Status: Typing takes me forever, bear with me

Tangled Hearts

Take On Me

*At the Jo Bro’s house*

[It’s Sunday March 16, Nick is freaking out because Becky hasn’t been answering his calls; he is sitting in the living room trying another attempt.]

Joe: (enters) oh my god…Nick will you just stop.
Nick: (puts the phone down) what?!?
Joe: You need to stop calling Becky. You’re racking up the phone bill.
Nick: I’m sorry… It’s just that she won’t return my calls, and I don’t know what I did wrong.
Joe: Nick just chill… she’s probably resting, after all she did just get in a car accident.
Nick: Maybe… but I don’t understand why she hasn’t called at least once.
Joe: Do you honestly think that any girl you call will call you back in 2 seconds just because you’re Nick Jonas.
Nick: No that’s not what I mean…Joe that was so unnecessary.
Joe: Hey I was just playing.
Nick: But seriously I’m just worried about her… and I think she might be avoiding me.
Joe: Avoiding you?? Why would she do that?
Nick: I don’t know that’s what I’m trying to figure out…but I have a feeling it has to do with Miley.
Joe: Umm I don’t see how she would be avoiding you because of Miley. Why do you think that?
Nick: Remember when we brought her home Friday?
Joe: Yeah….
Nick: Well when Becky got that text I think it was from Miley, because I saw Willi mouth Miley.
Joe: Oh was that when Willi asked who it was from?
Nick: Yeah…and then after that Becky totally changed.
Joe: So are you saying she’s avoiding you because of a text?
Nick: Well whatever that text said it mad her upset, because when we dropped her off she didn’t even let me hug her let or say good bye.
Joe: Well I did notice she was a bit resistant when you tried to touch was quite humorous.
Nick: No it was not! (Nick puts his head in his hands.)
Joe: Nick if you’re so concerned about it just go over and confront her.
Nick: I’ve tried once… but it didn’t work out.
Joe: Well if she’s not answering her phone just call Ashley’s house, that way she’ll have no choice but to talk to you if someone else answers.
Nick: (gives some thought in to this plan) I guess so.
{Nick starts to punch in Ashley’s house number.}

* At Ash’s Casa*

[Becky is upstairs chilling with Willi and Amy. Ashley is downstairs when the phone rings. Ash picks up the phone and answers it.]

Ashley: Hello?
Nick: Oh hey Ash, It’s me Nick.
Ashley: Oh hey Nick.
Nick: May I speak with Becky?
Ashley: Yes, hold on.

[She goes up stairs to the guest room.]

Ashley: Becky…telephone.
Becky: (whispers) who is it?
Ashley: {puts phone on mute} It’s Nick.
Becky: Oh tell him I’m sleeping.
Ashley: (rolls eyes) fine... {She clicks the phone off mute} oh hey Nick she’s actually sleeping now, can she call you back later?
Nick: (disappointed) Oh ok…well bye Ash.
Ashley: Bye. {She hangs up} Maybe you should tell Nick about Miley because you’re hurting him.
Becky: I know I feel bad but I enjoy living.
Willi: But is it worth losing Nick?
Becky: Um were kind of talking about my life here isn’t that important.
Amy: Becky if you quit every time someone threatens you…you’ll be running away your whole life.
Ashley: Exactly...and chances are she’s going to use this against you for everything, maybe even you job.
Willi: Come on Becky fight back.
Becky: Maybe you guys are right.
Amy: Hell yeah we are.
Ashley: Come on and be assertive.
Becky: Ok I’m going to go up to Miley and tell her I’m not going to stay away from Nick, and I’m not taking her crap anymore!
Willi: That’s the Becky I know.

[Becky gets up and starts to leave.]

Willi: Where are you going?
Becky: I’m going to the set to tell Miley off.
Amy: Right now?
Becky: Yup! {She walks out}
Ashley: She’ll be back in a minute.
Willi: How do you know?
Ashley: Just watch… 5,4,3,2,1.

[As soon as she said 1 Becky comes in.]

Amy: Back so soon.
Becky: Yeah I forgot I need a ride.
{They all laugh}
Ashley: Ok well I’ll take you.
Willi: Well good luck little one.
Amy: Yeah go kick Miley’s rear end!
Becky: Amy there’s no need for violence…just words.
Ashley: Alright let’s go.
[Ashley and Becky drive to the Hannah Montana set. Once they get there Becky heads straight to Miley’s dressing room.]

Becky: (knocks on door)
Miley: Who is it?
Becky: It’s Becky…we need to talk.
Miley: (opens door) Oh it’s you, you’re the last person I want to talk to but whatever…come in.
Becky: (enters) ok Miley listen…
Miley: (cuts her off) are you giving Nick up, and giving him to me.
Becky: That’s what we need to talk about.
Miley: Well you remember the or else part right?
Becky: Yes I remember, but I don’t care!
Miley: ( Says in a sardonic tone) But if you were my friend you would!
Becky: Miley wake up and smell the bacon because I was NEVER your friend.
Miley: ( feels very snubbed) Well….even if your not my friend you still have to listen to me because at work I'm in charge.
Becky: Well in that case I QUIT!
Miley: (evil face comes up) what!!! You can’t quit!
Becky: Well I just did!
Miley: Well your fired!!!!
Becky: You can’t fire me because I already quit.
Miley: Oh just SHUT UP! It doesn’t matter because you’ll never be as popular as me.(points to herself in a frisky way)
Becky: (laughs) This is coming from the girl who has more hate fans than real fans.
Miley: (stars to get real angry) get out…GET OUT!!
Becky: (starts to leave) Oh by the way… You’ll never win Nick back.
Miley: If your going to be like that, you know what’s coming to you.
Becky: Oh really… what are you going to do make fun of me on You Tube©?!?
Miley: Get the hell OUT! ( she grabs a glass vase and chunks it at Becky. Luckily she dunked before it hit her. It hit the wall and shatters ubiquitously. Becky was about to leave when Miley threw her stupid I-phone© at her and hit her on the check.)
Becky: (yells) JERK! ( she slams the door as she storms out.)
[Becky heads to Ash’s car and piles in.]

Ashley: So how did it go?
Becky: How do you think it went?
Ashley: (looks at Becky’s face) OMG your check is all red…what did she do?
Becky: She threw her I-phone at me!
Ashley: What is wrong with her?!?
Becky: She also threw her vase too, but I dunked just in time.
Ashley: My gosh, I think Miley has finally lost her mind.
Becky: Yup they were right about the Britney Spears all over again thing.

[They finally reach the house, when pulling in the drive way they see Nick sitting on the steps.]

Becky: Oh Magic Carp! {Note: remember this conversation Amy?}
Ashley: Well maybe it’s time you should tell him the truth.
Becky: But not now…just look at my face.
Ashley Oh wow I think it’s gotten even redder.
Becky: Oh that’s just great.
Ashley: Just put your hair in front of it.
Becky: Ok (she covers the cheek with her hair)

[They both exit the car; Ashley goes inside and leaves them alone.]

Nick: Okay so we need to talk and I think you know why.
Becky: Actually I have no clue what you’re talking about.
Nick: Okay…let’s be honest with each other.
Becky: Fine.

[Nick pulls her to the steps, where she sits next to him. Once seated Becky tried to hide her face but Nick is too smart for that.]

Nick: What happened to your face? (He pulls her hair behind her ear to reveal a red check.)
Becky: Well-
Nick: (cuts her off) the truth.
Becky: Ok well I kind of got hit by someone’s phone but it’s all good.
Nick: How did that happen?
Becky: Oh you know some one kind of chunked it at me.
Nick: What!...Who?
Becky: Hey look at the time, it’s getting late so why don’t we talk later.
Nick: Whoa hold on, first off the sun is still up, and second your not even wearing a watch. So what are you trying to hide…who hit you?
Becky: Well…it was Miley.
Nick: What! Why did she do that? And tell the truth.
Becky: She was mad at me.
Nick: Why?
Becky: Because…
Nick: Because why?
Becky: Because of you!
Nick: What…how did she find out?
Becky: I don’t know
Nick: Is that why you’ve been avoiding me?
Becky: Somewhat…
Nick: Well don’t worry Miley won’t do anything to you.
Becky: But she already has.
Nick: Oh yeah the phone.
Becky: And the vase(mumbles) and the accident.
Nick: What do you mean the accident, do you mean the car accident?
Becky: (looks away) maybe…
Nick: Are you saying Miley had something to do with the accident?
Becky: Yeah she sort of hired someone to get in an accident with me.
Nick: What?!!(His face filled with shock) how do you know?
Becky: Because she told me in the hospital.
Nick: She visited you in the hospital??
Becky: Well… yeah.
Nick: What else did she tell you!
Becky: Well she told me to stay away from you and then told me I wasn’t going to live if I got 2 feet near you.
Nick: (puts both hands on each of her shoulders) Becky why didn’t you tell me this sooner!!
Becky: (stars to cry a little) Im sorry! I was just so scared…I promise I’ll tell you if anything else happens.
Nick: (starts to hug her) It’s okay.

[After a while their hug broke.]

Nick: Don’t worry because from now on I’ll make sure Miley won’t hurt you.
Becky: (smiles) Promise?
Nick: I promise…so are you still going to the concert.
Becky: Yeah why wouldn’t I?

[They both stand up. Nick pulls Becky close to him.]

Nick: (wipes Becky’s tears) Well I wanted to make sure since you’ve been avoiding me lately.
Becky: Oh sorry about that.
Nick: (holds her hand) that’s fine just please don’t do that again.
Becky: Why…did you freak out Nick?
Nick: (starts to blush) No…
Becky: Oh you so did!
Nick: Well it was because I thought I did something wrong and made you upset.
Becky: (laughs lightly) oh Nick you’ll never do anything wrong.

[Nick looks in to Becky’s eyes, this was the perfect moment to kiss her. He leans in, then Nick’s phone starts to ring “007 theme song”. Nick gets a little fed up when he finds out Joe “the moment killer” is calling. He answers in a bitter tone.]
{ Note: This moment is dedicated for Emily}

Nick: Hello.
Joe: Nick listen you need to get home, we have to go set up for the concert...where are you?
Nick: I’m with Becky.
Joe: Oh crap... please tell me I didn’t interrupt anything.
Nick: (sighs, and talks in an astringent voice) what do you think?
Joe: Oops sorry well I’ll make it up to you, but we need to leave now.
Nick: Ok I’ll be there.

[He hangs up and turns back to Becky.]

Nick: Sorry about that…it was Joe.
Becky: Oh it’s ok.
Nick: I have to leave to go set up.
Becky: Ok well I’ll see you there then.
Nick: Alright bye. (He leans in and kisses Becky on the check, that doesn’t hurt, and heads off to his house.)

[Across the street at Miley’s house, Miley was watching Becky and Nick from her upstairs window. As soon as she saw Nick kiss Becky on the check, she got uber pissed and dropped her binoculars. She then shoves her new porcelain lamp on the floor. Her dad yelled from downstairs, “Damn it Miley, Don’t tell me you broke it again!!”]
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© By Becky. All rights reserved.

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