Arranged Marriage to My Boyfriend's Twin?

Chapter 44

Allison’s P.O.V

I hate dress shopping. I hate it! Hate hate hate hate hate it. Having to walk into lots of different stores and try on different dresses, then realise ‘Oh no, this dress is 1 size too small.’ or ‘This colour doesn’t suite me!’ or ‘This dress makes me look frumpy!’
God damn it this was annoying!

But finally I found my dress. It wasn’t the most traditional dress there was, but I liked it. It fit my personality. At least I thought it fit my personality…

Then of course we had to buy bridesmaid dresses. That was fun too! I’m being sarcastic.

That took us even longer. We had to find a dress that suited three very different people. What suited one of them didn’t suite the other two, but after what seemed like years we all agreed on a simple black dress with a satin ribbon belt thing.

Now, by this time it was 4 o’clock, and we’d been shopping since this morning. I’d gotten up at seven and was talking to Hannah about yesterdays prank when Mrs Renn came in asking about dress shopping.

So since about eight I’ve been shopping. That’s eight whole fricking hours. Can you imagine what I felt like when Mrs Renn told me we now had to go look for shoes and jewellery? It was a cross between anger and pain. Why did I wear shoes without socks? I have blisters the size of my damn fist. MY FIST!

I was dragged in endless amounts of shops to find a pair of frigging shoes! Why we couldn’t just go with a plain black heels I’ll never know! I mean the damn dress is so long you can’t see my feet!
So after finding a pair of heels for each of us we then had to go find jewellery!
But I must admit this but was fun. I found the most weird and wonderful things.

Once we’d finally finished I checked my watch; 6:30.
That means I’ve been shopping for ten and a half hour’s. Ten and a half!

I slowly crawled up the stairs, to tired to walk and made my way to my room.
I stripped off and got into my pj’s before crawling into bead.

What the fuck is that!

I screamed and jumped out my bed to realise that someone had put jelly in my bed. JELLY! Now shall I name the possible people it could be?
Christa and Jessica
Christa and Jessica
Christa and Jessica
Christa and Jessica
And oh… Christa and Jessica

They are going to pay.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hay! Sorry this chapters short and crappy but I'm tired!
Fall out boy rocked!!! You me at six & Boys like girls were there supporting bands! They rocked my socks!

Okay so this is what Allison's weddings dress looks like, and these are her shoes
The jewellery looks like this

The bridesmaids dress looks like this, there shoes look like this and there jewellery looks like this

Comment on what you thought of the chapter and what you think I could do to improve!

Love you all! Charliixx