Arranged Marriage to My Boyfriend's Twin?

Chapter 67

Allison’s P.O.V

I hate Carlton! He just stood there staring at me when I told him I’d still marry him! He just…stood there! So I did the one thing I could think of, I slapped him! Then I walked out for dramatic affect!

I sat up in my bed and sighed. Tomorrow was the wedding.
Why did I even have to marry Carlton? Just for his stupid crappy gay business! I mean can’t his dad just like…pay someone else to run his hotels? (That’s what the business is; Carlton’s dad owns shit loads of hotels)

I got out of bed and stared at the calendar; tomorrow is the day. My big day. Stupid day! Why can’t Derek marry Riley? That would make everything better! Then I wouldn’t have to get married.

10:30am (25 and a half hours until the wedding)

I went downstairs for breakfast but ended up having to skip it because I had to help Mrs Renn with the seating arrangements.

“So we’ve invited your family and your babysitter.” Mrs Renn said flicking through some papers.


“Your nana or something. I don’t remember! Anyway, where should she sit? I was thinking with your mother’s side of the family. And as for your father, well he demanded that he should come so we’re giving him the back table, furthest away from you or your family.”

I shrugged “What about Aiden though? I want him to be near the front could he sit with my nana?”

Mrs Renn raised her eyebrow “I’ll try to arrange something but no promises.”

I sighed and rolled my eyes. That’s basically her way of saying no.

11:30am (24 and a half hours until the wedding)

Once the seating arrangements were finished me, Riley, Hannah and Mia had to help pick out food with the caterer.

“So what’s the theme again?” The caterer asked in a thick French accent.

“Err…black and white I suppose.”

He stood thinking for a second “I have all the food we’ll need but is there anything else you’d like to see at the wedding?”

I shrugged “I don’t know…sushi?”

He laughed “Just sushi?”

“I don’t know what else just…anything I suppose. You choose.”

He looked slightly shocked “Me? Okay then! Do you want to have a look at the cake? It was finished earlier this morning!”

“Okay…” I was extremely scared that Mrs Renn had picked an ugly cake, but I was surprised when I saw a very elegant looking cake. [url= ]It was white, had four tires and cute black flower things scattered over it.[/url]

“That cake is so beautiful!” Mia gushed “I don’t know whether I’ll be able to eat it! It’s just so pretty!”

I laughed and the caterer stated asking us questions about allergies and stuff.

1:00pm (23 hours until the wedding)

After finishing the food arrangement’s were made we then had to go to the flower shop for my bouquet. Personally I was fine without one, but Mrs Renn had ordered it so I had to go pick it up.

When we got there it turns out she’d ordered two and I had to choose between them both. the first was a simple bouquet of white roses with a black ribbon tied around the flowers, but I preferred the second which was a mixture of black and white flowers.

“Are the bride’s maids having any flowers?” Asked the flower person

“Err…I don’t know.”

She raised her eyebrow “You are the bride right?”


“Then you should be able to choose whether they have flowers or not. Are they going to?”

Mia’s hand shot up in the air “Oh I have an idea! How about each bride’s maid carries a single white rose?”

I shrugged “Okay then, what Mia said.”

2:00pm (22 hours until the wedding.)

After the flowers I finally got to go eat! We went into Starbucks and ordered our coffee and a muffin but had to eat it on the go because we had an appointment at a beautician, we were having our nails done.

“Okay so I hear you’re big days tomorrow!” A lady squealed as she massaged my hands “And I also hear that the theme’s black and white! Oh it all sounds so romantic.” She said sighing “And how old are you? What…19 at the most? It must be so wonderful wanting to get married that young. Was it love at first sight?”

I thought back to when I first saw Carlton. I was confused more than anything…and it was defiantly not love “Err…sort of.”

The lady smiled at me “What’s he like then?”

I thought and the first words that sprung to my head were bastard, whore and idiot. “He’s…different.”

She smiled wider “I was married once and I have some advice for you so just listen to me and listen well okay; if he ever hurts you he’s not worth your time. My ex cheated on me and hit me and it took him to beat me half to death before I realised what an idiot he really was. Never let anyone use you as a door mat. Okay?”

I nodded at her and smiled slightly “Okay.”

4:00pm (20 hours until the wedding)

Once we’d had our nails done we then had to go get waxed. Every single hair (Other than on my head) was gone, and I mean every hair. Dude did it kill!

5:00pm (19 hours until the wedding.)

“Shit that hurt.” Hannah muttered walking out of the waxing salon “I’m never doing that again. No matter what! Why did I even have to do it? It’s not my wedding day!”

I laughed as we got into the car and drove to our next and last destination; the hairdresser.

I had to discuss how I was having my hair tomorrow, but for some reason I had a feeling this wasn’t going to go to plan.

“Hello there! Do you have an appointment?” A tall blond bimbo lady asked me with an incredibly fake smile.

“Yes, I’m Allison McDowell and I have an appointment with Claire.”

The lady’s fake smile got bigger “Well hello Allison I’m Claire, and you’re here to talk about your hair for tomorrow if I’m correct.”


“Well if you’d all like to follow me to my office we can talk.”

Once we were sitting down ‘Claire’ got out a big book and gave it to us “So the theme is black and white?” She half stated half asked

“Yes it is.” I said taking the book and looking at it, but for some strange reason all of the hair styles were in blond “Is there a reason why all the hairstyles are blond?

Claire smile got even bigger (if that was even possible) “Well we’re going to be dying it blond.”

I looked at her as though she was crazy “Blond?”

“Yes blond.”

“I don’t want to be blond though.”

“Why not?”

“Because I like my natural hair colour.”

“Well sorry but it would look better than your natural hair colour.”

“To bad. My hair is staying the same colour.”

“No it’s not.”

“Yes it is.”

“I’m dying it blond.”

“Then we’ll leave. Come on guys.”

“Wait!” She said standing up “I’m…um I’m sure we can come to some sort of an agreement!”

I raised my eyebrow “As long as my hair stays the same colour and length I’m fine.”

She sighed “How about I just curl it and put some black flower things in it?”

I smiled at her “That sounds fine to me.”

6:00pm (18 hours until the wedding)

“Dude that women was crazy! What was up with her and trying to dye your hair?”

I laughed “I seriously don’t know. So we’re going home now right?”

“Nope! We’re going to a sushi bar! Just the four of us!” Mia said happily.

I smiled at them all, this was probably the happiest I’ve ever been, I just wish I didn’t have to marry Carlton…
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so this is obviously not the wedding, but the chapter would have been too long if it had the wedding in it!
So I just cut them in half!

Luv Charlii