Paper Planes


With four days until my wedding, the happiest day of my life, I’m a wreck.

In movies, people get cold feet. In real life, that doesn’t happen. It’s not supposed to. But everyone’s in and out. The dress is here. There are fittings and meetings and rehearsals. I have to pack for the wedding and pack for the honeymoon. I have to go over the seating and the guest list. Things are coming in the mail and people are coming in and out. I’m leaving for the wedding tomorrow. I’m going to a tropical paradise. And my fiancé? When he isn’t spending hours on end at work, doesn’t even seem to care.

So how did you two meet?

Well, I shipped here from another country and needed a way to stay here. My cousin hooked me up with him because he couldn’t take of himself!

That’s the story of Tucker and Padma. That’s how we fell in love.

“You need a new outfit,” Vera said. “Shopping is therapeutic. You need a new outfit anyways, though.”

“I have a nice shiny white one sitting in a box at home.”

She sighed. “You’ve been cold lately. Let’s just get you some new jeans and a sweater or a warmer shirt. Okay?”

I gave in. “Fine.”

I closed the stall’s door and pulled on the jeans and the grey sweater she handed me. “So what’s wrong?”

“Tucker’s just been acting weird lately,” I said, opening the door.

“Well, I bet,” she said. “This one won’t do. It’s too… old.”

I looked at her suspiciously. “Has Tucker been saying anything? About not wanting to marry me?”

She shook her head. “Not at all. You really need to relax and focus more on what you’re going to be wearing tonight.”

“Why, what’s tonight?”

She shoved a black shirt in my hand and ushered me into the dressing room. “You know. The last time anyone here who isn’t going to the wedding will see you single!”

I rolled my eyes and came out. “Better?”

“Perfect!” She said. It was a tight-ish black shirt with a sort of lacey shirt over top of it. It had a sweetheart neck and giant keyhole back.

“So, why do you think Tucker’s been acting strange?”

“Oh, I don’t know.”

“You said, ‘I bet’ though.”


“The first time I said it. It means you know something. Or have an opinion.”

“Look, it’s nothing. It’s just, I mean, all men get nervous before their wedding day. He’s probably just nervous about the honeymoon or something.” I looked at her oddly. I am sure I told her about our odd relationship. “Okay… he’s just nervous. You are too, right?”

I sighed. “Well, I guess I am also.”

“See? Nothing to be worried about. Let’s take our minds off it. Scandalous underwear shopping?” she asked. “That might be one thing we haven’t gotten yet.”

I sighed. “Veraaaa.”

“No excuses! They have a Frederick’s and a Victoria’s Secret here. We aren’t leaving until we’ve hit both of them.”

After getting new underwear that was “perfect for the wedding night,” Vera and I sat down for some coffee. Finally a chance to sit.

“What time is it?” she asked, frantically.

“I believe it’s about five, why?”

“We need to get you home!”


“Oh, I just need to get home and cook dinner tonight. What I’m planning on making just may take a while.”

I nodded my head and got into her car. “Call me later tonight!” she yelled.

“Okay! Goodbye Vera!” I yelled to her. She had made me wear my new clothes home. When I walked in, Tucker was standing behind the couch. He heard me and nervously shoved his hands in his pockets.

“Hello, Padma.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel so bad about leaving you guys with a cliffhanger. But I'm soooo excited about how this story ends that I have to get it out there. This is part one of two of this chapter. I would post them both together, but it would be sooo long. So before you read the next one, go back and read this one. It's very important. haha.

Oh, and I'm going to put up the first chapter of my next story, I think. Idk, maybe not. I wanted to get it completed in thought a little more first.

My Joker story is going nowhere fast. It's just kind of my 'update when i'm stuck' story.

Sooo.... enjoy, comment, criticize, whatever.