Lips of Deceit


After the set, Matt had ran of the stage and wordlessly, engulfed Bea into a hug. She laughed as her picked her up and began running with her, she wasn’t sure where but she didn’t mind. She rested her head in his chest and finally, he had set her down. They were in the very back of the arena about 300 feet from the buses. She rolled onto the grass and stared up at the sky, the stars gleaming bright and the moon shining.

“Beatrice,” Matt said softy after a few minutes. The two had only said each others full names when they want to be serious about something. She shifted her gaze over to Matt, who was now laying next her.


“I was thinking,”


“Right before I left, what-well what happened.” he trailed off. This scared Bea. She didn’t want to be rejected, if that’s what Matt was planning to do. Mentally, she prayed that he wouldn’t say that it was a mistake.

“What about it?” she asked softly, staring at the sky. She couldn’t face him.

“Well, I think it was a mistake.” he said. Those words sent her soaring heart crashing down.

“It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not, Bea. I shouldn’t have done that.”


“I shouldn’t have done that without telling you that I was falling in love with you.” he said softly. Scared that she would reject him, even worse, screw up their friendship. Bea turned herself over so she could face him. She smiled, and it surprised Matt.

"I have a confession, Matthew, I was falling in love with you too." she said. He pulled her close and firmly pressed his lips to hers.

"This changes everything." she whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is short but so is your mom.