Status: Typing takes me forever, bear with me

Tangled Hearts

When You Look Me In The Eyes


[Ashley and Becky just get home from there visit with the Jonas Brothers]

Ashley: Oh my god did you see Nick staring at you all night?
Becky: No he wasn’t.
Ashley: Uh yes he was come on you had to be blind to not see that!
Becky: Well I don’t think he was staring at me maybe he just happen to look at something in my direction.
Ashley: Uh huh sure.
Becky: I'm serious.
Ashley: You’re seriously wrong.... Nick definitely has a crush on you.
Becky: No he has a girlfriend.
Ashley: That doesn’t mean anything especially if it’s Miley.
Becky: What is that suppose to mean.
Ashley: Oh you'll see
Becky: (frowns) I don’t like where this is going. Im going to call Willi and Amy they’re going to freak when they hear who I met today.
Ashley: Oh okay
Becky: (goes up stairs) [calls Willi and Amy on 3 way]
Willi and Amy: Hello?
Becky: Hey Guys It's Me.
Willi: Hey Little One!
Becky: Guess who I met today?
Willi: OMG JJ Thorne
Becky: No you silly! The cutest brothers ever.......
Willi: OMG B5!
Becky No the hottest brothers ever!
Willi: Shut up!
Amy: No Way!
Becky: Yes Way!
Amy: Holy mother of Jonas!
Willi: What did Joe say about me?
Amy: Forget Joe what did Kevin say?
Becky: Guys just chill ... oh and by the way Joe and Kevin did ask about you guys!
Amy: OOOOOOOOOO my gosh! (She screams her head off)
Willi: Are you for reals!
Becky: Yup it’s true.
Amy: Oh my Jonas I need to see my Kevin and make a move on him.
Willi: Joe asked about me.. Wow!
Becky Omg I just had an idea!
Amy: What?
Becky: Why don’t you guys come visit me here in LA.
Willi: OMG that’s an awesome idea.
Amy: Yay I can finally date Kevin!
Becky: Ummsure ... Well you two buy tickets and I’ll see you....
Willi : Tomorrow!
Becky : Isn’t that too soon.
Amy: Not for me and Kevin.
Willi: Yeah it’s no problem, I’ll buy tickets and we will see you at noon.
Amy: Soo we have to wake up at 10!?
Becky: Uh no Amy you’ll have to be up by 5.
Willi : Don’t worry we’ll be there even if I have to drag Amy out of bed.
Becky: Ok well I can’t wait to see you guys.
Amy : I can’t wait to see Kevin!
Willi: Pl-ease it’s ALL about Joe!
Becky: (says goodbye before the bickering gets worse)
Willi and Amy: Bye!

[Becky hangs up, and before she knows it she falls fast asleep. In the morning she is awaken by two loud voices. {Note: It’s around noon.}]

Amy: Yo Becky wake up and take me to Kevin.
Willi: Amy can you please stop talking about Kevin.
Becky: OMG! You guys came, how did you get here?
Willi: Ashley picked us up from the airport. She’s making us breakfast.
Amy: Yeah she is even making me pancakes in the shape of a "k"
Ashley : (calls from downstairs) Come and get your breakfast!

[They all head down and chow down on the delicious pancakes.]

Amy: These Kevin pancakes are delicious!

Ashley: Well thank you Amy.
Willi: So what’s planned for today?
Ashley: Well Nick called (she looks at Becky) I told him about how you have friends over and they all want to hang with them.
Becky: And?
Ashley: Nick asked and they said yes.

[Amy screams so loud she started to choke on her "k" pancakes.
Willi quickly slaps her on her back.]

Amy: Thanks. (She says out of breath)
Willi: You’re welcome.
Ashley: Well I planned to get all of you new clothes so all of you can impress the Jonas Brothers. Is that okay Becky?(she gives Becky "the look")
Becky: Fine... that’s fine.
Amy: Oh lordy I can’t wait.
Willi: This is the best day of my life.

[So Ashley drives them to the mall for new attire they head over to SAKS and start to shop]

Ashley: Hey Becky how about this... it will so dazzle Nick.
Becky: Ashley haven’t we had this talk about Nick.
Ashley: Yeah but like I said Miley is not the problem ... so im buying this for you.
Becky: Sure... Why not.

(They bought there clothes and head on home before the Jonas hotties came over.)

* At the Jonas Casa*

Nick: Joe do I look okay?
Joe: For the thousandth time yes. Are you sure you don’t like Becky?
Nick: I just want to..
Joe: I know… look good in front of her friends.

[Nick gives Joe a harsh look]

Kevin: Can you guys stop fighting and hurry up. I really want to see Amy.
Joe : I bet Willi will look outrageously HOT and I bet Becky will look pretty too.
Nick: (without thinking) Yeah... I mean.
Joe: Too late… That’s all the proof I need.
Nick : Let’s just go!
Kevin: Finally...

[They head over to Ashley’s house]

* At Ashley’s Casa*

Ashley: Hurry up they'll be here any minute.
Willi : Amy needs to make sure she looks perfect for Kevin.
Ashley : What’s wrong Becky?
Becky: Just a little nervous.
Ashley: Don’t worry you’ll be okay
Willi: I Bet Joe will look so FINE!
Amy : Not as good as Kevin.
Willi: Oh shut up!

[The doorbell rings Amy and Willi both jump up]

Ashley : That’s them....... just breath Becky.
Becky: Im Fine!

[Ashley opens the door and there stood three stunningly attractive boys... Nick and Becky locked eyes and time just stopped.]

Amy : OMG its Kevin Jonas!

[Nick realizes what he is doing and looks the other way.]

Kevin: Yup that’s me. Well it’s nice........
Amy: (cuts him off) OMG! I like love you so much! (She runs towards him)
Becky: Amy! (She grabs Amy’s scarf before she reaches Kevin causing Amy to be pulled back in one jerk.)

Amy: Sorry gotta a little carried away.
Kevin : It’s Fine... I was looking forward to seeing you myself.
Amy: Really (she laughs in her high pitched annoying laugh.)
Becky: (laughs at Amy’s laugh)
Kevin: (can’t help but smile at Amy’s laugh) I like your laugh, it’s cute.
Amy: Thanks (laughs again)
Joe: Hey Willi! So how do you like LA?
Willi : Oh it’s so awesome. It must be so cool to live here!
Joe: Yeah it is, but they don’t have cute girls like San Antonio does.

[Both Amy and Willi giggle]

Ashley: Hey why don’t you guys stay a while, just to get to know each other. I can drive to starbucks!
Nick: Sure sounds fun.
Joe: Yeah I’d love to! Can we Kevin?
Kevin: Sure why not…but we can’t stay too long. Tomorrow we have to wake up early for that interview with Bop[magazine].
Nick: Oh yeah almost forgot… What would we do with out you Kevin?
Kevin: That’s exactly what I want to know.
Joe: Ha ha you’re really funny.
Kevin: Seriously …remember that time at Six Flags. You would’ve left Frankie behind if I hadn’t reminded you.
Nick: (laughs ) Poor Frankie.
Joe: Okay that was just that one time, besides Frankie got over it.
Kevin: That ONE time. Joe there has been several times.
Nick: Yeah remember that one time you were suppose to pick me up from school? Kevin ended picking me up 3 hours later.
Joe: Well you should’ve called me.
Nick: I did 6 times.
Kevin: See Joe….that proves it.
Joe: Proves what?
Kevin: That you couldn’t make it without me.
Joe: Oh whatever!

[Ashley, Amy and Willi keep looking back and forth at the quarrelling]

Becky:( looks at Amy and Willi) Don’t worry these little arguments are normal for them.

Nick: What..oh sorry we’re brothers arguing is what we do.
Ashley: Ok I’m going to Starbucks...who wants?
Joe: Oooh count me in, you know the usual for me.
Amy: I’ll have the pumpkin spice frappuccino.
Willi: Hmm how about the vanilla bean frappuccino for me.
Becky: Ooo I want a strawberries n’ cream frappuccino.
Ashley: Kevin, Nick?
Kevin: How about an espresso.
Joe: Only you Kevin.
Kevin: What is that suppose to mean?
Joe: Nothing you’re just boring when it comes to coffee.
Nick: I’ll have the green tea frappuccino.
Joe: See everyone else gets cool coffee drinks.
Ashley: Ok well I’ll be back!

[Ashley leaves to Starbucks.]

Kevin: Coffee is supposed to be boring.
Joe: No it isn’t.
Nick; You two always fight about the stupidest things.
Joe: Are you calling my theory stupid?
Nick: No Im just saying…
Becky: Umm I hate to break this up, but what are we going to do?

[The Jonas Brothers finally stop arguing]

Amy: Hmm how about Guitar Hero 3?
Willi: Sure.
Jonas Brothers: Yeah Guitar Hero 3!
Joe: Sweet! I’m a Pro at this game, how much do you want to bet I’ll beat Nick again.
Nick: Yeah whatever, the first time I was tired. You won’t win this time.
Joe: We’ll see about that!

[After Nick beats Kevin and Joe twice, Ashley comes back with the drinks]

Ashley: I’m back..sorry I took so long there was traffic.

Becky: Hey guys the coffee is here.
Kevin: Come on guys let’s take a break we can sit in the kitchen and chat.
Willi: Sure let’s go.

[Willi leaves with Ashley to the kitchen]

Kevin: Come on Amy.
Amy: (Looks into Kevin’s eyes) Sure Kevin. (she follows Kevin)
Becky: Come on you two.

[Joe continues to play]

Nick: Yeah ok.

[ He drops the guitar as soon he looks into Becky’s eyes. He starts to walk with Becky.]

Nick: Joe!
Joe: Ok ok sorry [ He quickly pauses the game and runs to the kitchen.]

[ They all sit and chat, and have a blast. Joe kept flirting with Willi, and Nick couldn’t take his eyes off Becky. Amy was being loud as usual and kept touching Kevin’s hair. Ashley couldn’t help but laugh at all this love in the room. Suddenly the day zoomed by and turned to night.]

Kevin: It looks like it’s getting late….we’d better get going.
Willi: Awww.
Amy: Don’t go Kevin.
Kevin: I’m sorry we have an interview, no way out of it.
Amy: Oh ok….see you later then.
Willi: Bye Joe!
Joe: (smiles) Bye Willi, we need to hang out more.

[Amy and Willi go upstairs to finish unpacking. Ashley walks out Joe and Kevin.]

Nick: So I’ll see you tomorrow hopefully.
Becky: Yeah hopefully.
Nick: Maybe you can come to the interview tomorrow?

Becky: Oh I can’t I have to work on the set.
Nick: Ah with Miley…well how about later that night?
Becky: Yay that sounds…wait Miley told me you have a date with her tomorrow night.
Nick: Oh…I guess I forgot. I can always reschedule with her.
Becky: Don’t do that it’ll crush her heart. (secretly she wants him to cancel on Miley.)
Nick:(under his breath) What heart..
Becky: What?
Nick: Oh nothing…I’ll just go on that date then.
Becky: Yeah…we can do something this weekend?
Nick: Sure sounds great!
[Note: It’s Wednesday.]
Becky: Well good luck on that date.
Nick: Yeah I might need it.
Becky:( looks at him confused) Ok bye Nick.
Nick: Bye Becky see you later.( he gives her a hug, which surprises her)

[Nick leaves with Joe and Kevin]

Ashley: So I saw him giving you a hug.
Becky: What! …oh yeah so.
Ashley: Sooo (gives her “the look”)
Becky: No me and Nick are just friends.
Ashley: Uh huh sure.
Becky: It’s true, besides he’s already dating Miley.
Ashley: I told you that doesn’t mean anything.
Becky: Umm ok...well I guess I should go to bed, I have to get up early…again.
Ashley: (says sarcastically) Your sooo lucky you get to see Miley all morning.
Becky: Yeah It just makes my day…( they both laugh)
Ashley: Ok goodnight!
Becky: Night Ash.

[She runs upstairs to the guest room]

Becky: Hey are you guys going to sleep.
Amy: Yah I’m just to excited to sleep.

Willi: She keeps talking about Kevin, nothings wrong with that but I’m trying to sleep….tell Amy to Shut up.
Becky: Please Amy go to sleep….I have to wake up early.
Amy: Oh sorry… it’s just Kevin is sooo dreamy.
Willi: Amy please please be quiet.
Amy: Ok ok I’m done…Kevin…ok now I’m really done.
Becky: Okay finally…well goodnight you two.
Amy: Goodnight….Kevin.
Willi:(throws pillow at Amy’s face.) Goodnight!

[The girls all go to sleep and dream about their hotties]
♠ ♠ ♠
END of chapter 3 "When You Look Me In The Eyes"

Hoped you liked it.
Stay tuned for chapter 4 of Tangled Hearts…coming soon!

Yes my stories are just going to get longer, so I hope you don't mind reading a lot.
© By Becky. All rights reserved.