a while…I got you this.

[He gives her a nice velvet box. She opens it to find a diamond necklace in the shape of a N.]

Becky: Awww N as in Nick.
Nick: Yup…do you like it?
Becky: Of course…Nick it’s so perfect thank you!
Nick: Here let me put it on for you.

[He puts it on for her with a cute grin on his face.]

Nick: There… it looks good on you.
Becky: You truly are amazing Nick.
Nick: Yeah I get that a lot. (Smiles)
Ashley: (yells) Come on Becky we have to leave.
Becky: Ok I’m coming! (She turns back to Nick) Well I gotta go.

[She starts to leave but Nick pulls her back.]

Nick: Wait.

[He pulls her close to him, and the next thing Becky knows is both their lips were locked together. He then pulls away.]

Nick: Ok now you can go.
Becky: (smiles) bye Nick.

[She runs to the car but before she opens the door she waves goodbye to Nick. The Jo Bros waved goodbye as they watched them drive off.]

*At Miley’s House*

[Miley is looking out her window. Mandy enters the bedroom.]

Mandy: What are you doing?
Miley: Oh nothing. (She back away from the blinds)
Mandy: Are you spying again?
Miley: Yeah…I just saw Becky loading her luggage in to Ash’s car.
Mandy: Is she leaving?
Miley: (smiles) Yup Becky is going out of town.
Mandy: Isn’t she going to film that movie with that Selena tramp?
Miley: Yup… so this is a good time to put our plan in to action.
Mandy: Excellent…wait what is the plan?
Miley: This.

[Miley hands Mandy a photograph.]

Mandy: So you’re going to use this? Ooh this is going to be good.
Miley: I know it should be…because I came up with it.
Mandy: How did you get this?
Miley: Let’s just say I know some people.
Mandy: Well I can’t wait to see what happens.
Miley: Me too. It looks like you’ve messed with the wrong girl Becky.
[Miley does a malevolent laugh.]
♠ ♠ ♠
Stay tuned for CHAPTER 12.
© By Becky. All rights reserved.

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