Status: Typing takes me forever, bear with me

Tangled Hearts

Hello Beautiful


[As Becky sleeps the dark meshes into dawn, she is awaken by a piercing overpowering alarm at 5:00 am]
[ Note: It’s Tuesday Morning]

Becky: Why……I was dreaming of Nick Jonas.

[Becky get up and takes a swift shower, she gets dressed and straightens her hair all in a short amount of time. She then hobbles downstairs, still very lethargic.]
Ashley: Good Morning Becky!
Becky: Not so loud….ugh im so slee..(yawns)
Ashley: (laughs) so are you ready to go?
Becky: Sure I think going to Starbucks might help me wake up.
[Ashley and Becky head to the car and start heading off to Starbucks. On the way over there Becky dozes off]
Ashley: Becky wake up, were here!
Becky: What! Oh ok(she gets out of car) well see you later.
Ashley: Ok I’ll be sure to tell Nick that you’re coming too.
Becky: Ok make sure you make me sound awesome.
Ashley; (laughs) Ok I will.
Becky Bye Ash!
[When Becky enters Starbucks, Selena is already at a table with her Carmel frappuccino and a Strawberries N’Cream frappuccino]
Becky: Hey Selena!
Selena: Becky!
[She runs over to Becky almost knocking her over]
Selena: Oh I’m sorry I got a little excited.
Becky: It’s okay I’m used to it.
Selena: Ok well here is your frappuccino.
Becky: How did you know what my favorite frappuccino was?
Selena: Oh lucky guess.
[They sit down and talk about all the latest gossip]
Selena: Yeah I heard that Emily (Osment) was dating Cody (Linley).
Becky: Really no way.
Selena: Yup..Any ways what are your plans for the rest of the day.
Becky: Well after work I’m planning to go with Ashley to hang with the Jonas Brothers.
Selena: Really, That must be so fun.
Becky: yeah I can’t wait.
[After they finish Becky and Selena have a limo drop them off at the set.]
Becky: Bye Selena!
Selena: Bye Miss Becky …call me and tell Mitchel I said hi!
Becky Okay I will.
[Becky goes inside the studios and enters the set marked Hannah Montana]
Becky: Hello Mike!
Director Mike: Morning!
Becky: Hey Emily How’s Cody?
Emily: What?
Becky : Uh I said good morning!
Emily: Oh good morning to you too.
Becky: Hey Mitchel.
Mitchel: Oh hey!
Becky: Selena said hi.
Mitchel: Really….hey Becky did she tell you anything else.
Becky: Mitchel just ask her out…she really is in to you and I know you like her too.
Mitchel: Really you think I should?
Becky: Sure.
Mitchel: I think I will ..thanks Becky.
Becky: Hey what are friends for.
[Becky then gets her make up done and gets to work. The whole day passed by quick and before she knew it 12 Pm came. Of course since she is just guest starring she can leave early. The other actors stay till …well who knows]
Becky: Bye Mike see you later.
Miley: Grr im soo mad!
Becky: What’s wrong Miley?
Miley: I wanted to spend time with Nick, but he has plans today!
I hate whoever did this.
Becky: (gets a little scared) Oh I’m sorry to hear that, but whoever is hanging out with him is probably very sorry they messed up your plans.
Miley: Yeah they better be.. Well bye Becky!
Becky: Uh bye Miley!
[ Ashley picks up Becky and heads off to get her fixed up and buy new clothes. They hurry home to change in to their new findings. Becky Puts on a cute green blouse, skinny jeans, and her new black Converses. She also adds on a cute emerald necklace and matching bracelet. Finally they were ready]
Ashley: Wow you look so pretty. When Nick sees you he’ll dump Miley in a heartbeat.
Becky: I think your getting carried away.
Ashley :(Laughs) We’ll see.
[They head to the Jonas Brothers house.(Note: The Jonas Brothers live down the street)]

* At the Jo Bros’s house*

Nick: Come on Joe they’ll be here any minute!
Joe: Ok ok Im ready.
Kevin: Nick why are you getting so worked up over this?
Joe: Little Romeo has a crush on Becky Hernandez don’t you?
Nick: Shut up.. I just want to make a good impression and besides I have a girlfriend.
Joe: That doesn’t mean anything.
Kevin: Joe just leave him alone.
[ The door bell rings Ding-Dong]
Nick: That’s them ..listen Joe no wise cracks ok?
Joe: Hey I’ll try but you know me.
( Nick gives him a stern look)
Kevin: Just promise him Joe.
Joe: Fine I promise okay now just answer the door.
[ Nick answers the door, and freezes after one glimpse of Becky]
Nick : Whoa.. I mean Hello!
Ashley: (looks at Becky with her ”I told you so” look) Hello Nick. This is my friend Becky.
Nick: I’ve met you before at my concert.
Becky: You remember that?
Nick: Yeah I remember lots of my fans.
Joe: Oh I remember your friend Willi she was smoking hot…I mean nice.
Nick : Just ignore him.
Kevin: Hey Becky Do you by chance have Amy’s number?
Becky: Yeah I do( She give him the number)
Joe: Hey Becky would you like to see Nick when he was a baby?
Nick: Joe Please!
Kevin: Joe stop tormenting Nick.
Joe: What it’s funny.
[The night went on and they all chilled and chatted with one another. Nick couldn’t look away from Becky, and Joe and Kevin kept discreetly asking about Willi and Amy.]
Ashley: Well it’s getting late we better get going.
Nick: I’ll walk you out ( Nick goes and walks Ashley and Becky out, eyeing Becky one last time, Joe and Kevin both see this. They all wave goodbye as Becky and Ashley disappear down the street.)
Joe : Hey Kevin did you see Nick staring at Becky all night long.
Nick : I was not.
Kevin : Hate to say it but you were.
Joe: Man I should of asked for Willi’s number
Kevin: Well I’m lucky I got Amy’s
Nick: Can you two stop!
Joe: Come on Nick just admit it you like her.
Nick: I think she’s pretty, but I have a girlfriend end of story. I’m going to bed. Goodnight!
Kevin: Alright Goodnight.
Joe: Night lover boy.
Nick: Whatever
{Nick goes to bed…After Nick leaves Kevin gives Joe a stern look.]
Joe: What?
Kevin: Nothing let’s just go to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
End of chapter 2 “Hello Beautiful”!
Look forward to Chapter 3 “ When you look me in the eyes”

I hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading!
Feedback would be so nice :)

© By Becky. All rights reserved.