Status: Typing takes me forever, bear with me

Tangled Hearts

Just Friends


[After the Jonas Brothers get home it’s around 10pm so the parents and Frankie are in bed.]

Joe: Man what a day!
Kevin: Yeah …..Amy is soo cute.
Joe: So is Willi…like whoa.
Kevin: (looks at Nick) what’s wrong Nick?
Nick: Nothing….just tired.
Joe: Really…or are you thinking about Becky?
Kevin: Joe please stop.
Joe: Come on Nick just tell me what’s really wrong?
Nick: I’m just confused okay! [He runs upstairs to his bedroom.]
Kevin: Joe why must you always pick on him?
Joe: What? It’s not my fault he can’t take it. If I don’t do this he’ll never wake up to open doors and new relationships. In a way I’m helping him.
Kevin: Still your pushing it…remember he’s still young and hasn’t figured everything out Joe…(sighs) you better go talk to him.
Joe: Fine.
Kevin: And remember..
Joe: (Cuts him off) I know I know...I’ll go easy on him.

* Upstairs*
{ This is during Joe and Kevin’s conversation.}
[ Nick runs to his room and pulls out his guitar, he tends to sing when emotionally confused.]


There she goes again
The girl im in love with
Its cool we're just friends
We walk the halls at school
When you know it's casual
Its cool we're just....
I don't wanna lead you on
But the truth is I've grown fond
Everyone knows it's meant to be
Falling in love
Just you and me
Till the end of time
Till im on her mind
It'll happen
I've been making lots of plans
Like a picket fence
And a rose garden
I'll just keep on dreaming
But it's cool cause we're just friends

Everyone knows it's meant to be
Falling in love
Just you and me
Till the end of time
Till im on her mind
It'll happen
I've been making lots of plans
Like a picket fence
And a rose garden
I'll just keep on dreaming
But it's cool cause we're just friends

[Joe comes in on the last verse]

Joe: (applauses)
Nick: (turns around) what do you want now!?
Joe: Look Nick I’m sorry, I’m just …happy you’re in to girls and.. I forget you’re still young.
Nick: I’m 15, I’m not a kid.
Joe: Yeah I know, but I guess I forgot that your not at my age of thinking and…that your very sensitive. I remember when you liked ice cream more than girls.
Nick: I still like ice cream just now it’s different..
Joe: Yeah I’m sorry Nick I should of..
Nick (cuts him off) It’s okay I just get…frustrated when I get confused.
Joe: It’s okay…you know what would help? If you tell me what’s on your mind.
Nick: Well…I guess I do… like Becky.
Joe: Ha I knew it! I mean …carry on.
Nick: But I have no clue what to do about Miley.
Joe: Do you still like Miley?
Nick: Well not in that way, we don’t have that strong connection any more.
Joe: Well just tell Miley it isn’t working out, then you can focus on Becky.
Nick: It’s not that easy, first off I don’t even know if Becky likes me, and if she did it wouldn’t work out because it will look bad because of Miley, and Becky could lose her job and..
Joe: Woah..just slow down.
Nick: Just face it Joe. It won’t work!
Joe: Nick your being over dramatic...why don’t you just for now get to know her better than you can figure out the rest. If you want I could talk to her about you.
Nick: You would really do that for me??
Joe: Yeah sure, but first things first you need to sort things out with Miley.
Nick: Yeah I do have a date with her tomorrow night.
Joe: Well talk to her then.
Nick: Oh okay…
Joe: It’s gunna be okay.
Nick: Yeah hopefully.
Joe: Well you better get some sleep.
Nick: Okay night Joe.
Joe: (smiles) goodnight loverboy.
Nick: (Laughs)
[Joe walks out and finds his mom, Denise Jonas, standing in the hall]
Mamma Jonas: Joe what’s wrong I heard yelling.
Joe: Oh sorry it was Nick.
Momma Jonas: What’s wrong?
Joe: Oh he was just having girl problems, don’t worry I took care of it.
Momma Jonas: (smiles) Joe
Joe: Yes?
Momma Jonas: I wanted to thank you.
Joe: For what?
Momma Jonas: For being a good brother to Nick…especially when you’re all on tour and I can’t be there.
Joe: Oh it’s nothing I’m just doing what any brother would do.
Momma Jonas: Well you better go to bed. You have to get up early.
Joe: Yeah I know.
Momma Jonas: Goodnight sweetie pie.
Joe: Night Mom.
[They all go to bed, during the night Nick has a dream about Becky, anon the night carries on to dawn]

[An Overwhelming alarm goes off at 5:00 am]

Becky: Grr why do I have to work so early…

[Becky goes downstairs to find Ashley awake, but this wasn’t a surprise to her all stars had to wake up early]

Ashley: Good morning!
Becky: Ugh how are you soo perky in the morning?
Ashley: Oh you get use to it.
Becky: Sooo (yawns) what’s cooking?
Ashley: Cinnamon buns! You can put the icing on if you want.
Becky: Sure..that’s the best part.
Ashley: No I think eating it is..(They both laugh)

[ After they finish breakfast they get in to Ash’s car so Becky can be dropped off at work.]

Becky: Man Amy and Willi got it easy…I wish I could sleep in.
Ashley: Me too….I hope they’ll be okay alone for the day.
Becky: Yeah..It’s LA of course they’ll be okay.

[ They get to the Hannah Montana set where Becky gets dropped off. Becky enters in with an enthusiastic smile…acting was definitely her calling.]

Becky: Hello Mike!
Director Mike: Good Morning Miss Becky!

[Becky heads for the dressing rooms, When she gets there Miley is looking very perky, She decides to act friendly to Becky today.]

Miley: Hello Becky.
Becky: Hey Miley …you look happy.
Miley: Yeah I’m just really excited.
Becky: Oh yeah, you have that date with Nick tonight right?
Miley:(drops smile) What..?!?!? Umm yeah…
Becky: Oh it looks like you almost forgot.
Miley:..Pchaa It’s called acting…well I gotta go wash my hair?!
Becky: Umm ok well see you in a bit?
[ Miley rushes off in a hurry]
Becky: Okay that was weird.
[She then heads over to get her make up done.]

[The long process of shooting the scenes carries on till noon. Becky has to stay longer today in order to finish the episode. Finally they get their lunch break, Becky sits with the whole cast and chats away.]

Emily: Hey where’s Miley?
Mitchel: Oh she said she had to make a phone call.
Emily: Ahh
Becky: So Mitchel how are things going with Selena?
Mitchel: Yeah everything is going okay.
Emily: Oh yeah, you and Selena are going out right?
Mitchel: Well..
Becky: Ugh..Mitchel you were suppose to ask her out.
Mitchel: I’m sorry I’m just nervous and I’m waiting for the perfect moment.
Emily: Well you better hurry up. Girls don’t like to be waiting.
Becky: Yeah me it gets ugly….so why don’t you take her to dinner tomorrow and ask her then. That gives you all today to get prepared.
Mitchel: Yeah that sounds good.
Emily: You better not chicken out.
Mitchel: I won’t!
Becky: You promise?
Mitchel: I promise okay.

[ Miley comes back and joins the rest of the cast for lunch]
Emily: Hey Miley what took so long??
Miley: Sorry important phone call ( points to her stupid i-phone)
Emily: To who?
Miley: Oh umm…I called my BFF Lesley…. to tell her some news.
Mitchel: Oh really what kind of news?
Miley: Oh umm I she might be able to ..come to LA.
Becky: Oh how exciting.
Emily: Do we get to meet her?
Miley: Well that’s a possibility um I really don’t know yet..well if you excuse me I gotta go brush my hair.
{ Miley leaves the table}
Mitchel: Why do girls always need to brush their hair?
Emily: Because we need to make sure we look perfect.
Becky: Don’t you think Miley is acting a little strange?
Mitchel: Uh not really.
Emily: Maybe...or maybe she’s just being Miley.
Becky: Yeah sure.

[The rest of the day carried on and before you knew it, it was already 5 pm. So Becky headed home in her Limo]

* At the Jonas Brothers house*

[ The boys just get home at 6pm from the interview and shopping at Ed Hardy]

Kevin: Phew what a day!
Joe: Tell me about it.
Momma Jonas: Hey boys how was your day?
Nick: It was fun.
Kevin: We went to Frittelli’s Donuts.
Joe: Yeah there were the best donuts ever! Man I’m stuffed.
Momma Jonas: Donuts!?...Nick you didn’t eat too many right?
Kevin: Don’t worry mom we made sure he stayed under control.
Nick: Mom you know I know my limit.
Momma Jonas: I know, but I can still worry can’t I. By the way Nick...Miley called she had to cancel on your date she sounded really sick, something with her throat I believe?
Joe: (under breath) she probably has mono.
Nick: (very relived, though tries not to show it) Oh okay.
Momma Jonas: Nick why don’t you take her some flowers from the garden?
Nick: But…
Mamma Jonas: Go on be a gentleman.
Nick :( doesn’t want to argue) Yes mam.

[Momma Jonas and Kevin go in to the kitchen.]

Joe: Soo are you going to break up with her tonight?
Nick: No
Joe: Why not?
Nick: Hello Joe! She’s sick….that would be wrong.
Joe: No it would be smart, see if she is sick she won’t have the energy to kill you when you break the news.
Nick: Ha really funny, I guess I have to wait till tomorrow.
Joe: Fine whatever….it’s your life.

[Nick goes and picks some tulips and heads over to Miley’s house. Once he gets there Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus are just leaving]

Nick: Hello Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus.
Billy Ray: Hey Nick!
Nick: I brought these for Miley. (points to tulips)
Tish: Oh how sweet… go ahead she’s upstairs.
Billy Ray: We’ll be back in an hour or two.
Tish: We have to pick up the kids at the mall.
Nick: Okay bye.

[Tish and Billy Ray drive away. Nick then goes in the house and heads up stairs.]

Nick: (knocks on Miley’s door) Miley?

[He goes ahead and opens her door, because he wants to leave as fast as possible]

Nick: Hey Miley I brought….what the…!?!

[Miley, sprawled across her bed, was making out with…
JESSIE McCartney!]

Miley: Nick?
Jessie: Nick?
Nick: Jessie?
Jessie: What is going on here?
Nick: Yeah Miley, What’s going on?!?
Miley: Nick it’s not what it looks like!
Nick: You know what Miley…your such a liar! Your not even sick are you!!
Miley: No but Nick…
Nick: Save it Miley….were over!
Miley: Nick please don’t…
Nick: NO! I’m done….were through!

[Nick storms out and slams the door. He tosses the tulips to the floor and quickly leaves the house.]

Jessie: Your dating Nick?
Miley: Well umm…
Jessie: Forget it Miley I can’t believe you would do this to me and Nick.
Miley: Jessie listen…
Jessie: No I’m done with this, I was better off dating Katie!
{Former girlfriend Katie Cassidy}
[He gets up to leave]

Miley: Jessie will you just listen to me!!

[She puts her hand on his shoulder; he then roughly shakes her hand off. Jessie dashes out of the house, leaving Miley alone.]

Miley: Grr (she screams and knocks over her porcelain lamp, it shatters everywhere.)

* At Ashley’s House*

[Becky is just getting home. She gets out of the limo and spots Nick entering his house. Suddenly she hears a scream coming from Miley’s house, but she just ignores it. Next thing she sees is Jessie McCartney rushing out of Miley’s house. He started walking past Becky.]

Becky: Jessie…wait.
Jessie: Yeah?
Becky: You can use this limo for a ride.
Jessie: Okay.

[He walks over to the limo and opens the door, before he leaves he turns toward Becky.]

Jessie: You’re Becky right?
Becky: Yes…yes I am.

[ He shakes her hand]

Jessie: Well thank you.
Becky: For what?
Jessie: For not asking about what’s wrong.
Becky: Well I figured you needed your privacy.
Jessie: ( He enters the limo) Well it’s nice to meet you. (He closes the door and drives away.)

[ Becky ,who is very confused, heads inside.]

* At The Jonas Brothers House*

[ Nick just walks in the house, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas along with Frankie left to see a movie. Joe is sitting on the couch]

Joe: (still looking at the tube) Heyo homie, how was the devil’s chamber?
Nick: I don’t want to talk about it!
Joe: (looks at Nick) Nick…dude what’s wrong?
Nick: I need to be alone.
Joe: Did you break up with her?
Nick: Yeah… it turned out she was cheating on me…with Jessie!
Joe: WHAT!?! Nick...Im so…that good for nothing…
Nick: It’s okay, I’m glad it’s over.
Joe: That’s just crazy...and I just saw Jessie storming out of Miley’s house and I didn’t even think about it, then he went to talk to Becky….Man I can’t believe Miley would do that to you and Jessie… I can’t bear to look at her any more…it’s just unbelievable.
Nick: What? You saw Becky….is she home??
Joe: Yeah she just got home.
[Nick starts to leave]
Joe: Hey where are you going?
Nick: I’m going outside, I need to know just work this out.
Joe: Oh okay…well are you going to be alright?
Nick: Yeah it’s not that bad…after all it was just Miley.
Joe: (laughs) Well okay, but take it easy.
Nick: I will.

[Nick saunters outside in to the eliminating sunset.]

* At Ash’s Casa*

[Becky gets to the door and uses her spare key. When she gets inside she sees Ashley sitting on the couch watching TV.]

Becky: Im home!
Ashley: Hey Beck.
Becky: Hey where are Willi and Amy?
Ashley: Oh you just missed them; they went to go get some materials to make some snazzy Jonas Brothers shirts.
Becky: (laughs) That is so like them. Well I just got a new script.
Ashley: Oh I see, are you going to the park to practice.
Becky: Yup it feels so nice outside.
Ashley: Oh ok, well don’t stay out too late.
Becky: Don’t worry I’ll be back in time to make some shirts.
Ashley: Alright bye!

[Becky heads over to the neighborhood park. {Yes they have a real fancy park in this star neighborhood.} When she gets there she finds her favorite art deco bench and starts reading the script silently.]

Becky: (reads to herself) Them I go up to Miley….then I say…
??? Mind if I join you?

[Becky turns around to find Nick standing behind her.]

Becky: (eyes very dilated) Sure.

[ Nick sits next to her, Becky quickly snaps out of her trance.]

Nick: What are you reading?
Becky: Oh it’s my new script.
Nick: Ahh that’s cool.

[Nick looks in to Becky’s eyes...there was along silence.]

Becky: Nick?
Nick: Yes.
Becky: What’s wrong?
Nick: What do you mean?
Becky: I can see something is bothering you…I can see it in your eyes.
Nick: Oh it’s nothing.
Becky: Nothing??
Nick: Well… I found out that…Miley was cheating on me.
Becky (gasps) Oh Nick I’m so sorry.
Nick: It’s okay…I’m okay. To tell you the truth I don’t even feel sad, I don’t even have feelings for her anymore. I’m actually...happy.
Becky: Happy???
Nick: Yeah I guess I’m happy to get out of that rocky relationship.
Becky: Well I’m glad you’re happy… I couldn’t bear to see you sad.
Nick: Really?
Becky: Yeah.
Nick: So…how did you get signed to Disney?
Becky: Well I’ve always wanted to be an actress, and one summer we went to Dallas. I went to an audition and Disney loved me…and the rest is history…well in the making.
Nick: Oh I see…I miss Dallas.
Becky: Yeah it’s really nice there.
Nick: Becky?
Becky: Yeah??

[They stare in to each other’s eyes; Nick slightly leans in closer to Becky. They were close enough for Becky to smell Nick’s Fierce Cologne. Then Becky’s cell starts to ring “Goodnight and Goodbye” {By Jonas Brothers}.

Becky: Oh it’s Willi.
Nick :(Laughs) I like your ring tone.
Becky: Thanks…there a really cool band.
Nick: (smiles) Oh it’s okay you can take the call.
Becky: Are you sure?
Nick: Yeah.
Becky: ( answers the phone) Hello?
Willi: Jell-O
Becky: Yellow Jell-O… so what’s up?
Willi: Hey I got T-shirts so we can make cool Jonas brothers Tees… Hey where did you go?
Becky: Oh I’m at the park.
Willi: Well come home.
Becky: Umm ok.
Willi: Well hurry up...Amy is getting crabby.
Becky: Okay bye.

[She hangs up and turns back to Nick.]

Becky: Sorry about that.
Nick: Oh it’s fine.

[There was another long pause, Nick puts his hand down, and when it touched Becky’s hand he quickly picked it up. Becky looks at Nick to find him gazing at her.]

Becky: It’s getting late...Willi and Amy will probably come looking for me.
Nick: Yeah, I have to go too.

[Becky gets up to leave, Nick gets up as well.]

Nick: I’ll walk you home.

[ They start heading to Ashley’s house.]

Becky: The stars look so pretty tonight.
Nick: Thank you.
Becky: (laughs)
Nick: I’m just kidding, yup it is a nice night. Hey Becky..
Becky:( looks at him) Yes.
Nick: I just wanted to thank you for talking to me, I really needed it tonight.
Becky: Oh your welcome…well if you ever need to talk, I’m always listing.
Nick: Yeah…well I might need you number then.

[Becky gives him her number, and he types it in with a cute little grin on his face.]

Becky: And I might need your number too…just to make sure your okay.

[Becky gives her phone to Nick, and he types his number in.]

Nick: Well this is your stop.
Becky: Okay, so I’ll talk to you later.
Nick: Yeah…well bye.

[ Nick gives Becky a hug before they part, this hug lasted a while. Finally he broke it, he watched Becky walk up to the front door and enter inside. Once Becky got inside she let out a big sigh.]

Willi: Yay your finally home.
Amy: What took you so long Beccajae!
Becky: Sorry…I was in the park then( she smiles) I bumped in to Nick and…
Willi: WOAH… hold on!
Amy: Hold on, Hold On...( she starts singing “HOLD ON”)
Willi: Amy please STOP!
Amy: Sorry.
Willi: You bumped in to Nick?
Becky: Yeah.
Amy: Well what happened??
Willi: Yeah spill.
Becky: Nothing really happened, he was sad so I was trying to comfort him.
Willi: Why was he sad??
Becky: Well…you can’t tell anyone, and don’t mention this to Nick either okay??
Amy: Okay cross my heart ( motions crossing her heart.)
Willi: I promise… now out with it!
Becky: Well he told me…Miley cheated on him.
Willi: ( gasps) What…that keratin!!
Becky: Shh not so loud…remember she lives down the street.
Amy: OMG! I can’t believe she would do that to my future brother- in- law.
Becky: I know she irks me.
Willi: Poor Nick…how is he??
Becky: Well he said he was okay…actually he said he was happy.
Amy: Happy??
Becky: I know that’s what I asked.
Willi: Well he’s probably happy to get away from Miley, I know I would too, and now he can hook up with Becky.
Becky: Uh I don’t think that will happen.
Amy: Why not?
Becky: Well he probably doesn’t even like me and he just got out of a BAD relationship.
Willi: Oh please, I totally know he likes you.
Becky: Really how would I know if he does like me?
Amy: Well you gotta look for the signs, like always staring at you, smiling when they see you…
Becky: Well we kind of almost kissed but…
Amy: What?!?
Willi: OMJOANS…what?...Almost?!?
Amy: Yeah why didn’t you kiss him?
Becky: Because some LOSER called and interrupted us.
Willi: Omg I’m so sorry, you should of told me over the phone, that way I wouldn’t have made you come home.
Becky: Well what was I suppose to do, tell you I can’t come home because were kissing in the park… that would be..
Becky: Exactly… and I bet he was only trying to kiss me because he was confused about his recent break up.
Willi: Oh come on Becky you think about things way to much… it’s so obvious that Nick likes you, you need to stop being a Debbie downer.
Amy: Yeah Becky stop being a pessimistic.
Becky: Okay okay, but how will I act around him after tonight.
Willi: Act normal duh!
Becky: But it would feel so uncanny.
Amy: Ok Becky just stop… all you need to think about is right now, I swear on day your going to combust from all this stress.
Becky: Fine…hey where’s Ash?

Willi: She went to sleep, she has to wake up early and work on some “private matters.”
Becky: Ahh High School Musical 3.
Amy: Yup it’s pretty obvious, so are we going to make these shirts are what??
Becky: Yeah let’s get started.
Willi: Ok mines going to say “Joe is my superman” Amy’s is going to say “Kevin’s face is like heaven”...It’s not really.
Amy: Shut up or I’ll strangle you!
Willi: Im just kidding, and Becky yours is going to say “Nick is such a stud muffin”
Becky: (laughs) what are we wearing these to?
Amy: To the Jonas Brothers concert, March 16.
Becky: Wait that’s this Sunday.
Willi: Yeah and is there a problem with that?
Becky: No it’s just that… Miley is having a party that day and…
Amy: Becky did you just hear what you just said!
Becky: No it’s just that she’ll kill me if I don’t go; especially if she finds out I went to a Jonas Brothers concert.
Willi: Come on she won’t find out, and would you really want to break Nick’s heart to go to some tramp’s party.
Becky: No I don’t want to hurt him… Fine I’ll cancel on Miley, but if I die tomorrow I’m blaming you.
Amy: Ok let’s get this done. I’m starting to get tired.

[The girls stay up and make their shirts, when they finished they went upstairs and collapsed on their beds. Little did they know that a dark figure had been watching them from their window, it quickly jumped of the roof without making a single sound…Running away in to darkness.]
♠ ♠ ♠
End of chapter 4 “Just friends”!
Hope you enjoyed! Stay Tuned for chapter 5 “6 minutes”.

I would so love feedback.

© By Becky. All rights reserved.