Arranged Marriage to My Boyfriend's Twin?

Chapter 31

Derek’s P.O.V

Plot for revenge against Allison

Oh yes, I was going to get revenge against Allison. Now I know that y’all must be slightly confused by this because it was me that insulted her first, but she did something that hurt me.

Oh yes, she called me a whore. To you that’s probably just some random insult that you say to people for no reason, but to me it’s not.
Why? Because truthfully, I’ve only ever had sex with Donny, the only reason I tell people that I fucked the stripper is because…well because I didn’t want people thinking I couldn’t get any. What really happened was that she passed out before I could fuck her.

But anyway where was I? Oh yes I was going to show you all my Plot for revenge against Allison!


And that’s as far as I’ve got. I’m no good at evil genius work!

I sighed and got up from my desk. I’d worked all night on this! And what did I have to show for it? A piece of paper saying Plot for revenge against Allison! I slowly sat on my bed and stretched finally letting tiredness was over me, and I finally fell to sleep.

…Well I would have, if my mum wouldn’t have decided that now was a good time to barge into my room “Carlton honey! Me, Allison, Riley and Hannah are going to pick your cousins up from the airport, they bought a friend over again, oh what’s her face! The one they bought a few years back!” She stopped to think of her name, but I beat her to it.

“Christa.” I muttered closing my eyes. Why?! Why oh why oh why did they have to bring her?

“Oh yes! She was a nice girl wasn’t she! Always so polite and caring.” Mum sighed and smiled “So I’ll see you in a few hours okay?”

I nodded and muttered a soft “K mum” as she closed the door.

Question, was I really okay?
Answer, Far from it

Question, why are you far from okay?
Answer, because when I think of the name ‘Christa’ the words ‘Bitch’ ‘Whore’ and ‘Slag’ come to mind.

Christa was the type of girl that would try to fuck you even if you were engaged. She was a rich blond bimbo with boobs the size of AMERICA! And just for the record, her nose isn’t really either.

Oh yes, Christa was a walking, talking Barbie doll.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's a bit short, but I have to go doctors in like...5 minutes.
I have scoliosis. (Basically my spine isn't sraight) So whatever.

I luvels all my readers and subscribers! YOU ARE THE BEST! And I love you lots and lots. So, please please please please comment!
And thank you all so much if you already do comment, this chapter is dedicated to you! I'd write your names but I'm running out of time!)