Lips of Deceit


Matthew Charles Sanders. A name Bea Wilson will never forget. As much to her dismay, Bea' s feelings for Matt never withered away over the years. Little did Bea know, Matt's feelings were mutual. The two haven't shared a conversation since the day Matt had left. Beatrice Wilson, other know as Bea. The girl who captured Matthew’s heart, and kept it. Taking a risk one evening, Matt mailed out two back stage passes to Bea’s home, hoping she still had lived there. Matt wanted more than anything to hold her in his arms and kiss her. Even though he had risked their friendship nearly six years ago, he still longed to know what Bea felt from it and if she felt the same.

Bea had just gotten home from work on Saturday night, she had lived in in a regular one story house with her roommate/ best friend Cataline. Bea took off her coat and hung it up with her bag by the door. She sighed and walked into the living room.

“How was work?” Cat asked.

“Brutal, they had me pose outside in the snow in a bikini.” Bea grumbled and sat on the couch next to Cat. Bea worked as a model and Cat owned a small music shop around the block.

“I’m sorry, but your boss is an idiot. Who makes someone pose in a bikini in the middle of November?”

“It was the photographers idea, and I have no clue why. Whatever, I already told Hank I am not working with that guy again.” Bea sighed and rested her head on Cat’s shoulder. Together, they watched the series premiere of Grey’s Anatomy.

“Why is Derek looking at Meredith like that again?” Cat asked. She wasn’t fully paying attention, and if she was, she already had forgot.

“Because, he and Meredith had a one night stand the night before, and now they end up finding out that he’s her boss when she goes to intern at the hospital duh!” Bea laughs and smacks Cat with a pillow. Cat made an ‘o’ face and nodded. A few minutes later when the show had gone to commercial, Bea had gotten up to go to the kitchen for some hot chocolate.

“By the way, you got mail!” Cat called from the living room. Bea sipped her hot chocolate and grabbed the envelopes on the table and headed back to her spot from the couch. She flicked the bills onto the floor and rolled her eyes at the junk mail until she had come to the last letter. She opened it an two tickets fell out onto her lap with a note, Cat looked over curiously.

“Who are those from?” she asked, referring to the tickets.

“I don’t know, there’s no return address, and they are back stage passes for...Avenged Sevenfold.” she said, squinting at the tickets to read the name.

“.....who?” Cat asked, she had never heard of them, as so Bea.

“I have no idea, but what the hell? Free tickets, so lets go.” Bea smiled enthusiastically.

“Sure, when is it?”


“Sweet, what time?”

“They come on at 7, but there is different bands, its Warped Tour, so we have to be there by at least five. Oh wait, The Used is going to be there, oh and MCR and TBS! So now we’re going to be there at 12.” Bea laughed, reading the lineup. The three bands were all of Bea’s favorites. Cat just laughed at her friends excitement and walked to her room to go get some sleep, Bea followed five minutes later.

Early in the morning, Bea awoke with excitement and a smile plastered on her face. She had realized that the passes were not just to go when Avenged is on, but for the whole day. She bounced out of her bed and made it quickly, before adjusting her tank top and boy shorts and running to Cat’s room. To Bea’s surprise, Cat was already awake and getting ready.

“What time did you wake up?” Bea asked Cat, who was sitting at her mirror doing her makeup.

“Around 7.” Cat said not looking at her. That was only an hour ago. Bea nodded and ran into the restroom to take a quick shower. After she had gotten finished, she wrapped a towel around her and went into her room to change. She threw on matching black and red lace lingerie and looked in her closet for clothes. The snow had stopped and the day was getting warm so she settled for wearing a red tank top and a black shorts. She threw on four studded bracelets, black beads, earrings, and a fishnet over-the-shoulder shirt over the tank top and pulled on her high top Chuck Taylor’s. She walked into Cat’s room and shoved her off the seat of her mirror and laughed at Cat’s expression.

“I need you to curl my hair.” she smiled and sat in the chair. Cat nodded and got up and plugged in the curling iron. Waiting for it to warm up, Bea did her makeup. She only added eyeliner, mascara, and shiny lip gloss. By the time she had finished, Cat had already started doing her hair. Bea looked in the mirror to see what Cat was wearing. She had on dark blue shorts and a purple halter top with multiple bracelets, beads and other accessories on. 20 minutes later, Cat had curled the whole bottom of Bea’s long black hair and applied hair spray so the curls wouldn’t fall out. After getting what they needed, the two girls got up and left the house beginning their drive to the arena.
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Ilove Greys Anatomy.
I have all seasons on DVD cos Im cool ;P
Anyways, I continued this from my one shot because I loved it too much,