Sharlot and the War Council

Chapter Eleven

Just like Old times:

After a wonderful dinner I found myself upstairs laid out on Matt's bed, he was sitting on the chair by the window. I scanned his pictures, six of me and him, four of him and Doll and two of the three of us. I made a mental note that three of us needed more pictures together.

I rubbed my satisfied belly, "Them is good eats partner." My cowgirl accent making him laugh.

"I know what taste better." He crossed the room in seconds and his lips were pressed against mine. He knows when he tries to be smooth it makes me laugh but his kiss cut off the laughter. Just moment ago my mind was on Doll. It was to easy to forget about her and Lance, especially since they were no where near us. I wrapped my arms around him pulling him closer. His body was on mine causing heat to surge in my veins. He pulls away to look at me.

"Ah, navy blue hmmm. I know what that means." He kisses my neck. "I didn't know you yearned for me." Laughter drowned out the last part.

Every since I knew Matt he always told me how his powers couldn't sway most vampire women including me. Sometimes I wished I could blame it on that. Just a girl under his influence. He bites my neck lightly, I giggled.

"Matt," I said through my laughter, "get off my neck." I say through a moan." We can't do this." I said it but I barely meant it or could remember why we couldn't.

"Mhmmm." He acknowledged what I said while his face was pressed against my now bare stomach. 'When the hell did he pull my shirt up?' I thought but even my thoughts were blurry.

"Matt," I giggled as he lick upward and stop shy of my breast. He looked at me wide eyed and got off.

"Whats wrong?" I was instantly alarmed.

"Don't be alarmed." He kissed the eyelids of my light gray changing them back to Golden.

"So, what happened?" I said pulling him back to me.

"I pictured our future," I could barely hear him, " like kids, a wedding and stuff." I could hear his heart speed up. "Things I can never have because of Doll. I can't marry Doll," he laughed, "even if I wanted to. She is a fairy princess. I am neither royalty or of her kind."

That's when it hit me," Its the same with me and Lance. Minus the royal part anyway. I can't marry my enemy species even if I think this hating each other is dumb."

I looked into his eyes and our pain matched. Why bother with any of this? It will lead no where, right? I didn't have much time to think because we were kissing again. This time there was pain behind it, a certain longing that may never be filled. Cute is what we aim for's song, Time, playing in the background.

His hand slipping off my shirt while he kisses his way down my stomach and he slips off my skirt with ease. He kisses my panties and looks up at me. He pulls them off never breaking eye contact. He gets up taking off his clothes while never leave mine. They had pain in them, mixed with desire and love. I shivered under his gaze and in the anticipation of the moment of being with him again.

Then within seconds he was inside me. I moaned out loud, I couldn't keep the pleasure inside my body. He lowered his neck to me and I bite down hard. His blood filled my body with pleasure so immense, that I started to shiver, his name was the only word in my vocabulary at the moment. He moaned in pleasure.

"Oh Sharlot," his voice was deep with passion. His eyes smokey and clouded with the need for my body. " I love you."

" I love you too Matt." I meant it too, I always will meant it. My body busting at the seams with senseless pleasure so immense I could feel my self orgasm in ways I haven't since me and Matt last connected. I was so aware of us in that moment.

Time was passing, the playlist and the amount of sweat on my skin told me so. At some point the music got louder, Sex Up Your Brain by Designer Drugs increasing the tempo of our natural rhythm. I was on top moving my body to the tempo, Matt moans increasing. I leaned down gently not to hurt his manhood. I was so used to Matt's body I didn't even have to think about it. I licked the sweat off his chest, he let out a sexy laugh.

He changed our position to sideways cowgirl. We were so in sync our movements matched it was perfect. No thoughts just sex.The play list played on and on and we kept at it. My eyes rainbow from the euphoric feeling of being with Matt.

"Sharlot, its midnight and you dad's is calling." Matt"s mom yelled.

"SHIT, it's midnight already." We reluctantly broke our doggy style Marathon.

"Relax," he whispered in my ear.

"I wasn't ready to stop." I cooed back.

"We been at it since, " He glanced around for my clothes, "like six babe. Isn't six hours enough to satisfy you?"

"I can never get enough of you." I kissed him, throw on my shirt as he handed it to me and ran down the stairs."Thanks for dinner."

Matt stood at the top of the stairs. "See you tomorrow Beanbag?"

"Yes." I smiled and as I walked out the door I heard his parents say, "Its just like old times."

'Oh,dear.' I thought when it all hit me as I was driving home. This is bad.
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