Sharlot and the War Council

Chapter Thirteen

Welcome Home:

Matt and I stood waiting for the bus to pull up so we could greet Doll and Lance. We needed to ask them if they to go the strange invitation the whole army for a "party of death". Matt look at me and smiled thinking of the weekend we shared.

"Best weekend ever, huh, Beanbag?"

I smile, "Oh hell yeah Demon boy."

"I haven't heard you call Matt that since your last birthday." Doll said from the bus steps, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Well, Shar and I reconnected Doll that's all." Matt smiled at her reassuringly but I could tell she picked up on his lack of use of the word Baby or even Babe.

"What did we miss?" Lance chimed in with Edmund behind him.

"This," I handed it to him, "its this weekend and all the other soldiers got one too."

"We got it too." All three chimed in.

Worry set in with their words. Was the big guy, the master of all, going to reveal himself?

"Hey, it will be fine." Matt said reassuringly. "No need to worry."

"How did you know she was worried?" Lance said.

"Eye color." Doll rolled her eyes. "Mauve means worried. Matt has a list she made him in the first grade on his wall. He knows every color by heart."

Matt smiled, "Its because she is my best friend."

"Always and forever." We said together laughing .

Throughout the day flashes of me and Matt spending Sunday entangled in the sheets after I slept over Saturday and goofing off filled me head. I had no focus what so ever. Between Matt and that letter I was completely occupied in thought space. By the time lunch came Doll, Lance and Edmund noticed.

"Whats up miss spacey?" Doll said trying to capture my attention.

"Uhhh," I blinked heard trying to focus,"I am thinking about my car."

Matt chuckled and Doll's jaw dropped. "That's what has you all spaced out? A car?!?" her disbelief wasn't hidden and Lance's face started to match her voice.

"What did you and Matt do this weekend?" The question was innocent enough and since the three already spilled about the trip it was expected, but it didn't stop me from pushing down panic.

"What's Ivory mean Matt?" Lance asked him.

Matt shrugged, "It means she is thinking it over."

I sighed, thank god for Matt. His lie just saved my ass and probably his too.

"We," moments of what Matt and I did flashed behind my lids, " went to the movies," Matt's sweet kiss. "We went to the park." Matt's hard body against my soft flesh. "We told jokes." Matt and I naked playing Stars wars in the sheets. "We went out to eat." Matt's sweet delicious blood filling me.

"Why are your fangs out?" Edmund asked.

"I haven't eaten all day." I kept myself calm as I could.

"Oh." Edmund said as if disappointed with the answer.

" I am glad you guys are home." I smiled.