Status: Typing takes me forever, bear with me

Tangled Hearts

6 Minutes

* At the Jonas Brothers house*

[Nick is just getting home from his interesting night with Becky.]

Joe: Nick where have you’ve been, it’s been like 3 hours!
Kevin: Joe said you went to hang outside, but that doesn’t even take that long.
Joe: So where have you been?!?!
Nick: At the park.
Kevin: At the park? This whole time you were at the PARK?!
Nick: Yeah what’s the big deal?
Joe: The big deal is we searched all over LA for you, and this whole time you were at the park?!
Kevin: We were worried so we went to look for you. You should’ve at least called.
Nick: Sorry.
Joe: Man that’s a waste of gas, why were you sitting in a park alone for 3 whole hours?
Nick: I wasn’t alone.
Kevin: Then who were you with?
Nick: Well… (he looks down) I was with Becky.
Joe: Ohh I see, well that changes everything.
Kevin: What were letting him off the hook?!?
Joe: (ignores Kevin) soo did you kiss her? (he nudges Nick)
Nick: Well... I almost did.
Joe: What do you mean almost?
Nick: it means her phone interrupted us, and I just didn’t get to okay?
Joe: It’s okay there’s always next time.
Nick: So what do I do now?
Kevin: Why don’t you take her out tomorrow?
Nick: Yeah that’s sound good, well I’ll call her in the morning.
Joe: I’m happy your over the Miley situation.
Nick: Please I was over Miley the minute I saw Becky!
Kevin: (laughs) Okay well just take it easy... okay?
Nick: Why does everyone keep telling me that?? I’m fine…well im going to hit the sack.
Kevin: Yeah I think it’s time we all go to bed.
Nick: Night.
Joe: Goodnight Kevin, Night Romeo.

[Nick can’t help but smile as he heads to bed.]

* At Ash’s casa*

[It’s Friday March 14, about early morning; Today Becky has the day off. Becky heads downstairs and starts to chat with Ash.]

Becky: Hey Ash.
Ashley: Good morning!
Becky: So what’s on your agenda today?
Ashley: Oh I have some private matters to do.
Becky: Don’t you mean High School Musical 3?
Ashley: Sure, but no one is suppose to know.
Becky: Don’t worry your secret is safe with me.
Ashley: So are those two sleeping in today?
Becky: Yeah, they wont wake up early unless it has something to do with the Jonas Brothers.
Ashley: Ahh…so did you finish memorizing your script?
Becky: Well no...I kind of got interrupted.
Ashley: Really what happened?

[Becky explains how Nick told her about Miley cheating on him; Then how they almost kissed.]

Ashley: Oh my god that’s a lot to process. I can’t believe Miley would do that, actually I can believe it but still…wow!
Becky: Yeah I’m still in shock myself.
Ashley: Yeah….but anyways I so told you so!
Becky: You told me what?
Ashley: That Nick does like you. Oh I’m so happy… you and Nick will be so cute together.

[All the sudden Becky’s phone starts to ring, Becky quickly answers.]

Becky: Hey Selena!
Selena: Hey girlie…guess what?
Becky: What?
Selena: Remember when we auditioned for that movie.
Becky: Yeah!?
Selena: Well we both got the parts!
Becky: Oh my gosh! (she screams) wow that’s so awesome.
Selena: I know… I’m so excited.
Becky: WOW this is so cool!...Hey who got the part of Ellen?
Selena: Oh Jenna Dominquez.
Becky: Are you serious...awww little Jenna, I’m so happy.
Selena: I know she is so adorable, I can’t wait to work with her.
Becky: Me too...and I can’t wait to meet the rest of the cast.
Selena: yeah… I think Whitney (Delphi) got the part she wanted too.
Becky: Really…this is going to be the best cast ever!
Selena: I know…oh but in other news… Mitchel asked me out!
Becky: Really! Finally…it took him long enough…I’m so happy for you.
Selena: Thanks! Oh here’s an idea for you…how about we both go together to get our scripts.
Becky: Yeah that sounds great.
Selena: Okay I’ll pick you up around 1 ish.
Becky: Alright…Well I’ll see you soon.
Selena: Kay bye Becky.

[Becky hangs up.]

Ashley: Who was that?
Becky: Oh that was Selena, she told me we both got the movie parts we auditioned for.
Ashley: Really! No way, how exciting.
Becky: Yeah I know, were both going to go get our scripts later on.
Ashley: What about your other script?
Becky: Oh please that’s just a Hannah Montana script.
Ashley: (laughs) I see your point.

[Again Becky’s phone starts to ring.]

Becky: That’s probably Selena again.

[Becky looks at her called ID and her mouth dropped]
Becky: OMG!
Ashley: What?!? Who is it?
Becky: It’s Nick.
Ashley: (Her eyes widen with excitement.) Well don’t just stand there…answer it!
Becky: Okay okay!

[She takes a deep breath, then answers her phone.]

Becky: Hello?
Nick: Hey Becky.
Becky: Oh hey Nick, so what’s up?
Nick: Well I was kind of wondering if you weren’t bust tonight.
Becky: Im free…why?
Nick: Because I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out.
Becky: Sure that sounds lovely.
Nick: Ok well I’ll pick you up around 7.
Becky: Okay.
Nick: Well see you soon then.
Becky: Alright bye Nick.
Nick: Bye.

[Becky hangs up her phone and screams her head off.]

Ashley: So what happened?
Becky: Nick and I are going on a date!

[ She screams again!]

Ashley: (laughs) I bet Nick could hear you scream from here.
Becky: This is going to be the BEST day of my life!
Ashley: Well good luck on that date., I better get going.
Becky: Ok well see you later.
Ashley: Alright bye.

[Ashley leaves and Becky heads upstairs to bother Willi and Amy.]

Becky: Hey you two wake up!
Willi: Mmm 5 more minuets!
Amy: (snores loud)
Becky: Amy wake up…Kevin’s here to see you!
Amy: ( falls out of bed) What?!? OMG!
Becky: (laughs)
Amy: Where is he?
Becky: I was just joking!
Amy: (frowns) Not cool man.

[ Amy then gets up from the floor and throws a pillow at Willi.]

Amy: Wake up Willi!
Willi:(gets up) Okay I’m up I’m up!!!
Amy:(yawns) Soooo what’s today?
Becky: Today is the 14th.
Amy: Really…no way!
Willi: Umm what?
Amy: Today is that Shattered Dreams thing at school.
Becky: Oh yeah.
Willi: What is Shattered Dreams?
Amy: Well at school, it’s this day were they role play all these horrible events that can happen.
Becky: Yeah like there’s suppose to be a car wreck and someone is going to get airlifted.
Willi: Wow, why would they do that?
Amy: I think their trying to show us that being reckless can change everything.
Becky: It’s suppose to teach us responsibility and how our actions effect everybody, like one minute your driving to school, then like 6 minuets later your being airlifted, or possibly dead.
Willi: That sounds cool, why doesn’t my school do stuff like that?
Amy: Because Churchill is GAY!
Willi: True.
Becky: I’m glad I missed it, I couldn’t watch something like that, even if it was fake.
Amy: Me too, I would probably cry if something happened like that.
Willi: (laughs) Amy…Crying (laughs again)
Amy: Shut up Willi, before I choke you with my scarf!!
Becky: Okay you two cut it out!
Willi: Ok I will, it’s not worth being killed over.
Becky: Are you guys going back Monday?
Amy: Uh NO it’s spring break.
Becky: OMG are you serious!?
Willi: Yeah did you forget?
Becky: Yeah I guess I’ve been so busy I lost track of the days.
Amy: Well your working to hard, you need to take it easy.
Becky: Well I can’t really now.
Willi: Why?
Becky: Because Selena and I just got a movie part.
Amy: Really how cool!
Willi: Wow your going to become more famous.
Becky: But that’s not even the best news.
Amy: Well what is?
Becky: Nick just asked me to hang with him!
Willi: Shut up!
Amy: Like a Date?
Becky: I guess so.
Amy: Your so lucky…hey when is your date?
Becky: Tonight at 7.
Willi: So what are we going to do with out you?
Becky: Well I can ask Joe and Kevin is there are free?
Amy: Kevin...KEVIN OMG...ask if he wants to go on a date with me.
Willi: Well don’t forget to ask Joe for me…man if I went on a date with Joe, I think I’ll be the happiest girl alive.
Amy: No I will ,because I will have gone on a date with Kevin!
Becky: (laughs) You two are so obsessed.
Willi: Oh and your not?
Becky: Well…
Amy: Ha your soo obsessed with Nick.
Becky: So...oh but at 1 I have to go pick up the scripts, so will you guys be okay alone for a while?
Willi: Yeah that’s fine.
Amy: Maybe we can spy on the Jonas Brothers.
Becky: Uh that’s just creepy.
Willi: I agree with Becky, I love them but not even I would be that crazy.
Amy: I’m just joking, I’m no Tori.
Willi: (laughs) Omg...good one Amy.
Becky: You guys are so mean.
Amy: Yeah well bite me.
Becky: Well seriously im going to call the Jonas Brothers to watch you guys.
Willi: I’m not going to ruin anything, but I still want them to come over, just not as babysitters.
Becky: I’m not worried about you, It’s Amy I’m worried about.
Amy: What?!? What would I do wrong?
Becky: Umm hello Amy…Kevin Jonas is less than 30 yards away. There are several things you could get arrested for.
Willi: Knowing Amy that is soo true.
Amy: (laughs) Yeah I probably would do something like that.
Becky: Well I’m really going to call them, because I feel bad I keep leaving you guys, so I’ll have The Jonas Brothers accompany you two.
Willi: It’s okay buddy, I’m happy your accomplishing your goal.
Amy: Yeah I don’t mind you leaving us alone, especially after you helped me meet my future husband.
Becky: Awww thanks you guys, well Selena is supposed to pick me up soon, so I’ll call them now.
Amy: Ohhh let me call!! I need to speak to Kevin!
Willi: No I want to! (She shoves Amy.)
Becky: Guys chill! I’m going to call okay?
Amy: (Grunts) Fine… but put it on speaker.
Becky: Uh no you guys would be too loud… ok now please be quiet.
[She dials the Jonas Brothers house, after two rings, Joe answers.]

*At the Jonas Brothers house*

Joe: Hello?
Becky: Hey Joe.
Joe: Hey Becky… (Nick’s eyes start to widen)…are you looking for Nick?
Becky: Actually I was wondering if you, Kevin and Nick wanted to hang with Amy and Willi, I have to go somewhere for a little bit, but I wanted someone to accompany them while I’m gone…are you free?
Joe: Yeah I can do that, what time should we get there.
Becky; Well I’ll be leaving at one, so somewhere around that time.
Joe: Ok we’ll come right now.
Becky: Ok well see you soon.
Joe: Bye. {He hangs up}
Nick: What did Becky say!?
Joe: She said she doesn’t want to talk to you anymore.
Nick: WHAT?! Are you serious? (Pain flickered across his face)
Joe: No I’m just kidding.
Nick: (shoves Joe, but not too hard) Joe! Don’t you ever do that again!
Joe: Okay I’m sorry gosh you don’t have to yell.
Nick: But seriously what did she say?
Joe: Well she wanted us to chill with Amy and Willi.
Nick: Really…are we going now!? (He starts heading for the door)
Joe: Yeah, but before you get to excited, Becky isn’t going to be there the whole time.
Nick: What?
Joe: Yeah she has to go somewhere at one.
Nick: Ohh (he looks sad)
Joe: Nick chill, your going to see her tonight.
Nick: Yeah.
Joe: If you really want to see her we can go right now but you’ll only get (Looks at clock)… like 6 minutes.
Nick: 6 minutes is still time to be with her.
Joe: (laughs) your so love stuck.
Nick: And your not?
Joe: Well If I spend more time with Willi maybe I will be.
Nick Well…can we go now!
Joe: Yeah… (Yells) Hey Kevin get down here!
Kevin: (comes from upstairs) yeah what’s going on?
Joe: Were going to chill with Willi and Amy, you want to come?
Kevin: Amy? Yeah sure.
Nick: Well hurry... (He drags them outside)
Kevin: Why are you in such a hurry?
Joe: Becky is going to leave at one, so he wants to see her before she leaves.
[They are halfway there]
Kevin: But aren’t you going to see her tonight?
Nick: Yeah, but if I get anytime to spend with Becky I’m going to take it, even if it’s only 6 minutes.

[Kevin looks at Joe, Joe then points his finger at his head and motions the “crazy” sign. Nick sees this.]

Nick: Hey…I’m not crazy!
Joe: Yeah…crazy in love.

[They finally reach Ash’s front steps; Nick rings the doorbell and quickly fixes his hair, and straightens his shirt. Becky opens the door and smiles at Nick.]

Becky: Hey guys, come on in.

[The boys enter; Nick keeps his eyes on Becky.]

Joe: Hey Willi you look really nice.
Willi: Thanks (she smiles at him)
Kevin: Hey Amy.
Amy: (Giggles) Hey Kevin!
Becky: Do you guys want anything to drink?
Joe: Sure I’ll have a Red Bull.
Kevin: Me too.
Amy: Oooh Vitamin Water for me.
Willi: I’ll just have some agua.
Becky: Okay.
Nick: I’ll help you with those drinks.

[Becky and Nick head to the kitchen.]

Becky: Nick do you want anything to drink?
Nick: Nah I’m good.
{Becky opens the fridge}
Becky: So how are you holding up?
Nick: Oh I’ve gotten over that, manly because I have something else on my mind.
{Becky grabs 2 Red Bulls and puts them on the counter, she goes back for the rest of the drinks.}
Becky: Oh really and what is that?
{Nick strolls up to Becky; takes the drinks from her hands and places them on the counter.}
Nick: You.

[Nick cups his hand under Becky’s chin lightly, he then draws closer to her. He was about an inch away from her face when the doorbell rang. They both broke from their positions.]

Amy: (yells from living room) Becky…Selena is here!
Becky: Well I gotta go.
Nick: Where are you going?
Becky: I’m going to go get a movie script, I got the movie part I wanted.
Nick: Wow congratulations!
Becky: Well Selena is waiting for me.

[Nick gives Becky a goodbye hug. Becky exits the kitchen and places the drinks in the living room.]

Becky: Well see you guys in a bit.
Amy: Bye Becky.
Willi: Later little one. (She turns back to stare at Joe.)
Becky: Please don’t trash the house…AMY!
Amy: Hey!
Kevin: Don’t worry I’ll keep them under control, especially Joe.
Joe: Whatever no one can tame me…except for Willi. (He starts to stare in to Willi’s eyes again.)
Becky: Ok Well bye.
All: Bye

[Nick walks Becky out to the front steps.]

Nick: Well see you tonight.

[He softly kisses her on the cheek, and Beck heads off to the limo, waving one last tome before she left.]

* In the Limo*

[Becky slides in next to Selena]

Becky: Hey Selena!
Selena: Oh hey…um can I ask you something?
Becky: Yeah sure.
Selena: Are you going out with Nick?
Becky: Oh no.
Selena: (In harsh tone) Then why was he giving you cheek action…Because I thought he was dating Miley?!
Becky: Oh no they broke up.
Selena: What how do you know, and when did this happen?
Becky: Ok you have to promise not to tell...okay?
Selena: Ok I promise.
Becky: Alright well….Nick caught Miley cheating.
Selena: What! No way how do you know that’s true?
Becky: Nick told me…I had no clue Miley would do that but it’s true.
Selena: Wow…poor Nick. I wonder why Miley would do that.
Becky: I wonder that too.

[The limo pulls over]

Becky: Umm were not there yet.
Selena: Yeah…I hope you don’t mind us stopping at Starbucks; I’m craving a Carmel frappuccino real bad.
Becky: Oh yeah I don’t mind.

[So they head in to Starbucks and order there frappuccinos, they both sit while they wait for their order.]

Selena: So there is something going on between you and Nick...right?
Becky: Well somewhat, I guess you can say that.
Selena: But I thought you were Miley’s friend.
Becky: What? Well im not that close.
Selena: But do you think it’s okay to date her ex?
Becky: It’s not like that…I was trying to comfort him but we just connected. I wouldn’t do it on purpose, please don’t give me a hard time on this…I’m just as confused as you are!
Selena: I’m sorry…well I promise I won’t tell Miley, I’m friends with her in all, but it seems like im closer to you.
Becky: Really?
Selena: Yeah…and I kind of think you and Nick are a way cuter couple than him and Miley. Just don’t tell that to Miley.
Becky: (laughs) I won’t.

[They get their order and get back in to the limo.]

Selena: WOW!
Becky: What?
Selena: Oh nothing…I’m just still in shock.

[Selena rolls down her window and gazes outside.]

Becky: Ahh
Selena: But don’t get me wrong…at the same time I’m happy for you and Nick…but any ways what’s your plans for tonight.
Becky: Oh well actually me and Nick are going to hang out.
Selena: Really…are you excited?
Becky: Um yeah! It’s like heaven on ice!
{They both laugh}
Becky: What?

[Next thing Becky hears is screeching breaks, Selena screaming, then total blackness.]
♠ ♠ ♠
END OF CHAPTER 5 “6 Minuets”

I would love to have feedback.
Thanks for reading!

"Sometimes I feel like the catcher and the rye." ~ Jonas Brothers/ 6minutes

© By Becky. All rights reserved.