Paper Planes


"Oh, Samantha," I said to the TV, "if only it was that easy."

I've started filling in my time with American television shows. It's helping my English, too. I'm starting to get idioms. Starting.

Bewitched is on right now.

"If only I could wiggle my nose and get what I want," I continued, in English.

I set the bowl of grapes on the coffee table and stretched my back out. I looked at the time and jumped up, rushing to the kitchen.

I started on desserts, and my brownies were almost done.

I'll tell you, it's a lot harder cooking when you can barely read the instructions.

I pulled them out and stuck a toothpick though the middle. Well, a broken skewer. Toothpicks were hard to come by around here. It came out clean, and I smiled.

I ran a knife around the edge so it wouldn't harden there, and then read the directions again. I pulled up a chair and read more recipes for twenty minutes while I waited for them to cool.

I stood up and cut them before cleaning up the mess I made.

I sat back down to watch "8 Simple Rules" when I heard the door open.

"Oh my god, what is that amazing smell?"

I smiled. This might sound weird, but my whole life has become me trying to impress him.

He walked straight past me into the kitchen. In The Brady Bunch, Mike kisses Carol whenever he comes home from work.

Not that I want to kiss him, or even really be his wife, but I'm just not too sure how this is supposed to work. We are getting married soon, even if it is just a legal thing.

I walked into the kitchen after shaking it off.

"I ruh ooh" he said through a mouthful of food.

I looked up, searching for what he said. My English isn't that bad.

"Milk?" he asked. I grabbed a cup and got him some milk. He drank the entire thing in one gulp. "I said I love you."

I smiled at him. "Thank you!"

He laughed at me before heading up the stairs. I hadn't expected him home this early, so dinner wasn't ready yet. I started making the mashed potatoes. The chicken was in the oven, and Vera bought me dough you just throw into the oven to make rolls.

He came downstairs in pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. It had started getting colder here.

Now, I was under the impression California never got cold, but I guess because we live so close to the ocean, it does. Not too terribly cold, though.

He sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Occasionally, his laughter would carry through over the sound of the hand mixer.

I set the table and he sat down.

"So how was work today?" I asked him.

"Work was... good," he said, with a sly smile on his face.

I nodded. "So we haven't really discussed the wedding lately," I said.

"Yeah. Well, I guess since all of my friends think you're my girlfriend, we can't just get married. So maybe I should propose to you or something."

I nodded. "Are you going to push the date back then? Because my Visa expires in about two months."

He stared down for a minute. "Well, it'll have to be soon."

I nodded again. He was starting to sound a little angry.

"On Friday, we're having an office party. I guess you should come," he said to me.


"Call up Vera. You'll need a dress. It's sort of a big deal," he said in the tone he used when I first came here.

"Okay. I'll do that later tonight."

"I'll do it for you. I have to talk to Rob, anyways."

We'd been getting along very well lately. After that one night, I mean, we haven't been that close, but we've been friendly, at least.

I nodded again, and couldn't think of anything to say.

We finished the rest of our meal in silence.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I apologize to anyone reading either of my stories for not updating. I completely forgot about them. I get on all the time and I didn't even think about them until it said I had a comment.

So thanks, Dreamer.vs.Realist, for reminding me that I'm an author on this site!

Haha. Sorry again. I blame bronchitis and both my jobs. And calculus. Yeah. I'll go with that.

Aaaand, if you want to make a banner, or just get an idea of what she looks like, Archie Panjabi is who I had in mind. Google her.