Status: Typing takes me forever, bear with me

Tangled Hearts


Miley: Really? Well were you scared when you supposedly got in that “unintentional car accident”?!

[Becky’s eyes widen and Miley sprouts an evil grin across her face.]

Becky: You didn’t!
Miley: I’m Miley Cyrus I can pay anyone to do something, even if it involves car wrecks…but I never meant for Selena to get hurt…just you!
Becky: You’re crazy.
Miley: Maybe I am…but you better stay away from Nick, or next time you won’t be lucky enough to live.
{She opens the door}
Miley: Well bye Becky! I hope you get better. (She does an evil laugh as she leaves.)


[The whole ride, fear antagonized everyone. Finally Ashley broke the silence that was among them.]

Ashley: Don’t worry we’re almost there.

[Silence continued once again.]

Joe: Nick just relax.
Nick: (nods slightly, still uneasy) Okay.

[They finally arrive at the hospital]

Ashley: Oh no!
Kevin: What?
Ashley: Look! (She points to a mob of paparazzi and news cameras in front of the hospital.)
Amy: The paparazzi!?
Willi: How did they hear about this so fast?
Joe: I have no clue, that’s exactly what I wanted to know.
Amy: How are we going to get through them…they’re like leeches.
Kevin: Don’t worry Amy I’ll be there for you.

[Once they parked, they all headed to the entrance that is crowed with paparazzi. As soon as they were seen, flashes spread like wildfire. All this was too much for Willi and Amy, so Joe grabbed Willi’s hand and pulled her through the mob, while Kevin kept Amy close to him. Finally they reached the end of the closter phobic maze and entered the pallid tedious hospital.]

Amy: Oh my gosh, I think I’m going to go blind from all those camera flashes!
Joe: Are you okay Willi?
Willi: Yeah I’m alright.
{Ashley and Nick went to ask what room Becky was in.}
Ashley: Hey guys 3rd floor…let’s go.

[They headed in to the elevator and when they reached the 3rd floor they went straight to the room Becky was in.]

Ashley: Okay the rules here state 2 is the maximum number of people who can visit her at the same time.
Willi: What! That is so -
Ashley: I know there strict here, but those are the rules…So how about you and Amy go first.
Amy: Are you sure?
Ashley: Yeah you’re her best friends.
Willi: Ok.

[Amy and Willi take a deep breath and enter Becky’s room. Inside Becky was still shocked from Miley’s conversation. When she sees Willi and Amy she gets so excited.]

Becky: Hey Guys!
Amy: Omg Becky are you okay?
Willi: Are you hurt?!
Becky: Guys chill…only a couple of cuts and bruises, I’m really lucky I didn’t get hurt worse.
Willi: Are you sure your fine?
Becky: Yes I’m fine… In fact I feel like heaven on ice!
Willi: You’re such a dork.
Becky: Yeah well I get it from you.
Amy: (Laughs) So what about Selena?
Becky: I don’t know, they haven’t told me anything… I hope she’s okay.
Willi: Yeah hopefully.
Becky: So is it just you guys here?
Amy: No Ashley and the rest of the Jo Bros are here.
Becky: Then why didn’t they come in.
Willi: Oh it’s because the hospital only allows 2 at a time.
Becky: That’s lame.
Amy: Yeah I know.
Willi: You worried us little one... especially Nick.
Becky: Really?
Amy: Yup it’s so true, the whole ride he was as tense as Miley’s wrinkle lines.
Willi: (laughs) So true (She looks at the trash to find flowers in it.) Hey why are those flowers in the trash?
Becky: Oh Miley gave me those.
Amy: Well no wonder there in the trash…wait Miley came by, how did she know about this?

[Becky’s eyes flickered with pain as she remembers Miley’s conversation.]

Willi: Becky what’s wrong?
Amy: Are you in pain?...cause I can get the nurse.
Becky: No no I’m fine it’s just that…(She pauses)
Willi: It’s what?

[Becky questions whether or not she should tell them about the Miley drama...she ends up deciding to tell them.]

Becky: Well when Miley came she told me to stay away from Nick.
Amy: What?? Oh no she didn’t!
Willi: But how did she find out?
Becky: I don’t know...but it doesn’t matter she can have him.
Willi: Nick obsessed girl say what?
Amy: You can’t be serious Beccajay! Don’t let Miley get to you.
Willi: Yeah Miley is all talk…no one in their right mind could be scared of her!
Becky: Well you guys are underestimating her.(She looks out her window very solemnly)
Amy: How the hell are we underestimating her?!?
Becky: Just because!
Willi: Because why?
Becky: (yells in a fast manner) because I found out Miley caused the accident!
Amy: Wh-wh-What!?!
Willi: How the hell did she cause it…was she in the other car.
Becky: (looking very scared) No she hired someone to do it.
Amy: Are you for reals!?
Becky: (nods in a snivel way)
Willi: OMG...I didn’t know she was this crazy…I can’t believe she would do this that BI-
Amy: (cuts her off) I know…she took it way to far.
Becky: You see this whole time we underestimated her…that’s why I have to give Nick up. (She burst in to tears) You don’t understand how scared I was when the accident happened! I can’t do it...I can’t play these games with her...not even for Nick.
Willi: (comforts hers) It’s okay little one; Miley isn’t going to hurt you as long as I’m around.
Amy: Becky you need to tell Nick about this.
Becky: (wiping her tears) NO!
Willi: Why not...if you tell him he can put an end to this and even protect you.
Becky: No.…she might do something to me if I tell.
Amy: Or maybe she wants you to think that because she can’t do anything if you do tell.
Willi: Exactly…so let me go get Nick.
Becky: No just forget about it…this is only between us…okay?
Amy: But…fine!
Willi: So what are you going to say to him when it’s his turn to visit you?
Becky: I don’t know…I just won’t mention the Miley situation.
Amy: Well I better hide those flowers.
Becky: Yes please…and don’t forget to cremate them.
Willi: Okay well it’s time to change shifts
Amy: Yeah I’ll call the next people in
Willi: Well are you at least going to tell Ashley?
Becky: NO not yet…
Willi: Fine whatever.
Amy: Alright bye.

[They leave and next is Kevin and Joe…they don’t stay long and just ask if she’s okay. Next was Ashley’s turn. She told Becky that she was trying to get her out of the hospital that day. Finally it was Nick’s turn and Becky was just as nervous as Nick. He enters and his face filled with concern for her, he sits next to her]

Becky: Hey
Nick: Hey (a silence) so how are you doing?
Becky: I’m fine. I’m just lucky enough to (she cuts off) because she was about to repeat Miley)
Nick: To what?
Becky: Oh I’m sorry did I cut off? (Insider)
Nick (laughs lightly) yeah you did.
Becky: Oh…well have you heard anything about Selena?
Nick: Yeah I heard she’s fine. She might have fractured her arm, but other than that she’s doing great.
Becky: (feels very relieved) oh thank goodness, this whole time I’ve been so worried.
Nick: (looks in to her eyes) so why did you change the subject?
Becky: What do you mean?
Nick: You didn’t finish your sentence.
Becky: Oh…well it isn’t important.
Nick: (grabs her hand and hold time in his) I think everything you say is important.
Becky: Really?
Nick: Yeah
Becky: Well (she thinks fast) I was going to say I was lucky enough to not be hurt worse than I already am.
Nick: That’s all?
Becky: Yeah… (Changes subject again) Well I’m sorry about our plans.
Nick: Oh it’s okay…I’m just glad you’re okay.

[Nick held Becky in his arms the rest of the visit]

(After a couple of hours Ashley faxed the release papers to Becky’s parents, and got the release papers. Becky reassured her parents that she was fine and they didn’t need to take off work to see her. They gathered her things and they all headed to the car.)

*In The Car*

Ashley: So are you sure your fine?
Becky: Yes ash, I’m fine
Ashley: I’m just making sure.
(Becky was sitting next to Nick who was holding her hand)
Becky: So is Selena staying over night?
Ashley: Yeah she has to stay till Saturday afternoon.
Becky: Oh that’s no fun.
Willi: Yeah but I think Michel is going to stay with her.
Becky: Aww that’s so sweet.

[Suddenly a little beeping sound came from Becky’s phone it was a text message, she opens her phone with her free hand. After one glimpse she freaked]

Remember stay away or else!
<3 Miley

(Willi sees the look on her face)

Willi: So who is it from?
Becky: Oh no one important
Willi: Oh… (She looked at Amy and mouthed Miley) Nick saw what was going on but didn’t say anything.)

[Becky closed her phone with the hand Nick was holding, the rest of the ride she didn’t bother to continue holding his hand.]
♠ ♠ ♠

Wow it's geting pretty intense...Well I think so.
Well I hoped you liked this chapter.
I would love to have some feedback. I need to know if it's good or not.

Thanks for reading!

"And I'm sorry for the trouble it's been costing us so much" ~ Games

© By Becky. All rights reserved.