Lips of Deceit

I prefer Frank

"I hate when the line is long." Bea whined as they finally gotten through , they had been waiting for twenty minutes to get inside. Cat laughed and tugged on Bea's arm, heading towards the refreshment stand to get some lemonade. After a few hours had passed, they went to go watch The Used. Miraculously, they found their way to the very front and Bea screaming rather loud, during The Taste of Ink, Bert had reached down and grabbed her hand and kissing it, and ran off to the other side of the stage.

"Please tell me you got that on the camera." Bea told Cat as they walked around after the set. Cat laughed and nodded, showing Bea the video of it. Bea squealed and Cat covered her ears, laughing even more and poking Bea.

"Hey! You would be the same way if Bert had done that to you." Bea laughed and poked Cat back. Cat shook her head and took a drink form her water bottle.

"I'd be the same way if Gerard or Adam did it." she chuckled, screwing the her cap back onto the bottle. Bea just shook her head laughing and tugged Cat's arm unexpectedly. Cat looked at her confused until she had realized Bea was pulling her to the side of one of the stages. The security guard had asked for them to show him their passes and they did so, immediately, he stepped out their way so they could go in. They squealed and walked in.

"Hey, Cat?"

"Hey Bea?" Cat mimicked.

"On the note that came with the passes, it said we had to go to Avenged's bus first."

"We don't even know them."

"So what, maybe if we get into them and become huge fans we can say we met them."

"Fine." Cat huffed and Bea laughed and nearly screamed as someone ran into them. Cat began laughing and looked at the guy.

"Holy Christ, BEA!" Cat said helping Bea off the floor. Bea got up and looked at Cat and then at the man.

"Holy Christ!" she said. It was Frank Iero that had run into her.

"I prefer Frank, but Hi and sorry for running into you, I was being chased." he laughed.

"By who?" Cat asked.

"By Bert. He was trying to smack me in the face with a dead fish."

"Where would he get a dead fish?"

"I have no idea, but its Bert, so there's no point in asking." he laughed, Cat and Bea did too.

"Nice, well, can we have a picture?" Cat asked.

"Sur-Oh shit!" Frank said as Bert came up to them, something behind his back.

"Frank, since there are fans, I'll be nice and hit you after you take a picture with them." Bert laughed, maniacally, might I add.
"Then I'll have to run again." Frank sighed.

"Hey-you're that girl!" Bert said, pointing to Bea.

"Yea, I am that girl. Thanks for slobbering on my hand." Bea laughed.

"You know you liked it Bea." Cat laughed and nudged her. Bea rolled her eyes and handed the camera to a passing person.

"Can you please take a picture?" she asked. He nodded and waited as the four of them got together, to pose, Bert being sure to shove the fish in Frank's face.

"Thanks guys." Bea said.

"No problem." Frank smiled.

"Hey, can you point us out Avenged Sevenfold 's bus?"

"Sure, it's that one right there." Bert said, pointing to one about three buses down from where they were.

"Thanks!" Cat said and they walked towards it.

"So the note says to knock three times." Bea said, reading it to Cat. Cat nodded and knocked three times before they had heard a loud thud, resulting them to laughing, until someone opened the door. Bea looked up and met too familiar hazel colored eyes.

"Holy shit."
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I dunno, this chapter made me laugh x]